Wednesday, 31 January 2024
Tuesday, 30 January 2024
Sugata Bose @Raj Mukherjee : You have not studied Swamiji properly. Otherwise you could not have said so. Swamiji has prescribed the Sanatan Dharma as the solution to India's problems. Its improper application and lack of application otherwise have been the causes of India's past downfall including her thousand year slavery to alien powers, and its proper application will set the balance right, for the Sanatan Dharma in trumpet voice declares the divinity of all life but sadly that principle was never actively pursued in social life for reasons which were hardly justifiable. It was not the Sanatan Dharma that was responsible for this sad state of affairs but the social classes with their vested interests that did the damage for which the whole nation eventually suffered. Ramakrishna-Vivekananda have set right these anomalies, these deficiencies in practical terms and now form the bedrock of our future civilisational recovery along Sanatan terms. Hence, our national life, as per the prescription of the divine duo, must be built on the basis of the Sanatan Dharma with the right to choose the Ishtadev or Ishtadevi safeguarding the democratic freedom inherent in the system. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Shyama Sankar Deb : Only remember that I am unrelated to Netaji in terms of blood-bond. If you are aware of it and have yet held me in reverential terms, I accept your heartfelt reverence. Else, it has been misplaced as you can understand.
Sugata Bose @Raj Mukherjee : You should be more circumspect in your analysis and judgement. Else you shall misjudge others as I see you doing. Prejudice, selective criticism, choosing soft targets for doing so---these are not quite rational dispositions. How I shall view life or live it, I have no need to learn from you. But your criticism, rather caustic, and advice, rather sioercilious, needs a self-review I say. As far as your knowledge of Swami Vivekananda is concerned, your observations have made it clear as daylight that you have but scantily browsed through his works and have not taken to its serious study which for four decades I have done. This is not to prove my superiority but just to put things in perspective as you have given me unsolicited advice as to my imperatives.
Sugata Bose @Rajat Bhatt : Before pranpratishthha Ramlalla looked more alive, more vibrant, more childlike, more innocent and in all his bareness more godly. Now too ornamental, the rich man's golden god, the mature look overseeing creation in a superior way. The innocence is lost in ornateness, the boyish charm lost in the maturity of look and the simplicity lost in the overembellishment as may be argued befits a prince. But somehow the coverings have like so much upaadhi (attributes) hidden the youthful juvenile look that the original unadorned idol so beautifully manifested.
Sugata Bose @Saikat Hajra : Not reading through the passages from the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda whose links have been provided is dogmatism quite unbecoming of a devotee of Swamiji who ought to be eager to learn from the Master as to what his comprehensive position was on the brutalised history of India.
P.S. It is not a matter of reading well and reading enough but reading pertinent observations of Swamiji which are as clear as daylight regarding the Islamic persecution of the Hindus for a thousand years, a fate he often brooded on and sought solutions in the light of the Vedanta where harmony of divergent paths lay not in the mass of conflicting doctrines but in the deeper roots of human consciousness transcending such babyish prattle masquerading as religious doctrine of an ulterior kind. I hope this makes it clear.
Sugata Bose @Saikat Hajra : This is utter falsification of fact and goes against the grain of historical truth as articulated by Swamiji. He was precisely against this form of dilution of truth and exhorted his followers to take an argument to its logical conclusion.
Sugata Bose @Shyla Kohli : Neither do I in absolute sense. Just wrote it to contrast the image in its two incarnations with the hope of lighting up alternate perspectives.
Sugata Bose @Saikat Hajra : I am an adherent of truth. Instead of reading the passages forwarded for clarification of your superficial conception of Swamiji, you are insincerely indulging in a verbal exchange. Sincerity would have deemed study of the passages a better and a brighter alternative. It does not matter whether I am held by you as a due follower of Swamiji or as a casual reader of his works. The fact remains that you are being intransigent in not pursuing the logical course of reading the passages and amending your vision of Swamiji in accordance. Well, this unfortunately is the easy conservatism of the common mind which prefers make-believe ideas to harsher reality. A day will come when this stupor will leave our countrymen for sure. Unto that day, godspeed!
Sugata Bose @Saikat Hajra : Shall I send you those passages where Swamiji speaks against Islamic persecution? Have you sufficiently studied Swamiji?
Read thoroughly the lectures whose links are being provided herein:
I have provided you the links but not the passages in focussed form because my intention is to bring to your light the entire perspective and not a sectional view of things.
Harmony is one but falsification of history in the name of wishful thinking about Swamiji's comprehensive position on it is quite another. I could keep on giving you links to more and more such passages throughout the Complete Works to dispel delusions regarding Swamiji's stance on the Islamic persecution of the Hindus for well over a thousand years.
P.S. "Tell the truth boldly, whether it hurts or not. Never pander to weakness. If truth is too much for intelligent people and sweeps them away, let them go; the sooner, the better," said Swami Vivekananda.
Sugata Bose @Subhasish Papan Ghosh : What exposure are you talking of? I am proud to be a Hindu and believe in its holy cause as enunciated by Swamiji. I do not endorse antinational, anticultural, anticivilisational views of Abrahamic religions or Marxist ideology with respect to our Sanatan civilisational values, although I try to glean what is best in every culture which is the traditional Sanatan mode of absorption and assimilation. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Shubhalakshmi Bagchi : No, this belief that we all are calling upon the same God is only the Hindu's and is not corroborated by Islamic, Christian, Jewish and a host of other non-Indic theologies. It is ignorance of the scriptures of these religions and wishful thinking or views formed on hearsay that is the cause of this misconception.
Thakur did not study Islamic scripture but was merely informed about some passages of it by his Sufi Guru Gobinda Ray. Hence, he was innocent of the political implications of this faith. Moreover, Sufism is not Islam as the Prophet taught and exemplified in his life. Hence, such arbitrary assumptions do not highlight historical or theological truth.
Sugata Bose @Saroj Upadhayay : Yes, and yet Partition took place, Hindu influence diminished overtime across Asia till finally even in the subcontinent Hindus are regularly persecuted beyond measure and have been reduced to insignificant minorities in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh and even Kashmir. Wishful thinking maketh not a race, valour required.
Sugata Bose @Shubhalakshmi Bagchi : It is not particularly yours but is a common misconception in most Hindus on account of lack of knowledge of the Islamic scriptures and constant hearsay received from childhood about the same along invented, imaginary, convenient, comfortable lines in keeping with Hindu doctrines which, though, are at sharp variance with essential Islamic ones. Hindus will not read but will harbour these fanciful ideas and argue their case building on such notions.
Sugata Bose @Subhasish Papan Ghosh So, after irritating me for so long you have got your medicine back. How does it feel, dear friend? Your constant slanted observations I have with patience borne and now let you taste a bit of your own medicine.
Yes, Marxist historians have presented wrong narratives of our historical past along their invented lines. Marxists have aligned with forces adversarial to Hindus to subvert Hindu civilisation and breed irreverence for our Sanatan Dharma, culture, civilisation. Your own views about Hindu Dharma is so slanted that it proves my point perfectly.
