Tuesday, 30 January 2024



Sugata Bose @Raj Mukherjee : You have not studied Swamiji properly. Otherwise you could not have said so. Swamiji has prescribed the Sanatan Dharma as the solution to India's problems. Its improper application and lack of application otherwise have been the causes of India's past downfall including her thousand year slavery to alien powers, and its proper application will set the balance right, for the Sanatan Dharma in trumpet voice declares the divinity of all life but sadly that principle was never actively pursued in social life for reasons which were hardly justifiable. It was not the Sanatan Dharma that was responsible for this sad state of affairs but the social classes with their vested interests that did the damage for which the whole nation eventually suffered. Ramakrishna-Vivekananda have set right these anomalies, these deficiencies in practical terms and now form the bedrock of our future civilisational recovery along Sanatan terms. Hence, our national life, as per the prescription of the divine duo, must be built on the basis of the Sanatan Dharma with the right to choose the Ishtadev or Ishtadevi safeguarding the democratic freedom inherent in the system. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Shyama Sankar Deb : Only remember that I am unrelated to Netaji in terms of blood-bond. If you are aware of it and have yet held me in reverential terms, I accept your heartfelt reverence. Else, it has been misplaced as you can understand.

Sugata Bose @Raj Mukherjee : You should be more circumspect in your analysis and judgement. Else you shall misjudge others as I see you doing. Prejudice, selective criticism, choosing soft targets for doing so---these are not quite rational dispositions. How I shall view life or live it, I have no need to learn from you. But your criticism, rather caustic, and advice, rather sioercilious, needs a self-review I say. As far as your knowledge of Swami Vivekananda is concerned, your observations have made it clear as daylight that you have but scantily browsed through his works and have not taken to its serious study which for four decades I have done. This is not to prove my superiority but just to put things in perspective as you have given me unsolicited advice as to my imperatives.

Sugata Bose @Rajat Bhatt : Before pranpratishthha Ramlalla looked more alive, more vibrant, more childlike, more innocent and in all his bareness more godly. Now too ornamental, the rich man's golden god, the mature look overseeing creation in a superior way. The innocence is lost in ornateness, the boyish charm lost in the maturity of look and the simplicity lost in the overembellishment as may be argued befits a prince. But somehow the coverings have like so much upaadhi (attributes) hidden the youthful juvenile look that the original unadorned idol so beautifully manifested.

Sugata Bose @Saikat Hajra : Not reading through the passages from the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda whose links have been provided is dogmatism quite unbecoming of a devotee of Swamiji who ought to be eager to learn from the Master as to what his comprehensive position was on the brutalised history of India.

P.S. It is not a matter of reading well and reading enough but reading pertinent observations of Swamiji which are as clear as daylight regarding the Islamic persecution of the Hindus for a thousand years, a fate he often brooded on and sought solutions in the light of the Vedanta where harmony of divergent paths lay not in the mass of conflicting doctrines but in the deeper roots of human consciousness transcending such babyish prattle masquerading as religious doctrine of an ulterior kind. I hope this makes it clear.

Sugata Bose @Saikat Hajra : This is utter falsification of fact and goes against the grain of historical truth as articulated by Swamiji. He was precisely against this form of dilution of truth and exhorted his followers to take an argument to its logical conclusion.

Sugata Bose @Shyla Kohli : Neither do I in absolute sense. Just wrote it to contrast the image in its two incarnations with the hope of lighting up alternate perspectives.

Sugata Bose @Saikat Hajra : I am an adherent of truth. Instead of reading the passages forwarded for clarification of your superficial conception of Swamiji, you are insincerely indulging in a verbal exchange. Sincerity would have deemed study of the passages a better and a brighter alternative. It does not matter whether I am held by you as a due follower of Swamiji or as a casual reader of his works. The fact remains that you are being intransigent in not pursuing the logical course of reading the passages and amending your vision of Swamiji in accordance. Well, this unfortunately is the easy conservatism of the common mind which prefers make-believe ideas to harsher reality. A day will come when this stupor will leave our countrymen for sure. Unto that day, godspeed!

Sugata Bose @Saikat Hajra : Shall I send you those passages where Swamiji speaks  against Islamic persecution? Have you sufficiently studied Swamiji?

Read thoroughly the lectures whose links are being provided herein:









I have provided you the links but not the passages in focussed form because my intention is to bring to your light the entire perspective and not a sectional view of things.

Harmony is one but falsification of history in the name of wishful thinking about Swamiji's comprehensive position on it is quite another. I could keep on giving you links to more and more such passages throughout the Complete Works to dispel delusions regarding Swamiji's stance on the Islamic persecution of the Hindus for well over a thousand years.

