Wednesday 17 January 2024



Principle must gain precedence over personality. This was Swamiji's instruction. We are violating it terribly as personality rules the roost everywhere and principle is sacrificed.

The Vedic Dharma is spiritual science where principle is preeminent and personality comes in later by way of illustration of it. This humanisation of the impersonal principle thus effectively upholds the latter while artfully injecting it in the body politic of the race. We must understand this and hold ourselves from dull deification of any because it stands against the fundamental principle of democracy.

This blind adulation is however the current reality which is why the Vedanta is unable to catch the imagination of the masses in India. Vedanta is spiritual democracy and it cannot persist in a country where spiritual feudalism is the order of the day. We have to yet evolve. We have to yet await a brighter morrow when foreign forces operating now and disrupting national progress will have been gone and the average Indian will have risen to his/her rightful spiritual self-consciousness. 🕉

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