Read Swami Vivekananda and you will comprehend what I mean. The Sanatan Dharma is preeminently spiritual whereas Marxism, despite its undoubted philosophical depths, is purely materialistic which itself is a vindication of my earlier statement.
Sugata Bose @Subhasish Papan Ghosh : The mindset that has been bequeathed to me by Swami Vivekananda, that of upholding the Sanatan Dharma and its civilisational values, intense nationalism with wide, broad global sympathy, adherence to truth, love for all that is characteristic of Hindus, uncompromising attitude to untruth and evil, promoting evolution in the world of thought and spiritual living, defence of the Sanatan Dharma, defence of the motherland and her age-old Sanatan spiritual culture. This is the gist of it which derives its birth and sustenance from the Upanishads, that beautiful climactic part of the Vedas where humanity reached its zenith in the attainment of divinity and its trumpet pronouncement of it. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Shubhalakshmi Bagchi : This is a matter of faith and cannot be deliberated upon rationally to any consequential effect. That Avatars do make errors in the relative plane, though, is testified by Swami Saradanandaji in the 'Sri Sri Ramakrishna Leelaprasanga' where he enunciates the 'Devamaanav' (God-man) concept to show how Avatars as 'Dev' (God), while being perfect in their pronouncements on their transcendental realisations, as 'maanav' (man) are prone to earthly errors. This resolves the issue and highlights my point. Otherwise, how is it that Swamiji could pick faults in Buddha's line of work for the regeneration of humanity and in Adi Shankaracharya's modes in places too, to cite just two examples to illustrate my point?
Sugata Bose @Chanda Aniruddha : I do not need your certification for being a Sanatani.
Sugata Bose @Chanda Aniruddha : You are my taker which means my thought is as yet valid and vibrantly so.
Sugata Bose @Saroj Pattnayak : Very well said. Thanks for the valuable input from which I could learn something. My understanding of Swamiji's saying got better clarified as well.
Sugata Bose @Krishnendu Majumdar : Humanity is an intermediary state. Divinity is the highest.
Sugata Bose @Krishnendu Majumdar : India is too full of them to specify any. The feudal culture is still rampant in our country with personality overriding principle which is why we fail to implement the Vedanta in real terms in the very place of its birth. It will as yet take generations before the transition from this feudal mentality to real democracy in attitude and action takes place.
Sugata Bose @Saurav Gangopadhyay : Better late than never. Nowadays, the Bharat Ratna has become a posthumous award largely. At least that has been avoided.
Sugata Bose @Prabir Bhattacharya : "I am proud to be a Hindu," said Swami Vivekananda.
At the Chicago Parliament of Religions on the 19th of September, 1893 he read out his 'Paper on Hinduism'.
Sugata Bose @Prabir Bhattacharya : No, we are all ignorant, only you are erudite.
Sugata Bose @Prabir Bhattacharya : You are indulging in petty word-picking, knowing full well what the purport of the passage is, perhaps with a supercilious idea that others are less read, unread or plain ignorant about linguistic and historical usage of terms. Everybody is aware of what you are saying. Such terminological inaccuracies are immaterial when we address issues in colloquial terms, especially those which are highly in vogue. Do you call yourself 'man' or do you when introducing yourself address yourself as the 'Atman' which in essence in eternal self-conscious silence you are?
P.S. What about the Islamic destruction of Buddhist viharas and universities, and the mass murder of monks in habitat there? The ruins of Nalanda bear terrible testimony to Bakhtiyar Khiliji's destruction of the university, the mass slaughter of its monks and the burning down of its library which cost us millenia of precious civilisational literature and literally wiped out our civilisational links to our hoary past. History has in a single fell stroke seldom dealt such a severe blow as was dealt by the Islamic invader's barbaric onslaught.
Sugata Bose @Krishnendu Majumdar : But the human being may be a demon or a god or an intermediate man/woman, you see, depending on the aggregate of gunas composing him/her.
Sugata Bose @Krishnendu Majumdar : A pure soul is called a god and an evil one a demon. These are the opposite ends of the same spectrum of terrestrial life that is commonly called human. Essentially man is divine. Only the outer manifestation in Maya makes for the apparent difference in proportion to the delusive cover that hides this divinity. Name and form are apparent. The Real is the transcendent Self-conscious Being that is nameless but for this thinking social being has in common currency the name 'man' or the 'human being', such an identity being ascribed to it to denote its present state of evolution where it lies intermediate to the extremes of the demonic and the divine levels in terms of distribution of gunas or attributes. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Krishnendu Majumdar : But remember I am unrelated to the Netaji family. Do not like so many others mistake my identity. It is clearly mentioned in my profile details.
Sugata Bose @Joydeep Ghosh : The Bengali braahmans are the worst critics of the Sanatan Dharma and its glorious traditions, and the worst offenders in this regard. What can you expect of such a self-alienated, self-deluded lot? I do not see much regard for our own culture in most of the strident commentators in the comment-section as well. They are more interested, it seems, in picking faults and in making carping criticisms than in furthering the Sanatan cause which has been kept in trust with us, Hindus, for the prospective spiritual civilising of the world. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Prabir Bhattacharya : Only in our nation? Is that upto where the vision unfolds? What about our province specific and the world at large?
Sugata Bose @Joydeep Ghosh : Not quite. It is about defence of the Hindus and not offence in that sense. There have been aberrations, true, but that is inevitable in a complex sociological scenario where altering demography and political appeasement of such finds prominence in national politics while there is the simultaneous conspiracy going on of dividing the Hindus into antagonistic groups and sub-groups far more than they naturally were, effectively aimed at weakening the Hindus so that they become defenceless against cultural and civilisational marauders. The motherland has been dismembered in 1947 on account of Muslim refusal to co-exist with Hindus, following their hardline scriptural injunction. And post-Partition as well, Hindus have had their rights curbed, their places of worship wrongly legislated upon and their populations persecuted in Hindu-majority Bharatvarsha. Necessity is the mother of invention and following the Moplah massacre it was but imperative that some such reaction would come from the Hindu community by way of defence against dangerous enemies hell-bent on obliterating the Sanatan Dharma and Samaj. Thus arose the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangha (RSS), and the Hindu resistance to oppression which had already begun in modern times with the rise of the Arya Samaj and the Hindu Mahasabha gained organisational consolidation even more. Hindutva which is the political response of the Hindus to Political Islam and proselytising Christianity is thus the only defence of the Hindus against these aggressive Abrahamic faiths. To continuously carp against it is a suicidal attitude that has come to afflict Hindus suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome. It is on the surface masked as liberalism and catholicity but at base is abject cowardice, self-delusion and the perverted propensity towards civilisational harakiri. Fortunately not all Hindus are sleeping---though many still are and many more have turned against their very defenders---and these awakened ones are rising in the due defence of the Sanatan Dharma and the Sanatan civilisation. 🕉
Sunday, 28 January 2024
1. Imitation of western modes and manners in the public space is ruining the character of the nation. And the toxicity may spread.
2. We must learn to sing our National Anthem accurately. Sadly, it is sung with slight distortions in tune and diction which ought not to be.
