Sugata Bose @Harshita Mishra : This is the way to counter communists. They will of course say that democracy is necessary as a preparatory step to uproot the supposedly fascist Hindutva ideology---fascism being the nemesis of communism---en route to setting up the dictatorship of the proletariat which in practice reduces to dictatorship of the Central Committee which in turn gives way to dictatorship of the Politburo before it spirals in to reach its destination, thus far camouflaged, the dictatorship of the General Secretary of the Party. This is their game plan and their political evolution in hard reality terms.
Sugata Bose @Kajal Das : এবং ইতিহাস সচেতনতা ও তা হতে শিক্ষাগ্রহণ ও উপযুক্ত ব্যবস্থা করা |
Sugata Bose @Kumar Swapan : Linguistic digression does not alter ground reality.
Sugata Bose @Kumar Swapan : Live in Bangladesh, Pakistan or Afghanistan for a while and you will understand the necessity of aggressive (in the self-defensive sense) Hinduism that is Hindutva.
Sugata Bose @Kumar Swapan : Bharatmata, a non-existent reality?
Sugata Bose @Kumar Swapan : And it should be for the due defence of the Hindus. Must Hindus forever meekly suffer at the hands of Islam which is patently a political ideology?
Sugata Bose @Sameer Banik : And how do they make their money before going gaga over philanthropy? And why is their philanthropy needed by the have-nots after all in a society that would have not required such charity were it not made patently unjust economically by these modern maharajas and their conquest of the coffers of the world? Further, whose money is it that they gather by good and foul means before going on their dole-distribution? Whose resources are resources after all that a few by clever manipulation called legalised business gather them all while impoverishing the masses in its wake before their pricking conscience and the further greed for name and fame associated with such 'sublime' charity prompts them to become hyper-magnanimous?
Sugata Bose @Saumitra Basu : Will take a long write-up to explain to your satisfaction. Meanwhile, ponder yourself and try and discover its meaning and significance. [In response to the question as to what 'Taka maati, maati taka' means.]
Sugata Bose @Prabir Banerjee : But from childhood I am hearing that our national debt is increasing. Even USA is indebted heavily to China. How do nations ever come off this debt, I am eager to know. Is it by depredation of the weaker nations periodically? Or is this a vicious cycle that knows no end except in periodic waivers post global cataclysms, or, perhaps, by currency devaluation or resource hypothecation? I am ignorant. If you know, kindly illumine me jn this regard.
Sugata Bose @Shankar Kumar Chatterjee : Yes. Otherwise it will gather force with passing days with all its concomitant consequences. Your humour remains open-ended as well and I look forward to it.
Sugata Bose @Dulal Krishna Basu : That's a bit harsh. The Government is a benevolent father as well, perhaps, an indulgent one as well for a good cause. People do fail to comply with conditions for diverse reasons and it always is fair to afford them every possible opportunity to dispense with their duties duly. After all it is the government of the people and for the people. No harm if an additional day comes by way of work unless of course it is held as infringement of bankers' right to rest as legitimately they may, it may be argued. I was myself somehow initially unaware of linking my Aadhar Card number with my LPG station and was helped out of the situation by an accidental announcement over TV on the penultimate day whereupon I hastened to get it linked. It was extremely helpful for me and gracious of the gas station's officers that they saved me from a lot of future inconvenience. I managed to get things done on 30th March, 2024 when the last date was announced to be 31st March. Hence, an attitude of service and help is always welcome notwithstanding the fact that some, as you affirm, will not still discharge their duties despite the additional day being afforded. But some will. And it is for these compliant ones that a people's government affords these opportunities as the very philosophy of social help and the very objective of the formation of society in the first place must deem it to be justified.
Sugata Bose @Sankar Banerjee : It is an unfortunate exhibition of lowly passion, a sad fate of leadership in an eminently civilised country as India. My condolences on the death of civility and the progressive plummeting of political culture.
Sugata Bose @Anand Pandey : It is the Finance Ministry's job. Ours is the alarm felt.
Sugata Bose @Sankar Banerjee : Abysmal state precipitated in West Bengal, courtesy the honourable Chief Minister. Bengal sliding into becoming Bangladesh. Bengalees have lost all manliness. Else they would have resisted instead of propping up this antinational state of things.
Sugata Bose @YouTube [Virat Hindustan Sangam] : What about Swamy's role in running down the reputation of the Roys of NDTV? Swamy was most vocal about their supposed financial irregularities. Is it a volte face now on his part?
Sugata Bose @YouTube [Virat Hindustan Sangam] : Just as Modi's sycophants sing in unison his praise, Swamy's sycophants here are singing to his tune.