P.S. "Tell the truth boldly, whether it hurts or not. Never pander to weakness. If truth is too much for intelligent people and sweeps them away, let them go; the sooner, the better," said Swami Vivekananda.

Sugata Bose @Subhasish Papan Ghosh : What exposure are you talking of? I am proud to be a Hindu and believe in its holy cause as enunciated by Swamiji. I do not endorse antinational, anticultural, anticivilisational views of Abrahamic religions or Marxist ideology with respect to our Sanatan civilisational values, although I try to glean what is best in every culture which is the traditional Sanatan mode of absorption and assimilation. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Shubhalakshmi Bagchi : No, this belief that we all are calling upon the same God is only the Hindu's and is not corroborated by Islamic, Christian, Jewish and a host of other non-Indic theologies. It is ignorance of the scriptures of these religions and wishful thinking or views formed on hearsay that is the cause of this misconception. 

Thakur did not study Islamic scripture but was merely informed about some passages of it by his Sufi Guru Gobinda Ray. Hence, he was innocent of the political implications of this faith. Moreover, Sufism is not Islam as the Prophet taught and exemplified in his life. Hence, such arbitrary assumptions do not highlight historical or theological truth.

Sugata Bose @Saroj Upadhayay : Yes, and yet Partition took place, Hindu influence diminished overtime across Asia till finally even in the subcontinent Hindus are regularly persecuted beyond measure and have been reduced to insignificant minorities in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh and even Kashmir. Wishful thinking maketh not a race, valour required.

Sugata Bose @Shubhalakshmi Bagchi : It is not particularly yours but is a common misconception in most Hindus on account of lack of knowledge of the Islamic scriptures and constant hearsay received from childhood about the same along invented, imaginary, convenient, comfortable lines in keeping with Hindu doctrines which, though, are at sharp variance with essential Islamic ones. Hindus will not read but will harbour these fanciful ideas and argue their case building on such notions.

Sugata Bose @Subhasish Papan Ghosh So, after irritating me for so long you have got your medicine back. How does it feel, dear friend? Your constant slanted observations I have with patience borne and now let you taste a bit of your own medicine.

Yes, Marxist historians have presented wrong narratives of our historical past along their invented lines. Marxists have aligned with forces adversarial to Hindus to subvert Hindu civilisation and breed irreverence for our Sanatan Dharma, culture, civilisation. Your own views about Hindu Dharma is so slanted that it proves my point perfectly.

Read Swami Vivekananda and you will comprehend what I mean. The Sanatan Dharma is preeminently spiritual whereas Marxism, despite its undoubted philosophical depths, is purely materialistic which itself is a vindication of my earlier statement.

Sugata Bose @Subhasish Papan Ghosh : The mindset that has been bequeathed to me by Swami Vivekananda, that of upholding the Sanatan Dharma and its civilisational values, intense nationalism with wide, broad global sympathy, adherence to truth, love for all that is characteristic of Hindus, uncompromising attitude to untruth and evil, promoting evolution in the world of thought and spiritual living, defence of the Sanatan Dharma, defence of the motherland and her age-old Sanatan spiritual culture. This is the gist of it which derives its birth and sustenance from the Upanishads, that beautiful climactic part of the Vedas where humanity reached its zenith in the attainment of divinity and its trumpet pronouncement of it. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Shubhalakshmi Bagchi : This is a matter of faith and cannot be deliberated upon rationally to any consequential effect. That Avatars do make errors in the relative plane, though, is testified by Swami Saradanandaji in the 'Sri Sri Ramakrishna Leelaprasanga' where he enunciates the 'Devamaanav' (God-man) concept to show how Avatars as 'Dev' (God), while being perfect in their pronouncements on their transcendental realisations, as 'maanav' (man) are prone to earthly errors. This resolves the issue and highlights my point. Otherwise, how is it that Swamiji could pick faults in Buddha's line of work for the regeneration of humanity and in Adi Shankaracharya's modes in places too, to cite just two examples to illustrate my point?

Sugata Bose @Chanda Aniruddha : I do not need your certification for being a Sanatani.

Sugata Bose @Chanda Aniruddha : You are my taker which means my thought is as yet valid and vibrantly so.

Sugata Bose @Saroj Pattnayak : Very well said. Thanks for the valuable input from which I could learn something. My understanding of Swamiji's saying got better clarified as well.

Sugata Bose @Krishnendu Majumdar : Humanity is an intermediary state. Divinity is the highest.

Sugata Bose @Krishnendu Majumdar : India is too full of them to specify any. The feudal culture is still rampant in our country with personality overriding principle which is why we fail to implement the Vedanta in real terms in the very place of its birth. It will as yet take generations before the transition from this feudal mentality to real democracy in attitude and action takes place.

