Sugata Bose @Shankar Kumar Chatterjee : Sobering thought. But tigress and cubs rehearsing the roar for people's parade at brigadier's ground?
Sugata Bose @YouTube [Prachyam] : Vikram Sampathji, the great Rani was called Ahalyabai and not Ahilyabai. There is no word in Sanskrit as 'Ahilya' but 'Ahalya' does exist prominently in our Puranas.
Sugata Bose @Goutam Mukherjee : নাম চরিত্র | তার ওপরেও আছে যাকে বলে ওজঃ | এই শক্তি অখণ্ড ব্রহ্মচর্য পালন করলে শীঘ্রই জাগ্রত হয় | শুধু পার্থিব শিক্ষা বা সংস্কৃতির দ্বারা এই মহাশক্তির স্ফূরণ হয় না | শ্রদ্ধাপূর্বক বহির্বিশ্বকে সাময়িক বর্জন করে আত্মচিন্তা করলে ওজঃ উৎপন্ন হয় ও মস্তিষ্কের উৎকর্ষ এমন সামগ্রিকভাবে সাধন করে যে স্থিরচিত্তে ব্রহ্মাভাস প্রতিফলিত হয় ও পরে আত্মোপলব্ধি হয় | সমাধি হতে বুত্থানের পর ঋষিপ্রবর এই ওজঃপ্রভাবে সর্ব বিষয়ের বিদ্যা স্বল্পকালে অধিগত করতে সক্ষম হন ও বাকবিতণ্ডায় প্রতিপক্ষকে অনায়াসে পরাভূত করতে পারেন | আপনার বক্তব্যের সাথে আমি সহমত | শিক্ষা ও সংস্কৃতি অবশ্যই এই আধ্যাত্মিক উন্নয়নের পথে প্রথম পদক্ষেপ যার প্রতিফলন আমরা বিশিষ্ট ভদ্রজনের ব্যবহারে লক্ষ করে থাকি | 🕉
Sugata Bose @Prabir Datta : Apply intelligence. In implicitness is truth often more explicit than in its manifestly explicit form. Thus is poetry the conveyer of message significant better than its prosaic counterpart. Literary production demands of the reader greater attention to import than the indolent are ready to render. This trend as well must be arrested and culture, now at its nadir, restored to erstwhile heights where humour was not only enjoyed but in its due comprehension depth-appreciated as well.
Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : ঠিক | সুন্দর স্বকীয় চিন্তা | নতুন ভাবে দেখলাম বিষয়টা |
Sugata Bose @Shankar Kumar Chatterjee : Good one. You are a wizard with words.
Sugata Bose @Santosh Kumar Banerjee : From cut money to cut-tail.
Sugata Bose @Ranjan Mitra : Because I am another Sugata Bose, not the one you erroneously identify me with.
Sugata Bose @Maj Gen Gagandeep Bakshi : And the memorial to the 80 million Hindu deaths at the hands of Islamic invaders and rulers? Also the memorial to the 4.3 million killed by the British-made artificial famine of 1943 in Bengal, the memorial to the Hindus killed by the Great Calcutta Killing and the Noakhali Genocide which precipitated Partition, the memorial to the Hindus massacred by the Moplah Muslims and the memorial to the Indians killed by the Portuguese Inquisition? What about these?
Sugata Bose @Soham Pain : Draw your own conclusions as per your perception of events. Evidence is there glaring for all to see but men have different takes on issues and expressions as per their tastes and dispositions.
Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : She never crosses limits. Isn't it so?
Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : Her limit tends to Delhi.
Sugata Bose @Koenraad Elst : Read Ramakrishna-Vivekananda and you will come to spiritual sanity. And of course spirituality needs renunciation for which, though, one needs simplicity, rectitude, dispassion and discrimination. Godspeed unto you!
