Tuesday, 7 February 2023



Both Islam and Christianity do enormous mischief in terms of converting Hindus in the Indian subcontinent. Why does the Ramakrishna Mission never highlight this? Why does it not actively defend the Hindus and keep openly warning them against getting converted? Why does the Mission not preach the true tenets of these two proselytising cults and prevent Hindus from the perversion of leaving their own religion under the delusion that Islam and Christianity are superior to Hinduism?

Why does the Ramakrishna Mission celebrate Christmas when Christianity decrees that Hindus, Ramakrishna-Vivekananda included, will burn in hell for eternity? Why after 1300 years of Islamic and 500 years of Christian persecution the Ramakrishna Mission still projects these two Abrahamic cults as religions that are as worthy as all others including Hinduism and as valid paths to Self-realisation [Mukti], their latest thesis in this regard coming from the printpad of Swami Medhananda?

When will the Ramakrishna Mission shed this baggage of Islam and Christianity from its theological stance and duly defend the Hindus? If it does not do so fast enough, more damage will be done to the Hindus as the Mission's said stance will keep confusing countless Hindus about the true nature of Islam and Christianity, and induce them into harbouring factually incorrect notions about these faiths. It will also in the long run alienate the body politic of the Hindus from offering allegiance to the Mission's cause despite its record of unsurpassed welfare work rendered for over a century. 

Being apolitical does not mean being untruthful. Swamiji has decreed that the Ramakrishna Mission must remain strictly apolitical and must not criticise other faiths. But if that is the reason why the Mission fails to duly discharge its duty of defending the Hindus against the predatory moves of Islam and Christianity, then it is a simplistic way of interpreting Swamiji, rather a convenient way to shirk responsibility towards the Hindus en masse. It is also a one-sided view of what Swamiji wanted. His speeches, letters, interviews and conversations are replete with references as to how the Hindus should defend themselves against predatory proselytisation of Christianity and Islam. But the Ramakrishna Mission chooses to selectively apply Swamiji's teachings under the pretext that it is after all an apolitical spiritual organisation.

Does it mean, therefore, that Swamiji has not entrusted the Mission at all towards upholding Hindu interests, defending Hindu rights? Did Ramakrishna-Vivekananda come to earth only to do welfare work which, nonetheless, must allow open Islamisation and Christianisation of Aryavarta? Does the Avatar not destroy evil? Does he help proliferate evil through inaction by his followers in terms of offering even affirmative ideological resistance to it? These are issues that have pained me for decades, for apathy towards the defence of the Hindus and sympathy towards ideologies inimical to them are hard to bear, me having been devoted lifelong to Thakur-Ma-Swamiji.

The Mission  can awake people to Self-consciousness only when it itself wakes up to the hardened and the hardening reality of the subversion of the Sanatan Dharma and its adherents by Islam and Christianity which two faiths the Mission holds, nonetheless, so dear to its heart out of fraternal feeling for the foe it deems as its friend.

Has the Ramakrishna Mission forgotten the dastardly rampaging of its precincts at Karachi in 1947-48 by Muslim miscreants which forced Swami Ranganathananda under the Mission's instruction to close the Karachi chapter and flee to truncated motherland? 

Convenient preaching ought to be replaced by truthful articulation of fact and the Mission should spearhead the defence of the Hindus unapologetically as Swamiji did. Only, being less spiritually endowed than the Master founder, they may speak the truth in a softer tone but it should be truth, nonetheless, and not its obfuscation in any way. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose

P.S. I had last heard that the Ramakrishna Mission, Dhaka even celebrates 'Nabi Dibas', the birthday of Muhammad. I am not informed any further to the contrary.

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