Thursday 28 March 2024



Swamiji wanted aggressive Hinduism---aggressive in the sense that Hindus must work as well with a missionary zeal and must stand up in defence of the Dharma, and not aggressive in the violent sense---by way of countering Christian evangelism and Islamic conversion work among the Hindus. He welcomed Christ-like figures but not corrupt converters of innocent Hindus to the Christian fold. 

Today we are faced with the triple menace of Islamic, Christian and Marxist conversion of Hindus at a steady rate. Islamic jihad is openly advocating the destruction of the kafir (infidel), the mushrik (polytheist), the murtadd (apostate) and the mulhid (atheist). Ghazwa-e-Hind is being openly proclaimed by way of issued fatwa by Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband as unfinished business scripturally mandated by Islam in Hindustan. In the wake of all this we should heed Swamiji's message of aggresive defence of the Dharma which is our only hope of collective survival as a race, as a civilisation and as a culture that promotes pluralism in its most universal intent and form. Instead of holding self-aware Hindus as violent ones bent on destruction of all contrary culture we should stand in solidarity with them to combat these corrosive forces of Islamic jihad, Christian evangelism and Marxist materialism in our vast Hindu body politic. Our unity is our strength, our infighting will be to our peril. 'Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached!'

Written by Sugata Bose

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