Making indiscriminate comments against Hinduism and Hindus comes easy to cowards who wouldn't dare do the same against more dangerous adversaries of other more radical religions for fear of obvious reprisal. These veritably are the ones that are working against the interests of the nation. We must be wary of them.
4. The Sanatan Dharma is the very basis of our national life. The more it strikes deeper roots, the more it spreads wider shoots, the better for our national prospects.
5. Do not take the malicious criticism of Hinduphobes lying down. Study the Sanatan Dharma and rise up in its philosophical defence.
6. If my motherland does well, I rejoice. If she does poorly, I work harder to make her do well. In her joy is my joy, in her sorrow my sorrow. How can I ever criticise her who is my everything?
7. What will atheists and materialists understand of India, the golden womb of all spirituality?
8. However much Hinduphobes may malign Hindutvavaad, it is here to stay. Political Hinduism is necessary for our civilisational upkeep.
9. Those Hindus who keep unduly criticising Hindutva evidently suffer from the Stockholm Syndrome.
10. Please be brave and stand up to adversaries in defence of the Dharma. Cowardice must not be allowed to overcome the body politic if our civilisation is to survive. Be manly and fight for our national wellbeing in keeping with its civilisational blueprint rolling down to modernity from remotest antiquity. Study the scriptures. Study Vivekananda thoroughly. Study Sita Ram Goel, Ram Swarup, Koenraad Elst, K.S.Lal, Jadunath Sircar, R.C.Majumdar and the like and judge for yourself the validity or otherwise of the resurgence of the Sanatan civilisation.
11. স্বামীজী কাপুরুষতাকে ঘৃণা করতেন | উনি বলেছিলেন, "I hate cowardice."
12. হিন্দুদের বিরুদ্ধে বিষোদ্গার করাটা এখন কতকটা স্টাইলে পরিণত হয়ে গেছে | তাদের গালি দিতে পারলেই যেন কত বড় সমাজসচেতন বুদ্ধিজীবি !
13. দলিত আর হিন্দু, দক্ষিণভারতীয় দ্রাবিড় আর উত্তরভারতীয় হিন্দু, হিন্দুত্ববাদি আর হিন্দু---এই সব নানা গোষ্ঠিতে দুষ্ট বিভাজনের প্রচেষ্টা শুধু বৃহৎ হিন্দু সমাজের অখণ্ডতাকে ভগ্ন করার দুরভিসন্ধি |
14. The second Sarsanghachalak of RSS, Guruji Golwalkar was the disciple of Swami Akhandananda, direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna.
15. At the end of the day one wants peace, peace that is repose in the soul beyond the clashes and conflicts of personalities.
16. Conversion is a feudal idea stemming forth from monarchical times.
17. Indian civilisation is rooted in the Sanatan Dharma whose preservation and propagation is crucial for our civilisational survival.
18. আমিগুলো ভিন্ন ভিন্ন, আত্মা কিন্তু এক | আবার এক বললেই দুই আসে, তাই একেরও পার--- দ্বৈতাদ্বৈতবিবর্জিতম্ |
19. I have a tiny set of readers who are motivated to criticise my posts indiscriminately and extraneously at that. God bless them!
20. কিছু পাঠক আছেন যাঁরা যাই লিখি না কেন অশোভন সমালোচনা করেন | এঁদের সাথে নিয়ত সদ্ব্যবহারে ব্যর্থকাম হয়ে পরিশেষে যন্ত্রণান্তের অভিলাশে বহিষ্কার করতে বাধ্য হই---এ দুর্ভাগ্য আমার |
21. 'টাকা মাটি মাটি টাকা'---শ্রীরামকৃৃষ্ণের এই মহোক্তিটি আজ আর তাঁর অনুগামীরাও উচ্চারণ করেন না, বৈশ্যযুগ এমনভাবে গ্রাস করেছে সকল মূল্যবোধ | অথচ যুগাবতারের বাণী সমগ্র যুগ জুড়ে তাৎপর্যপূর্ণ | মূল্যবোধের এহেন সর্বগ্রাসী অবক্ষয় দেখে দুঃখবোধ হয় |
22. 'সত্যকথাই কলির তপস্যা |' (শ্রীরামকৃৃষ্ণ)
বিশ্বজোড়া মিথ্যাচারের ঘনান্ধকারে যুগাবতারের জ্যোতিষ্কসম এই বাণী পথের দিশারী |
23. কষ্ট করে লিখি | অনুগ্রহ করে পড়বেন | শুধু ছবি দেখে ক্ষান্ত হবেন না | জনজাগরণের জন্য এই সব লেখা | ছবি আনুষঙ্গিকমাত্র |
24. We must build a strong India by making the Sanatan Dharma evermore the spiritual basis of our national life.
25. আমরা সমর্থ ভারত গড়ব সনাতন ধর্মকে আরো অধিক পরিমাণে জাতীয় জীবনের আধ্যাত্মিক ভিত্তি করে |
26. What a visceral hatred people have of others' political, cultural and dharmic choices in a democracy in the name of democracy!
27. এত ঘৃণা কেন? সভ্যতা, ভব্যতা কই? নিজের দেশের সংস্স্কৃতিকে, ধর্মকে ঘৃণা করে কি নিজেকে মহৎ বলে প্রতিপন্ন করা যায়, নাকি দেশের কোনরূপ কল্যাণ করা যায়? হিন্দু চিরকাল মার খাবে---এটাই বুঝি তার সর্বোচ্চ পাওনা? তার রুখে দাঁড়ানোর অধিকার নেই? তাহলে স্বামীজীকে ছাই বুঝেছেন যাঁরা এই মনোভাব পোষণ করেন |
28. Since the advent of Adi Shankaracharya (788 CE) the Sanatan civilisation has been on the rise. And now it is going on with accelerated motion. We have paid a heavy price to achieve this but we yet live not just to survive but to conquer the world with our spirituality. 🕉
29. আদি শংকরাচার্যের আবির্ভাবকাল হতে সনাতন সভ্যতার পুনরুত্থানের শুভ সূচনা হয়েছে | আজ তা দ্রুত সম্পন্ন হচ্ছে | স্বামীজীর রচনায় ও বক্তৃতায় এই হিন্দু জাগরণ প্রকল্পের কথা পাই | শংকরাচার্য হতে স্বামীজী---দুই শিবাবতারের সেতুবন্ধে সনাতন ভারত পুনর্বার নবজাগরণে বিশ্ববিজয়ে উদ্যত |
30. I exhort Sanatanis to widely share my posts for the rapid propagation of the Sanatan Dharma.
31. There is a huge anti-Hindu movement that is active within India and across the world. The rise of Hinduism is unwelcome to these anti-Hindu forces. We may combat them only if we work together in an organised way. To this effect I exhort staunch nationalists to support my effort at fighting for Hindu interests which will, as in the past, bring benediction upon the entire world. Let not my solo effort remain such but rather transform it through your cooperation into a collective movement aimed at preserving and propagating the Dharma.
32. Our past will be best preserved, our present sustained and our future secured if we continue to produce sages as of yore.