Sugata Bose @YouTube [Virat Hindustan Sangam] : Who is this participant gentleman donning a red shirt who is uncivil enough to call a questioner an idiot with Dr. Swamy sitting pretty on it? Is this the way to deal with commenters? Is this decent journalistic culture? And I see this quite regularly happening on this channel week after week with no intervention from the principal participant Dr. Subramanian Swamy. What should one make of it---dharmic dispensation? We watch this programme for information, not for being hurled abuse.
Sugata Bose @Prasenjit K. Basu : I know about the prejudiced partisan journalism in America. Perhaps, democracy is nowhere there in the real sense where the intention is to uphold people's best interests. Such is the world where self-interest precedes people's interest. However, meekly accepting it or justifying it does not become a civilised people's best feature. Hence, we must point out these aberrations in our system en route to improving it. Else, culture keeps plummeting. Commerce must not be allowed to make culture so badly and sadly subservient to it that we are subjected to nocturnal nuisance in the name of news every day. Now it is pandemonium all the way and not presentation of news of whatever sort. It is lowly marketing to capture viewers' attention. Why call it journalism at all? It is base commerce. So bad is the scene today and getting worse by the day that selective viewing of YouTube videos and reading across a wide cross-section of articles is the only way to get to a semblance of truth about the actual state of events unfolding. The masses are misled and this by deliberate deflection caused by the political-commercial combine. Alas, who cares for the country?
Sugata Bose @Samarbijoy Chakraborty : Benevolent dictatorship can quickly degenerate to a malevolent one, once absolute power has been concentrated in a single hand. It is worthwhile remembering Einstein's warning in this regard. Dictatorship, he says, by the law of probability based on manifested human nature thus far, is more likely to proceed this way: One benevolent dictator is likely to be followed by nine malevolent dictators.
Sugata Bose @Kumar Swapan : No, Netaji did not want fascism as such in India, although he had expressed his admiration for the discipline and force that it enjoined on the people which facilitated fast national development. That he wanted 20 years of dictatorship post-independence to regiment the indisciplined population of India is a fact but then Netaji periodically made statements that may seem contrarily disposed to each other. For instance he had written that he wanted a fusion of fascism and communism in India without delineating its detailed structure, functional system and ideological substance. Again he had from the war front abroad said that after India's liberation it would be up to the Congress to determine the future course of the nation and it would democratically choose the governing leadership of the country. He denied that he would personally assume power on liberation of the motherland but that it would entirely be the prerogative of the Congress to determine the future leader of the country in whom power would be so vested.
Sugata Bose @Kirti Phadtare Pandey : Yes, you have made a pertinent point. The transition from dictatorship to democracy would not be easy but would require another people's revolution. But then Netaji may have said what he did merely to emphasise the need for national discipline and order rather than aver the need for actual enforcement of dictatorship which, as I have clarified in the previous comment, he had no intention of imposing as he submitted to the suzerainty of the Congress in regard to decision-making on national affairs post independence.
Sugata Bose @Kaushani Chatterjee : Swamiji had great hopes in the youth of India. Character-building, study of the history of India, renunciation and service---these he stressed upon as he, visionary sage that he was, looked to realising the glorious future destiny of India, far more glorious than her glittering past.
Again I say, I hope my communications are welcome and not bothersome. In case it is the latter, do intimate me and I shall desist. My mission in life is to galvanise the youth in the name of Swamiji who remains the perennial embodiment of the highest sublimity of youthful energy.
Sugata Bose @Pkc Chowdhuree : So, let dictocracy be. 'Is that it? Is that so?' [Quoted words from Himmler's dialogue in the Hollywood film 'The Scarlet and the Black'.]
Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : Sunny Leone is my mother as all women are, being the embodiment of the Divine Mother. Such an observation from your side is insulting to womanhood and deserves denunciation in the strongest possible terms within the bounds of civilised language. On behalf of all mothers, sisters and daughters I lodge this protest against your immoderate observation.
Sugata Bose @Subhrajyoti Bhowmick : Stand as independent candidate in your voter constituency and vote for yourself. Just in good humour.
Sugata Bose @Pkc Chowdhuree : While the poor perish and all opposition is crushed out.
Sugata Bose @Facebook friends : Please view this video. Amlan Kusum Ghosh is yet again speaking on Netaji in his inimitable style, albeit with a deep sense of hurt at the public apathy towards this supreme hero of our country and his unmistakable frustration at the clever disregard shown towards the unravelling of the Netaji disappearance mystery by changing governments. We have a role to play here. Instead of filling up our hours in idolence or distraction over inconsequential matters we can join hands to mount public pressure on the government till it is compelled to unravel the Netaji disappearance mystery for sheer existential reasons.
