Thursday 25 January 2024



It is a shame we are denied the treasures of Sanskrit literature by our academic system not providing us foundational facility to learn the language. Our heritage we are cut off from thus and we cannot derive the strength that lies embedded in potential form in the vast corpus of our ancient and medieval texts written in the 'devabhasha' (the divine language). Cut off from our national thought, we are goaded to derive sustenance from Western intellectual culture and so become alienated from our own ancestry. How can we feel proud of our past if we are ignorant of it, especially if whatever is dished out to us is a fractionally fabricated version of the truth, for instance, the Aryan Invasion Theory, and the rest a maliciously motivated Marxist interpretation of our history aimed at subversion of our Sanatan culture? Here Sanskrit holds the key. Our mass knowledge of this language which is the repository of our national thought, the storehouse of our culture, will arm us in defence of our civilisation against marauding cultural invaders and help link us to our roots in the right righteous sense. Vande Mataram!

Written by Sugata Bose

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