33. Swamiji wanted aggressive Hinduism possessed of a missionary zeal that would spread the Vedantic message across the wide world.
34. কপট গাম্ভীর্য ভাল নয় | সরল হাসি সচ্চরিত্রের লক্ষণ | গম্ভীরাত্মার গাম্ভীর্য ভিন্ন বস্তু, অননুকরণীয় |
35. It is unbelievable that in the very city of Baba Vishvanath His worship at Jnanvaapi had for 30 years been prohibited by order.
36. যেখানে যত মন্দির উদ্ধার হচ্ছে, সর্বদেবদেবীস্বরূপ শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণেরই মন্দির সব | তাঁরই অমোঘ ইচ্ছায় হিন্দুর পুনরুত্থান |
37. মিত্রের সাথে শত্রুতা আর শত্রুর সাথে মিত্রতা---এই আজ বহু হতবুদ্ধি মানুষের মানসিক অবস্থা |
38. ঠাকুর সমন্বয় চাইতেন অবশ্যই কিন্তু সত্যকে খর্ব করে নয় |
39. If you tell comfortable half-truths, you are accepted by society. But if you tell the whole truth, you are rejected.
40. We are all manifestations of the Divine.
41. Hindus do not hate any. They have been historically hated, persecuted, brutalised, barbecued, their civilisation desecrated, places of worship destroyed and eventually their motherland dismembered.
42. The Sanatan Dharma is on the rise. Lend your arms to rolling the Wheel of Dharma (Dharmachakra). 🕉
43. India's great debt burden worries me. From childhood I have been hearing about this national debt which is ever increasing.
44. Unless population explosion is checked we have no chance of fulfilling our national potential.
45. Good work becomes better when ego is divorced from it and personal claims to doing it not made.
46. Does a democracy merit hyper-adulation of personality?
47. Hindus who are valorous enough to defend their legitimate rights may be maligned by malicious adversaries but are true Hindus. 🕉
48. Does a mother ever take credit for having fed her baby? Why do political leaders forever compete in doing so for having served the people?
49. The whole world of man is a single individual.
50. স্বার্থ আর সেবা একসাথে হয়না | মুখে বলা আর কাজে করা---এ দুইয়ের মাঝে অন্তর অনেক |
51. Politics is dirty. And dirty politics? Dirtier.
52. India will rise with the rise of womanhood in the classical Hindu sense.
53. The rise of each individual is the rise of a Ram Temple.
54. The Government must be more frugal. Pomp and show hardly befits a spiritual nation. Leaders must lead simpler lives.
55. The whole thrust of national development must be to facilitate the manifestation of the divine in man.
56. Build high-class academic institutions and keep them free of politics. Universities need not be recruitment grounds for cadres.
57. Swami Vivekananda is accepted across the length and breadth of India as the numero uno spiritual authority of the country.
58. Shastra is authority. Which is why Swamiji said that Krishna is great not because he is Krishna but because he is the greatest commentator on the Vedas.
59. Whenever a single person overdominates proceedings, democracy flounders and authoritarianism arrives.
60. Hyper-adulation of personality is dangerous for democracy.
61. Our temples should be kept spotlessly clean despite heavy frequenting. This would be in consonance with the 'sundaram' principle.
62. Swami Vivekananda is the incarnation of Bhagavan Shiv. 🕉
63. A godless humanism can only degenerate humanity. The Vedanta that calls out the divinity of the human soul must be practised. 🕉
64. Sri Ramakrishna initiated Narendranath (later Swami Vivekananda) with the Ram mantra.
65. Hindus should practise their daily rituals such as chanting the Ishtamantra religiously. Such adherence will strengthen them and lend them solidarity.
66. From Adi Shankaracharya to Swami Vivekananda the glorious Hindu renaissance has been, and the movement is still going on. 🕉
67. Persistence pays.
68. Has anything ever been achieved by wishful thinking? This world was raw and bare once. Human ingenuity and labour has shaped it.
69. Lal Krishna Advani to be conferred the Bharat Ratna. 🕉
70. কত রক্ত বইল দেশ স্বাধীন করার জন্য, আজকের এই ভারত গড়ার জন্য কি?
71. যদি স্বাধীনতা সংগ্রামের যথার্থ বীরবীরাঙ্গনার জীবন পর্যালোচনা করা হয় জনসমাজে নিয়ত, তাহলে বর্তমান নেতানেত্রী এমনই ম্লান হয়ে যাবেন যে সে পথ তাঁরা ভুলেও মাড়ান না | শুধু মাল্যপ্রদান আর কপট বক্তৃতাদান |
72. নেতানেত্রীর বেশী সাজগোজ ভাল নয় | দরিদ্র যা পরেন, তাই পরা ভাল |
73. নেতানেত্রীর ভান করা ভাল নয় | দেশের মানুষের টাকা দেশের মানুষকেই অল্প ফেরত দিয়ে, কত বড় বিশ্বকর্মা, এই ভাবপ্রদর্শন গর্হিত |
74. যাঁরা আমার রচনার মর্মার্থ সামগ্রিকভাবে না বুঝেই বিরূপ মন্তব্য করেন ও যাঁরা সব বুঝে শুনেও ইচ্ছা করেই আমার ভাবপ্রচারের পথে বাধা সৃষ্টি করার উদ্দেশ্যে বিরূপ মন্তব্য করেন, তাঁদের সত্বর বিদায় দেব আমার পরিসর হতে, এই মনস্থ করেছি |
সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)
75. হিন্দুর পুনরুত্থানেই দেশের সামগ্রিক কল্যাণ | এই কাজের শুভসূচনা ভগবান আদি শংকরাচার্য করে গেছেন | স্বামীজী এই কাজে নতুন অনুপ্রেরণা ও শক্তি যুগিয়েছেন | তাঁর মতে এই কাজ খানিক সম্পন্ন হয়ে থাকলেও অনেকটাই অপূর্ণ রয়ে গেছে যা সম্পন্ন করি ভবিষ্যৎ হিন্দুর আশু কর্তব্য | আমরা স্বামীজীর সেই উত্তরসূরী | আমাদের সপ্রেম পরিশ্রমে এই অসম্পূর্ণ কাজ পূর্ণতাপ্রাপ্ত হবে |
76. How much of religious persecution Hindus have faced at the hands of invaders, settlers and colonisers! It is a horrific account.
77. Read Sita Ram Goel and Ram Swarup. Brilliant writing, lovely publication of VOICE OF INDIA.
78. It was RSS stalwart Shree Eknath Ranade who had almost singlehandedly got the Vivekananda Rock Memorial Temple constructed.
79. Patel should have been India's first Prime Minister. Much of India's subsequent problems would have been nipped in the bud then.
80. In a poor country I cannot bear to see governmental extravagance. It is antithetical to the spirit of austerity that has characterised our civilisation from time immemorial.
81. জ্ঞানবাপী মন্দির |
82. The mantradrashtaa rishi (Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay) of the freedom struggle and the Hindu renaissance.
83. কল্যাণ হোক, সকলের কল্যাণ হোক !