P.S. A spiritual person will not make such undue distinction as 'you' and 'I'. This is to be noted. Such a one is devoid of a fractured conception of the world and sees integration everywhere, the solidarity of existence. You are devoted to the cause of serving the Sanatan civilisation and our gratitude unto you for such a commendable life's effort. Perhaps you have caught me wrong and keep corresponding in accordance. However, we are all indebted to you for your literary output in regard to the cause of the Hindus. To that end I urge you to study in-depth Ramakrishna and Vivekananda so that your dharmic conception is further clarified and you progress towards the ultimate end of Atmajnana or Self-realisation. 🕉
One more thing. Do not identify yourself or others with the non-self which you call the self but ever look upon all as reflections of the Self that alone exists in this seeming world of ephemeral phenomenal dreams. Wake up great soul unto your Divine Self, the resplendent Atman, and forsake all vanities of this vanishing world which has neither rhyme nor reason, substance or stuff save the Absolute in which it subsists and yet affirms its false existence. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Prabir Datta : Crime is also a part of human 'civilisation' but must it be condoned?
Sugata Bose @Manas Kumar Raychaudhury : And what about atheistic communist violence of the 20th century and the ideological toxin injected in the heart of humanity by those very ones who in devoted following to their ideological preceptor Marx, hold religion, as opposed to dharma, 'the sigh of the oppressed people, the heart of a heartless world, the opium of the people?
Sugata Bose @Chakraborty Anupam : Never has it happened in India, so far as the Sanatan Dharma is concerned. Yes, you are right in regard to Islam as the Partition of India has testified. I reiterate, historically this has never happened with respect to the Sanatan Dharma but the signs are ominous yet again in different provincial pockets of India with respect to rising Political Islam owing to demographic proliferation there and the collusion of perfidious politics with it, both from external source as well as from source within, as sanctioned and mandated by Islamic theology. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Satyanand Bhattacharjee : Yes, but based on the conception of the Vedanta that man is divine and not merely a mass of matter organised by evolution and disintegrated at death. Man is neither body nor mind but the Atman transcending both, and his seeming phenomenal individual entity is the product of the projected Primordial Power (Aadyaa Shakti) permeating and pervading both. In effect what you call matter is nothing but Spirit seen through ignorance (avidya). A culture that views man as matter degenerates into a sensate one with all its concomitant evils. Hence, the declaration of the divinity of man by the Upanishads is to be understood, absorbed, assimilated and realised so that human culture is raised, deified and divinised. Then alone civilisation will reach its mark and man, now a god, will 'bestride the world like a colossus' (Shakespeare). This is the ultimate end of evolution, individual and collective spiritual liberation, and this ought to be the guiding principle of life. And this is dharma. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Koenraad Elst : You are not a Brahmajnani but are dwelling in dualistic delusion. Hence your predicament. Perhaps you are reading the word 'revelation' in its Abrahamic connotation which is creating problems for you. No, Vedic revelation of mantra stands independent of any God or arbitrary 'divine' authority. It is the revelation of the Self or the Atman in its absolute existence-consciousness-bliss unitary transcendental state. 🕉
P.S. I exhort you to study 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' once again thoroughly, assuming you have read it in the past. Also study 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna' thoroughly.
Sugata Bose @Pkc Chowdhuree : Then Modi is trapped in Maya and will be of far lesser use to the resurrection of the Sanatan civilisation than in self-effacement otherwise. Sad indeed but perhaps inevitably so as per predilection of personality.
Sugata Bose @Goutam Dasgupta : Look at the post. What is the post but the link in elaborate pictorial form? Eyes, my friend, eyes!