Sugata Bose @Pkc Chowdhuree : So, you agree India is having a dictocracy now and not a full-fledged democracy?
Sugata Bose @Pkc Chowdhuree : How would you see me opposing the Emergency? I was barely 14 in 1975 and I wonder if we were acquainted then. Or, did you know me then and saw me supporting it?
Sugata Bose @Kumar Swapan : Why are you opposed to the RSS?
Sugata Bose @Kumar Swapan : I am opposed to communism in practice because of the horrors it has perpetrated throughout the world from inception in October 1917 till date. The twentieth century bears testimony to my averment. Marxism as an economic system has made seminal contributions and it has not yet become redundant. But revolutionary violence and barbaric purges post revolution I am opposed to even when conducted in the name of 'dictatorship of the proletariat' when in effect vast millions of those very proletariat are butchered by autocratic directors of the revolution. There are other reasons as well. Marxism is a materialistic philosophy that is outdated today with advances in modern science, the discovery of the laws of non-deterministic physics that is quantum mechanics. Its economic models have also suffered failures everywhere in the long run, although planning and enforced discipline to the point of terrorising the people and killing vast numbers of them did lift Russia rapidly out of medieval backwardness to modern advancement. But such a system of force by denying basic human freedom must necessarily rot which it did. Hence it failed and after seven decades the system wound up where it was born. These are some of my objections. If you want a more detailed description intimate me and I shall try to comply with your request.
Sugata Bose @Pkc Chowdhuree : You seem to set much store by my opinion.
Sugata Bose @Shiben Shome : We are limiting it here to political leadership. So, let us leave out Swamiji. At any rate the two Narendras do not quite go along well together, the younger one being the antithesis of the elder.
Sugata Bose @DrAjey Shindde : So you agree that ethical quality has declined in the masses overtime?
Sugata Bose @Hridansh Surana : Solid one. I hope the humour catches fire and spreads.
Sugata Bose @Sandipan Ghatak: Swamiji was also the shaper of Hindutva. His speeches and writings are replete with references to that tune even as his speeches and writings are replete with references to seemingly the reverse philosophy. To pigeon-hole Swamiji within one's cellular thinking would be to deny his message its organic wholeness. Thus, to label him as a secularist or a Hindutvavaadi, a socialist or a capitalist, a dualist or a non-dualist, a freedom fighter or a shunner of all politics, a nationalist or an internationalist or even a universalist would be selling him short as per one's own limited conception and partisan predisposition. Swamiji was, to put it in his own words, a phenomenal being with head and heart 'as wide as the sky and as deep as the ocean'. He included all, excluded none, embraced all systems of thought, analysed them and systhesised their best elements to form a superstructure of thought where each one is seen in its positional phase and context, and humanity helped on by adhering to such without having to suffer radical cultural changes that are damaging and detrimental to natural growth.
Study of Swamiji is a lifelong process and as one evolves, Swamiji's message assumes altered significance that lends it a more holistic and wholesome meaning. We are ever in a hurry to stamp Swamiji with our preferred positional proposition, puerile though it may be, and in the process we miss out on the sage's vaster imperatives and impulsions in the context of India's and humanity's chequered history, for Swamiji by self-averment belonged as much to India as to humanity as a whole. Hence, Swamiji remains the inexhaustible library of human thinking, nay, higher consciousness, whence humanity will yet arise unto life and action en route to eventual liberation. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Ranjan Mitra : It will be hacked by hacking experts from across the world. But, perhaps, you are looking way ahead into the future when such voting will become normal. Appreciate your long vision. [Reference: Online voting.]
Sugata Bose @Facebook friends : Amlan Kusum Ghosh is a wonderful storyteller. These short videos of his are so absorbing that they become the nocturnal waker's deep delight as the celebrated filmmaker delves deep into the Netaji disappearance mystery and unravels facets hitherto unknown to many a commoner like me in his own inimitable style. His reverence for the hero is palpable, almost godlike, as the very name Bhagavanji in his evolved status as a spiritual-political dynamo should seem to suggest, so incredible his activities stretching across continents are. This is the serialised narration of a breathtaking life incognito of one who close associates of the sage are convinced was our disappeared leader Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose in his incarnation as monk extraordinaire. Keep watching this incredible series on an incredible life whose end is yet to be, for he lives on in the depths of unresolved mystery in the hearts of devotees whose number is legion.
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