84. Inter-faith understanding cannot be one-sided but is possible only when all faiths accept all others equally as true.
85. Where is humanity in a world where it always is 'Might is right'?
A must read. A short classic by Dr. Anand Ranganathan in which he with devastating accuracy and characteristic directness brings forth the pitiable state of Hindus as eighth-class citizens in a predominantly Hindu-populated India.
87. শৌর্য নেই, বীর্য নেই, বিধর্মীর আগ্রাসন হতে স্বধর্মকে রক্ষা করায় উৎসাহ নেই, শুধু চুলচেরা তর্ক আর অকিঞ্চিৎকর বিচার যা চৈতন্য মহাপ্রভু নিজজীবনে বহু আগেই বিসর্জন দিয়ে মানবসমূহকে মূল বস্তুর সন্ধানে কায়মনোবাক্য নিয়োজিত করতে আহ্বান করেছেন |
88. Politicians of the day must set themselves against the gold standard of Vivekananda and infer how far they are fulfilling Swamiji's aspirations about the emerging nation.
89. Demolished temples must be restored. 2,000 odd cited by Sita Ram Goel from Islamic records. Over 40,000 destroyed in all apparently.
90. Character is difficult to develop despite lifelong religiosity. Idealism, perfect purity, silence, will force and truthfulness necessary.
91. জনতার বিকাশ কাম্য, জনসংখ্যার কাম্য নয় |
92. বক্তৃতা দিলেই হল? কন্ঠস্বরে ধ্বনিত চরিত্র কই যা ভরসা জাগাবে? এই ব্যাপক চরিত্রহীনতাহেতুই দেশের এই দুর্দিন |
93. Can an economy survive for long if population keeps increasing at 1.8 crore a year? Well, that is our state, 143 crore plus Indians.
94. Governments keep dishing out monetary gifts to woo voters, keep spending lavishly on consequential and inconsequential matters while borrowing more and more from foreign sources. Who will pay back the ever-increasing national debt? Why? you and I. How? Howsoever.
95. The blind 'visionary' leading the blind unto a new 'dawn'! ---Sugata Bose
[अविद्यायामन्तरे वर्तमानाः स्वयं धीराः पण्डितं मन्यमानाः ।
जङ्घन्यमानाः परियन्ति मूढा अन्धेनैव नीयमाना यथान्धाः ॥
avidyāyāmantare vartamānāḥ svayaṁ dhīrāḥ paṇḍitaṃ manyamānāḥ |
jaṅghanyamānāḥ pariyanti mūḍhā andhenaiva nīyamānā yathāndhāḥ ||
...Mundak Upanishad---1.2.8]
তোমারই অর্থ তোমারে দিই সামান্য ফিরায়ে |
কহি, "দেখেছ করিলাম কত দান তোমার তরে?"
জনগণেশের রক্ত ঝরিলেও যার অশ্রু নাহি ঝরে,
কহ দয়াময়, "সেও কি মানুষ?"
কারো দলে নই, তাই,
সকলেরই বিরাগভাজন আমি |
আছি শুধু সত্যের সাথে,
নিত্য শিব সুন্দর স্বামী ||
99. How is it that in an overwhelmingly Hindu-majority country ban on cow-slaughter is not in place? Heed the Shankaracharyas.
100. The conspiracy to call Dalits and Sikhs non-Hindus in order to weaken the Hindu polity must be combated. We are all one.
Sugata Bose @Amit Bedi : Your criticisms are welcome but there are counter-justifications offered as well by the concerned parties. It is for you to evaluate the respective views and arrive at your own one which you are entirely entitled to, and the more such contrary observations are made without malice or ulterior motive, the better for the democratic discourse and healthier for the polity.
Sugata Bose @Saurav Gangopadhyay : The Sanatan Dharma needs to be applied in its true spirit. Then these issues may be duly addressed. It is the lack of application of the Dharma in its correct form that has led to social injustice historically and now. So, religion (read dharma) is not at fault but people including you and me who are responsible for this befallen state.
Sugata Bose @Rudranshu Singh : Megalomania and oftentimes stupidity notwithstanding India is making rapid strides in the coming of nations like never before. The world is in awe of India's progress, economic and civilisational, which barring a few disloyal ones will please all patriotic Indians.
Sugata Bose @Ashit Kumar Pal : During the developmental stage such are the economic imperatives. But they will even out in the course of time as India emerges a developed economy.
Sugata Bose @Sanjay Sah : The upcoming general elections will make it crystal clear as popular sovereignty is all that matters in a democracy. I am not a political fortune teller and choose not to predict the outcome. However, whatever benefits the nation is good for me, especially whatever upholds our Sanatan civilisational traditions and values because, that taken care of, our beloved motherland will rise to glorious heights as of yore.
Sugata Bose @Amit Bedi : The Manu Smriti being a Smriti Shastra is only valid for a specific period of time and not beyond in certain formulations where it may have become outdated. Swami Vivekananda was of the considered opinion that our Smriti Shastras needed change on account of this outdatedness. He had articulated this in the closing years of the nineteenth century. He thought that new sages must arise who would write new Smriti Shastras suited to the age. Besides, only the Shrutis are binding for all time as they are the repository of eternal spiritual truths. Wherever the Smritis come into conflict with the Shrutis, the former is invalidated and the latter becomes the law. Hence, those portions of the Manu Smriti which are in contravention with the pronouncements of the Shrutis are to be treated as null and void in this age, and that certainly includes antifeminine dicta, for the Shruti upholds in trumpet voice the uninhibited divinity of all. N.B. 'Tvam stree tvam pumanasi tvam kumar uta kumari...'
Sugata Bose @Rudranshu Singh : Radicalisation of the minority led to Partition.
Sugata Bose @Rudranshu Singh : Who are you to level charges of megalomania and stupidity on our national leadership?
Sugata Bose @Rudranshu Singh : You are patently a Hinduphobe and ought to introspect before levelling charges on others.
Sugata Bose @Raj Mukherjee : You mean to say our sages and divine incarnations, ancient and modern, were fools? Without introspection how will understand the depth of spirituality?
Sugata Bose @Umesh Magotra : Good joke which is a self-reflection for we all are essentially one.
Sugata Bose @Amit Chatterjee : You are also an Indian. Raise true ones (promises).