Sugata Bose @Swami Bhavatmananda : Maharaj, read the correspondence between Smita Mukerji and Swami Shantatmananda as unfolding in the passage provided by the pictorial link. There is not much ambiguity there as you will find when you read it. Pranam. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Pkc Chowdhuree : 10th to 5th position in terms of overall GDP notwithstanding, reality check of 143rd position in terms of GDP per capita is crucial for the future wellbeing of the nation. The welfare of the nation need not be compromised to eternal comparisons with past performance of parties in the bid to secure electoral advantages which at any rate will not be thus compromised. Hence, truth ought to be highlighted to ignite greater public awareness instead of its camouflaged version concealing core concerns. Such public disclosure would be in consonance with the much-touted slogan of 'Nation first'. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Harshita Mishra : My posts fail to carry to readers their subtle import, their implicit significance falling flat, precipitated by general gravity. Incidentally, today is Einstein's birhday, the pi day, so to say, pi being in three figures 3.14 and the great Albert having been born this day, the 14th of the 3rd month of the year in 1879. Hence, Einstein could be ascribed a numeral code name thus: 3.141879. But that apart. The Kalka Mail had taken Netaji to Peshawar en route to Kabul, Samarkand, Moscow, Berlin, Singapore, Tokyo, Rangoon (Yangon), Singapore, Saigon, Taihoku, ?. But, coming back to square one, this is the mail train, it seems, in which the masses are being transported by self-volition and eing carried by the forces of the cosmic mind, which is making clever communication in literary form increasingly difficult these days. Enough unto the day is the humour thereof. Hence the post. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Pkc Chowdhuree : Living in India we have to face the consequences of rising cost of living. Western appreciation notwithstanding we have to fend for ourselves in our motherland and must raise our voice about legitimate issues which if the westerners had faced would have induced a violent revolution in their countries, given the volatile nature of their individualistic selves. Our burgeoning population is putting paid to all our hopes as middle middle class people engage in a titanic struggle to live decently, a struggle which is increasingly seeming like climbing up a steep price precipice. The rich and the poor are becoming sharply divided along Marxian lines with economic disparity become uglier than ever before. We are suffering despite tall talks of rise in the global economic landscape and hence our concern.
Sugata Bose @Sudipta Maiti :
ওই যে বন্দোবস্ত করছেন যাতে বাংলা হয় finish.
শেষে লোকে জিজ্ঞাসা করবে, "তুই কোনো হিন্দু বাঙালীকে চিনিস ?"
Sugata Bose @DRx Pravind Yadav : At least acknowledge my authorship of the post by sharing it instead of copy-pasting it without my prior approval. This is minimum morality expected online in regard to intellectual property rights. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Koenraad Elst : Now you are a mere 'pundit', so to say, in Sri Ramakrishna's words, that is, if I raise your intellectual status in regard to our scriptures exponentially. I cannot expect you to comprehend the spiritual import of Swami Vivekananda's words. He was a Brahmajnani, an Ishvarkoti, a Nityasiddha, an Aadhikaarik Purush, a Prakritileen Purush, the Avatar of Shiva and the Apostle of the Yugavatar Sri Ramakrishna, specially brought to earth from the highest spiritual plane by the Master to do his work. His words are law and his interpretation of the Vedas valid, not of ordinary folks whose reason is mere surface logic and penetration of truth at best epidermal. Depth-knowledge comes with realisation of Brahman in the absence of which surface reading and surface interpretation must necessarily be. I can understand your positional predicament but cannot subscribe to your stated stance, knowing that I do that Swamiji and a host of other illumined souls have held the view founded on their Self-realisation that the Vedas are not a book but the massive body of revelation of eternal spiritual principles governing phenomena and hinting at the transcendental Reality beyond. 🕉
P.S. Pardon my words if I sound supercilious or impolite. That is in the flow of statement, a linguistic predicament that has come by by way of maintenance of literary metre, and has never quite been my intent. Peel off the cover and look for the kernel within wherein lies the true import of my response.
I urge you to cultivate 'shraddhaa' and study Ramakrishna-Vivekananda. Your whole life will change. Then will you comprehend the core content of the Sanatan Dharma, the meaning of the mantras of the Veda, not before. Mere intellect will take you nowhere, or, perhaps, it will deposit you somewhere in the outer chambers of the Dharma but will never facilitate your access within to the sanctum sanctorum of the Self.
