Friday 19 January 2024

HANDS OFF! ... 1

HANDS OFF! ... 1

A few patronising pats from the West does not make a man. We must earnestly study our dharmashastras (spiritual scriptures) and listen to our dharmacharyas (spiritual teachers like the Shankaracharyas, the Ramanandacharyas and the like, and not the fake garrulous Gurus donning gaudy clothes and speaking highflown gibberish in the name of being seekers who are innocent of the scriptures by self-admission but know everything about 'this one', whatever that may mean). 

Character is the bedrock upon which a man is made. Going to Harvard or Yale, Oxford or Cambridge may make an intellectual but not a spiritual man fitted to comment on our dharmic sanskriti (spiritual culure). That needs greater depth of being and spiritual perception which is alien to the West of secular propensity.

We must be rooted to our soil and shoot upward therein, nourished by our indigenous thought and culture whose repository our scriptures are.

A person well-versed in Tulsi's Ramcharitmanas manifests greater character than a heterodox scholar with western academic training and dubious distinction in regard to comprehension of our civilisational values who, nonetheless, deems himself eminently equipped to deliver masterful observations on what is faulty in our religious tradition. Like ulcer-seeking flies they descend on every bit of our national maladies consequent on our thousand year old slavery to barbarous foreign forces and take delight in malicious commenting. Such 'servers' of the nation are never to be trusted.

To be continued...

Written by Sugata Bose 

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