Sugata Bose @Saroj Upadhayay : The Geeta itself exhorts the righteous to rise in defence of the Dharma. Study Vivekananda well. You will find that Hindutva derives its inspiration from his writings as well. Eknath Ranade, the one who almost singlehandedly spearheaded the construction of the Vivekananda Rock Memorial Temple was a committed RSS member, a pracharak and a high-ranking office-bearer of the organisation. Guru Golwalkar, the second Sarsanghachalak of RSS, was a disciple of Swami Akhandananda, a direct disciple of Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna and the third President of the Ramakrishna Sangha. Guruji derived his inspiration from Akhandanandaji and Swamiji among others and built up the superstructure of the Sangha. Dr. Syamaprasad Mukherjee, the creator of West Bengal, the founder of Bharatiya Jana Sangha and the martyr to the motherland's cause---of one nation, one flag and one constitution---in Kashmir was a committed Hindutvavaadi. These were all seminal personalities of tremendous contribution to the nation. Please read Swamiji well before you arrive at your judgement. Sri Ramakrishna came to establish the Sanatan Dharma. His statement, "The modern religions will come and go. Only the Sanatan Dharma will remain," speaks volumes if read rightly. From Adi Shankaracharya to Swamiji this reclamation of the Sanatan heritage, much defiled and destroyed, has been going on and the process is still on. In politics things become messy at times, true, but the genesis of political Hinduism draws its nourishment nonetheless from the works and thought of these seminal sages. This much for the moment. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Amit Bedi : Had religion not politically fought back, as in the case of Guru Gobind Singhji, to cite just a singular instance of momentous significance, we would not have been able to repulse the Mughals in their mass destruction of Hindus and Hinduism. Another such was the religion-inspired Hindu political fightback of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj whose spiritual Guru Samarth Ramdas galvanised him into taking valorous political action against Aurangzeb.
Sugata Bose @Rudranshu Singh My dear friend, have you forgotten that America itself is an Indian product? When Columbus set off for India, he took the wrong route and accidentally discovered America. Hence, your observation seems like 'putting thr cart before the horse'.
Well, this was said in a lighter vein to your characteristic extraneous remark. But, to put things into perspective, your North American amnesia has made you oblivious of the fact that the Hindus have historically made singular contributions to the field of science, technology, art and architecture, music, dance, medicine and mathematics, to cite just a few disciplines. The decimal system which ushered in the Islamic age of science and thence ushered in the European renaissance and enlightenment was product of Hindu genius. Fibonacci's number was discovered in India 200 years before the Italian did it. The ancient Hindu civilisation is as yet unmatched in terms of philosophical profundity, linguistic grammatical rigour---remember, Sanskrit is the most perfect language from the mathematical-logical standpoint as testified by modern computer specialists---and literary excellence. The medieval Hindu civilisation has fed the marauding invaders and crafty colonisers with wealth, health and wisdom at the cost of its own terrible destruction at their hands. Hindus have built the world. Buddhism, the other great civiliser of Asia, was the foster-child of the Sanatan Dharma. Christianity owes much of its principles and practices to Hindu and Buddhist influences. Read Vivekananda from end to end and all will be clear. Arab Muslims in the medieval period took up the study of Hindu and Greek texts to usher in the golden age of medieval science which helped pull Europe out of the Dark Ages. The Qur'an and the Hadees are numbered in Hindu numerals which have wrongly been dubbed Hindu-Arabic numerals as pointed out by eminent British and American scientists. So, before you relapse into your civilisational amnesia read well the history of your ancestors, then reflect and realise the glory that is Hinduism and the Hindu culture and civilisation. 🕉
P.S. I have not mentioned anything of the modern Hindu's contribution to world civilisation which if occasion arises I will in depth deliver before you for your enlightenment.
Sugata Bose @Subhasish Papan Ghosh : I use the English language, true, but am not at all westernised in my thinking, modes and manners, in my associations and in my way of living. I write in Bengali as well, though less frequently. Westernisation as an imitated mode is far from my culture and I detest that superimposed artificial culture as ill-suited to our temperament. After all 'svadharmey nidhanam shreyoh paradharma bhayaavaha'. Remaining true to indigenous culture is far better than aligning artificially with alien culture amongst which popular western culture ranks as the most pervasively invasive.
Sugata Bose @Joydeep Ghosh : Hindutva is our defence against pernicious Abrahamic proselytism and left social subversion which is why proponents of these ideologies so vent their vitriol against Hindutva.
Sugata Bose @Rudranshu Singh : All the ten Sikh Gurus were Hindus and were great defenders of the Sanatan Dharma, especially from the fifth Sikh Guru Arjan Deviji onwards to the glorious tenth one in Gobind Singhji.
Sugata Bose @Rudranshu Singh : You habitually call others by all sorts of names as your self-styled copious carping comments amply bear testimony to. So, introspection is the call of the hour on your part instead of indulgence in pointing fingers indiscriminately at fictitious figures.
Sugata Bose @Rudranshu Singh : Shame on you for harbouring such lowly thoughts and articulating them in such derogatory language!
Sugata Bose @Henry D'Almeida : What a preposterous assumption!
Sugata Bose @Subhasish Papan Ghosh : Our national culture is predominantly spiritual. So, the dharma is overwhelmingly present everywhere in our cultural aspects and forms the bedrock of our civilisation.
Sugata Bose @Pahari Pothik : There are essential ultimate differences in articulation of the nature of reality, although, one is persuaded to believe that these are mere variances of verbal expression and nothing more. For truth absolute is but one which in relative derivative assumes variation, depending on the location of the observer, that is, his perspective. The Poornavaad of Shankara and the Shunyavaad of the Hinayana Buddhists seem to be essentially the same. Over two thousand years of debate has not resolved the issue in relative terms and only the realised soul can testify to the veracity or otherwise of the respective claims.
Sugata Bose @Alok Vaishnava : Nobody places Hindutva above the tenets of the Sanatan Dharma. It is puerile to think so. Hindutva derives its birth from and sustenance in the Sanatan Dharma and is geared towards protecting Hindu civilisational interests in the teeth of proselytising Abrahamic religious aggression which has for over 1300 years subjugated the Hindu polity, subverted their civilisational culture, persecuted them endlessly, looted them to the marrow and finally dismembered the holy motherland. It is a necessary reaction to the forces that are ever working to run down our age-old civilisation and eventually overpower and obliterate it. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Henry D'Almeida : 'The second Sarsanghachalak of RSS, Guruji Golwalkar was the disciple of Swami Akhandananda, direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna.' --- This is the post. What do you find objectionable in it that makes you veer along a different track typically?
Sugata Bose @Henry D'Almeida : Who are you to question me regarding my posts? Are you some overseeing authority who I am supposed to get my posts certified by? You had earlier said that you would appreciate if I furnished the source of a Vivekananda quotation which I had promptly complied with. However, you did not exhibit the minimum civility of acknowledging it, far less appreciate, and carried on with your tirade, generally off-course, of my posts wherever you came across them. And now do you fancy you have the moral right to even ask for an explanation as to this innocuous post or elaboration on any future post?
P.S. Please peruse through your comment and my response in the above regard from the link being provided here to verify whether I have stated the truth or not.
Sugata Bose @Krishnendu Majumdar : And who is this uncle by the way? Let my identity be clarified in your conception first before you lodge fanciful charges.
Sugata Bose @Subhasish Papan Ghosh : You should be more restrained in making your observations about Mother Seeta. She is not to be made the subject of your jokes or sarcasm. Leaving the poem proper you chose to poke fun at an extraneous issue which is utterly unbecoming of you. Being topical and in civility so is the hallmark of a courteous reader. You could not in all sincerity appreciate the poem. All that you could do was to launch typically into unrelated jest. May Sri Ramakrishna bless you!
