Wednesday 8 February 2023



🕉 Words of a realised soul, hence, Veda itself. His gravity and humour in alternate mode kept his audience enthralled even as his wisdom, the fruit of immediate perception of the Divine, lifted souls to supernal levels.

Swami Bhuteshananda had no airs about him. It was all an ascetic aura that surrounded him and bathed those who came in its ambit to transform them for the while and in spiritually impressionable souls leave a lasting residual impact. His followers were legion, are legion, but few, alas, follow or have the aspiration, the will and the capacity to follow in his footsteps. It will be a renaissance for the Mission when someone in that long line of the sages of yore, whose worthy representative and carrier of charge Bhuteshanandaji was, comes along and infuses fresh inspiration into its rank and file.

An erudite scholar, an ascetic par excellence, a frugal renunciate whose simplicity shone in his saintliness, a Shastrajna Brahmajnani, a worthy disciple of his Godlike Guru Swami Saradananda, the twelfth President of the Ramakrishna Order will live longer in the annals of spiritual India than is today being estimated, his lengthening reach continuing to transform souls through the centuries ahead. Such a following is yet to come when India deepens to touch subliminal depths of divine consciousness and the current age of crass commercial culture has given way to rooted age-old Indianness, the Sanatan Dharmic culture of Eternal India. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose

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