"Realisation is religion," said Swami Vivekananda. "Dive deep into the ocean of truth," sang Ramprasad who was so often quoted and oftener sung by Ramakrishna. Dive deep and you will discover the gems that lie embedded in the bed of the ocean, the ocean of Sachchidananda which is your inmost Self, the Atman. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Author Fatema Miah : And then both join Pakistan and then the trio join India, Islamised by then, again en route to joining the rest of Arabia on theological basis though distance apart? Is that the larger game plan, the deeper support-idea?
Sugata Bose @Narayanan P D Namboodiri : Shirka firqua. (An Islamic sect that will dare practise partnership with Allah by mandating on its adherents the reading of 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna' five times a day.)
Sugata Bose @Bani Sharma : Even reading the Kathamrita once a day is more than sufficient but please do it five times a day from today.
Sugata Bose @Shankar Kumar Chatterjee : Precipitation could be then in all directions before the punching (read: pushing) knockout.
Sugata Bose @Debasish Guha : Because the situation has vastly improved owing to good governance. They are no more late by days. [Reply to the post: Why do Indian railways trains are always late by hours!!!]
Sugata Bose @Anil Baran Ghosh : Right you are, very right from your perspective which I am fully in sympathy with. But there is a wider perspective as well which is why even Thakur used abusive language at times to better illustrate a point and Swamiji so often hammered home his point before dullards would understand what he meant. 'Galagali' is not merely limited to use of profane language but also means shouting at a person to drive home a point, verbal force doing the work where softer terms had failed. However, more often than not 'galagali' falls short of such exalted illustration and is to be avoided, being patently the lack of restraint in speech and of temper. As Swamiji famously said, "There can be nothing called righteous anger." 🕉
Sugata Bose @Sabyasachi Gupta : You are copy-pasting my posts without my approval or acknowledgement of my authorship of the same. Unethical practice as it is infringement of intellectual property rights. Not expected of a devotee of Thakur-Ma-Swamiji. Please share the posts instead of copy-pasting. The 'share option' is very much there.
Sugata Bose @Koenraad Elst : That you are reducing yourself to verbal vituperation of this lowly order where you are hurling soft abuses at me proves that you are spiritually unfit for realisation of the Self and incapable of understanding what Swami Vivekananda meant by the Vedas being the body of relevations as opposed to being authored books. The authorship is of the recorded text which is not the Veda just as the book 'Physics' or 'Mathematics' is not the subject physics or mathematics as such. The mantras were revealed to the Rishis in their transcendental state of consciousness which is why they (the Rishis) are honoured as 'mantra drashtaa'. However, your vile casting of aspersions on me has exposed you whole as it necessarily must be if it is the essential feature of one's character. I cannot, however, stoop to such a low as you can and can only pity your materialistic delusion in the guise of appreciation of an eminently spiritual concept. I reiterate, the Vedas are divine revelation and not authored books, as Vivekananda has so emphatically addressed the issue in his 'Paper on Hinduism' read out by him on 19 September, 1893 at the Chicago Parliament of Religions. Your self-exposure thus sadly exposes the shallowness of the present Hindu revival, rising as the movement is on the shoulders of shallow 'scholars' like you and the like who have but scratched the surface of the Sanatan Dharma but have been patently foiled by character attributes in plumbing the depths of the Dharma. No wonder Swamiji had warned us, "The day you all sit at the feet of these westerners to learn about your dharma, that day this fallen race will have its identity obliterated." How prophetic his words have proved to be in the light of the current correspondence of a Sanatani with one of the Occident who has hardly any clue to the deeper spiritual aspects of the Sanatan Dharma but professes to be some sort of a 'scholar' on it! Enough unto the day is the evil thereof. The Sanatan Dharma will be well kept care of by us who have been born into it and by those from anywhere in the globe who are not so bereft of shraddhaa as some materialistic westerners are. 🕉 Shanti! Shanti! Shanti! Hari 🕉 Tat Sat!
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