Sugata Bose @Henry D'Almeida : I shall carry on writing notwithstanding your pompousness in the earlier response as if you are the arbiter sitting over in judgement over matters of national importance. And for doing so I neither need your supercilious advice nor consent but can exercise my own discretion and freedom to do so. Your insinuation as to my hidden motive only befits your mentality of seeking vice where virtue is.
Sugata Bose @Henry D'Almeida : Do you believe that you know best what is in national interest and what is not? First be a nationalist yourself, get steeped in our Sanatan spiritual culture and only then venture to advise Sanatanis like us for whom motherland is everything. 'Janani janmabhumishcha svargaadapi gariyasi.' (My mother and my motherland are more glorious than heaven.)
Sugata Bose @Henry D'Almeida : Do you believe that you know best what is in national interest and what is not? First be a nationalist yourself, get steeped in our Sanatan spiritual culture and only then venture to advise Sanatanis like us for whom motherland is everything. 'Janani janmabhumishcha svargaadapi gariyasi.' (My mother and my motherland are more glorious than heaven.) You are merely a motivated faultfinder who can see no good in my writings on account of that. I have always been civil towards you but to no effect. If you find my writings inconsequential, then why do you waste your valuable time and energy reading them and responding therein? You should value your time better by ignoring my observations. I shall help you to do that.
Sugata Bose @Subhasish Papan Ghosh : Saffron/ochre is the holiest colour in the Sanatan spiritual culture and holds for all Sanatanis the highest value. It is the colour of awakened spiritual consciousness which is the end of terrestrial evolution en route to the Atman/Brahman. Hence, as a Sanatani it is but natural that I should be inspired by the saffron and I am proud to be so. However, your insinuation is located otherwise which I do not subscribe to in quite the way you imagine.
Sugata Bose @Parnika Bubna Gupta : Life is long and the journey often arduous. But she tides over circumstance who has learnt 'the science of being and the art of living' (quoted words being the title of Maharshi Mahesh Yogi's celebrated book).
Sugata Bose @Raj Mukherjee : The Sanatan Dharma includes all these principles which you mention and much more besides. It is not a religion but is the very civilisational basis of this holy motherland of ours. It is not a religion in the Abrahamic sense of rigid codes and dogmas but is a philosophical system which is the repository of eternal spiritual truths whose right application in practical terms has the power to help evolve the barbaric man to the human plane and the human to the divine. Its comprehensive sweep covers every aspect of life, yet without rigidity whatsoever. The Sanatan Dharma is the body of golden principles which if correctly applied will bring about a civilisational renaissance in India and the world.
Sugata Bose @Raj Mukherjee : Perhaps you do not understand the Sanatan Dharma well which is why you say so. Study Swami Vivekananda's Complete Works cover to cover, all nine volumes, and then assess afresh the significance and import of the Sanatan Dharma.
Saturday, 27 January 2024
মান দেব কাকে?
যে মুখে মারে বুলি,
সে কাজে করে না |
যে চোখে গোঁজে ঠুলি,
সে দেশ গড়ে না ||
যে সবার সাথে আছে,
সে কারো সাথে নেই |
যে চাতুরী করে বাঁচে,
কালরাতে সেই ||
মুখে মধুমাখা,
ঠোঁটে বাঁকা হাসি,
গোপনে গরল তার,
বুলি রাশি রাশি ||
আপনারে চায় সে,
জনমাঝে করে ভান |
যেথা যেথা যায় সে,
স্বীয় স্বার্থেরই টান ||
মূঢ় যত ধোঁকা খায়
এই ভেবে তারে,
বুঝি বা এসেছে প্রায়
সৌভাগ্য দুয়ারে ||
দেশহিত নাহি দেখি
নিজস্বার্থ সাড়ে |
ত্রিখণ্ডিত আজি তবু
একই ভ্রান্তি দ্বারে ||
একতা করিবে যার,
তার মতি কি?
জোড়া দিতে দুই লাগে,
ভাবো একএ ক্ষতি কি?
যতই করিবে ছাড়,
তত নেবে তারা |
দিতে দিতে হবে শেষে
শূণ্য, দিশাহারা ||
একদা ছিল তো জানো
সারা বিশ্বে প্রভাব?
আজ স্বভূমি স্বদেশমাঝেও
দিতেছে জবাব ||
এহেন পরিবেশে বলো
কেউ যদি চায়,
স্বীয়স্বার্থ রক্ষা তরে
দিতে স্বধর্ম বিদায়,
তারে কি বলিবে তুমি
দেশভক্ত সেরা?
তারে কি দিবে বল
করিতে দুষ্কৃতির ডেরা?
এই পুণ্যভূমি আজ
পাপে পরিপূর্ণ |
নেতা সে, যে গড়ে দেশ
করি স্বীয় দর্প চূর্ণ ||
সাগরে আমিত্ববোধ
করি বিসর্জন,
যে আত্মবোধে স্থিতসিদ্ধ,
সেই মুক্তজন,
জীবমাঝে শিব হেরি,
নিত্য পূজারত,
সেই ভারতমাতার
শ্রীমন্দিরে নত ||
দেশে দেশে গ্রামে গ্রামে
সামান্য মানুষ,
তারা দেশ গড়ে, নহে নেতা,
স্বার্থে অমানুষ ||
এরাই দেশভক্ত,
এরাই কাজের,
নির্বাক রক্ষাকর্তা,
বিগ্রহ সাঁঝের ||
এদেরই তরে দাও
শঙ্খধ্বনি যত |
এদেরই পাদপদ্মে হও
শ্রদ্ধায় প্রণত ||
রচয়িতা: সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)
Friday, 26 January 2024
"Aapne toh Bharat ka nakshaa hi badal diya," said Lata Mangeshkar endearlingly to Narendra Modi over phone when the latter called her to wish her on her last birthday.
Lata Mangeshkar was not only the greatest singer we have had but was a deep soul, a visionary. It may be no ordinary coincidence that she passed away at the exact hour of immersion of Devi Saraswati on 6 February, 2022, the immersion beginning at 7.a.m. shortly after which she also passed away. Thus, Saraswati in Her fractional earthly incarnation united in dissolution with Her divine form at the time of final merger.
Bharat Ratna Lata Mangeshkar, Nightingale of India, the musical pulse of the nation for decades, celibate and pure, carrier of a harmonic culture straddled across seven notes, was in full national honour bid farewell to with the Prime Minister visiting her in state at Shivaji Park, Mumbai. And now the Lata Mangeshkar Marg has come up in holy Ayodhya with a massive veena donning the space to remind all of Devi Saraswati's earthly incarnation.
Written by Sugata Bose
Photo: Internet
Thursday, 25 January 2024
Sovereignty means the state is free of both external and internal control by any. It should empower citizens in turn to be free of control by any politician of whatsoever stature or vested power.
Democracy means rule of the people, by the people and for the people through their elected representatives to the legislature. It should empower citizens in turn to exert their individual and collective freedom from the despotic dominance of power-crazy politicians.
Republic means that the position of the head of state is not hereditary but that the head of state is elected by the people through their representatives for a specified period of time. It also means that potency lies with the people to decide who should rule them, the ruler in principle being thus subservient to the people's power.