Sugata Bose @Saurav Gangopadhyay : Better late than never. Nowadays, the Bharat Ratna has become a posthumous award largely. At least that has been avoided.

Sugata Bose @Prabir Bhattacharya : "I am proud to be a Hindu," said Swami Vivekananda.

At the Chicago Parliament of Religions on the 19th of September, 1893 he read out his 'Paper on Hinduism'.

Sugata Bose @Prabir Bhattacharya : No, we are all ignorant, only you are erudite.

Sugata Bose @Prabir Bhattacharya : You are indulging in petty word-picking, knowing full well what the purport of the passage is, perhaps with a supercilious idea that others are less read, unread or plain ignorant about linguistic and historical usage of terms. Everybody is aware of what you are saying. Such terminological inaccuracies are immaterial when we address issues in colloquial terms, especially those which are highly in vogue. Do you call yourself 'man' or do you when introducing yourself address yourself as the 'Atman' which in essence in eternal self-conscious silence you are?

P.S. What about the Islamic destruction of Buddhist viharas and universities, and the mass murder of monks in habitat there? The ruins of Nalanda bear terrible testimony to Bakhtiyar Khiliji's destruction of the university, the mass slaughter of its monks and the burning down of its library which cost us millenia of precious civilisational literature and literally wiped out our civilisational links to our hoary past. History has in a single fell stroke seldom dealt such a severe blow as was dealt by the Islamic invader's barbaric onslaught.

Sugata Bose @Krishnendu Majumdar : But the human being may be a demon or a god or an intermediate man/woman, you see, depending on the aggregate of gunas composing him/her.

Sugata Bose @Krishnendu Majumdar : A pure soul is called a god and an evil one a demon. These are the opposite ends of the same spectrum of terrestrial life that is commonly called human. Essentially man is divine. Only the outer manifestation in Maya makes for the apparent difference in proportion to the delusive cover that hides this divinity. Name and form are apparent. The Real is the transcendent Self-conscious Being that is nameless but for this thinking social being has in common currency the name 'man' or the 'human being', such an identity being ascribed to it to denote its present state of evolution where it lies intermediate to the extremes of the demonic and the divine levels in terms of distribution of gunas or attributes. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Krishnendu Majumdar : But remember I am unrelated to the Netaji family. Do not like so many others mistake my identity. It is clearly mentioned in my profile details.

Sugata Bose @Joydeep Ghosh : The Bengali braahmans are the worst critics of the Sanatan Dharma and its glorious traditions, and the worst offenders in this regard. What can you expect of such a self-alienated, self-deluded lot? I do not see much regard for our own culture in most of the strident commentators in the comment-section as well. They are more interested, it seems, in picking faults and in making carping criticisms than in furthering the Sanatan cause which has been kept in trust with us, Hindus, for the prospective spiritual civilising of the world. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Prabir Bhattacharya : Only in our nation? Is that upto where the vision unfolds? What about our province specific and the world at large?

Sugata Bose @Joydeep Ghosh : Not quite. It is about defence of the Hindus and not offence in that sense. There have been aberrations, true, but that is inevitable in a complex sociological scenario where altering demography and political appeasement of such finds prominence in national politics while there is the simultaneous conspiracy going on of dividing the Hindus into antagonistic groups and sub-groups far more than they naturally were, effectively aimed at weakening the Hindus so that they become defenceless against cultural and civilisational marauders. The motherland has been dismembered in 1947 on account of Muslim refusal to co-exist with Hindus, following their hardline scriptural injunction. And post-Partition as well, Hindus have had their rights curbed, their places of worship wrongly legislated upon and their populations persecuted in Hindu-majority Bharatvarsha. Necessity is the mother of invention and following the Moplah massacre it was but imperative that some such reaction would come from the Hindu community by way of defence against dangerous enemies hell-bent on obliterating the Sanatan Dharma and Samaj. Thus arose the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangha (RSS), and the Hindu resistance to oppression which had already begun in modern times with the rise of the Arya Samaj and the Hindu Mahasabha gained organisational consolidation even more. Hindutva which is the political response of the Hindus to Political Islam and proselytising Christianity is thus the only defence of the Hindus against these aggressive Abrahamic faiths. To continuously carp against it is a suicidal attitude that has come to afflict Hindus suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome. It is on the surface masked as liberalism and catholicity but at base is abject cowardice, self-delusion and the perverted propensity towards civilisational harakiri. Fortunately not all Hindus are sleeping---though many still are and many more have turned against their very defenders---and these awakened ones are rising in the due defence of the Sanatan Dharma and the Sanatan civilisation. 🕉 

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