This is what it ought to be. But this is not what is, owing to the feudal mentality of our representatives and the subject-nature instead of citizen-nature of our countrymen. We so often hear of living by the Constitution. But do its most vociferous proponents themselves do so? No, monarchical mentality continues snd shamelessly so in the name of a democratic Constitution. Let us mend matters by making healthy changes in our mindsets, attitudes and actions.
Happy Republic Day!
Written by Sugata Bose
It is a shame we are denied the treasures of Sanskrit literature by our academic system not providing us foundational facility to learn the language. Our heritage we are cut off from thus and we cannot derive the strength that lies embedded in potential form in the vast corpus of our ancient and medieval texts written in the 'devabhasha' (the divine language). Cut off from our national thought, we are goaded to derive sustenance from Western intellectual culture and so become alienated from our own ancestry. How can we feel proud of our past if we are ignorant of it, especially if whatever is dished out to us is a fractionally fabricated version of the truth, for instance, the Aryan Invasion Theory, and the rest a maliciously motivated Marxist interpretation of our history aimed at subversion of our Sanatan culture? Here Sanskrit holds the key. Our mass knowledge of this language which is the repository of our national thought, the storehouse of our culture, will arm us in defence of our civilisation against marauding cultural invaders and help link us to our roots in the right righteous sense. Vande Mataram!
Written by Sugata Bose
A strong will and poor vision are a dangerous mixture in a leader. Add craftiness and cunning to it and you have a villain determining your destiny. But if a leader is rooted in nationalism and is patriotic beyond measure, has civilisational values upholding his character, service to the masses inspiring him unto ceaseless activity that makes him forget even his own body, if he identifies heartwhole with the cobbler and the sweeper, the scavenger and the traditionally outcaste, in short, the weakest of the weak, such a one that can feel the pulse of the nation and breathes every moment to fulfil the aspirations of the people, becomes the gem of every eye. Our future lies in our own hands. We have to keep raising ourselves so that we become the base for raising such selfless seminal leaders who will fulfil the divine destiny of this holy motherland of ours, Punyabhumi Bharatvarsha.
Written by Sugata Bose
Photo: Rash Behari Bose
Wednesday, 24 January 2024
This cold is killing,
The spine is chilling
But the mind is willing
To visit Ram Lalla
At holy Ayodhya
At his very own dwelling.
The heart is swelling,
Our love is welling,
But the foes are felling
Brickbats galore.
The wounds are sore,
The deaths of gore,
Those souls no more
Who fell for Ram,
Dead and done,
Under the sun,
And were cast into
Holy Sarayu's run.
Their memory flashes
This holy morn,
Of times bygone
When Ram Lalla played
In dewy dawn
Ere the swords unsheathed
Of barbarous force
With no remorse
Reduced the site
To rubble and dust.
Then the House
Of 'The God' came up
And was forgotten soon
As the foreign foes
Withdrew from the land.
But the children of Ram
Never gave up claim
And tried access
To their holy site.
'The God's' own ones
Raised ruckus, fight,
To pray, to preach,
To their own ones reach.
Brothers in arms
Now fought and sought
To right reclaim
Their coveted square.
The ruling came
That if all were game,
They both could pray,
Worship, stay,
On either side
Of railing raised,
The Lord be praised,
Should settle things.
But riots broke out
Oft and killed
Holy lives
With unholy knives.
The blood flowed
Till freedom time
Mother's arms
Were spared no harm
And severed from stock
In the butcher's block.
India freed,
Patel agreed
To build Somnath yet again.
But none decreed
The same for Ram,
The holy dham
In waste lay dead.
On a dark, dense night
At the holy site,
A flash of light
Blinded sight
Of gateman Ali,
Barkat by name,
Whose sight restored
He saw in store
Ram Lalla's form,
To which pious he
Did soon attest
Before Magistrate.
The idol placed
By human hands,
Foes did claim.
The locks sealed all
From view of Ram
Save the priests in charge
To ritual deal.
Years rolled on
And on and on
Till one fine morn
A bereft mom,
Of husband shorn,
Divorced, deserted,
Did call the court
To seek redress
On meher's count.
The Court Supreme
Did deem it right
To set aright
Her life's raw deal.
The beehive struck,
The clerics berserk,
Did force the rulers
On their knees
To enact a law
That would outlaw
The Court's decree.
Shah Bano denied,
The Mullahs sighed
In brief relief.
But the Hindus cried
Against the deal,
They did appeal
To the masses at large
That the men in power
Did meekly cower
For votes to please,
To yet appease
The regressive ones.
But the very same
In Ram Lalla's name
Would not but bend
An inch from end.
The rulers' fright,
In deepest plight
Now took to flight
From sanest course
To counter-please
And set to ease
The Hindu mass
To lock release
And let them in
For worship, sight
Of Ram's misery,
Terrible plight.
The call went up
For freeing the site
From Babur's right.
The rulers reeled
Yet again
And let shilanyas
Be for gain.
Elections round
The corner now,
The feud fuelled
Did reach the brow.
Till the mob swelled large
And the bullets rained
Innocents died
And the movement gained
The said momentum
In chariot charge,
Across the length
Of the nation large.
One fateful morn
The gates did crash
Of thousands gathered
They made the dash.
Down went the dome,
The disputed home
Of conquest, force
And culture clash.
Riots broke out
Throughout the land,
Innocents died
Of every strand.
Bombay suffered
The worst attack
In serial blast
The city was racked.
A thousand died
And hundreds more,
The nation bled
In gushes galore.
'The Places of Worship
Act' being passed
Had stalled meanwhile
All claims to site
That disputed stood
Barring Ayodhya alone
On its fate to brood.
Exempt from Act of '91,
Ram Lalla to court
To see it done,
Filed the case
To settle His rights,
The matter by law
In place of fights.
ASI survey revealed a lot
Hindu relics beneath the plot.
The Courts did rule
And unrule claims,
The case lingered
While both sides blamed
Their rivals in and out of court,
Faith fuelling feud that sort
But all the same
In holy name
They did in fact data lay,
Dates and legal tact and play
Before the judges,
Wise and free,
A bench of five
To oversee
Whose right it was
To holy site.
The judgement came
To Ram reclaim
His ancestral home
Where he did roam
As child and youth
And best of men
And God on earth
Till Sarayu's waters
Laid its claim
On the holy form
To run its course
And raise its norm.
Ram has thus come
Full swing free
To breathe in life
In the race that be
Of solar descent
And of sunlit sight
Where the third eye sees
Through the dark deep night
That engulfs the world
That with sword but kills
And might unfurls
For an hour or two
Ere like dust arisen
As dust doth die
While the temple spire
Doth rise so high
That men may see
Ram Lalla nigh.
No more, no more
In tent or lock,
No more, no more
In butcher's block.
They have passed away
Those barbarous hordes,
They have left behind
Their broken swords.
Now rising with the air so free,
In fragrant spring Thou ever be.
Ram Lalla plays in Ayodhya's groves
With Lakshman, Bharat, Shatrughna roves.
Never again shall the dark night be,
Behold the boy who shall set us free.
Composed by Sugata Bose
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