Wednesday, 1 February 2023



Western society is being infiltrated by Islam in a very big way. It is a carefully crafted global Islamic agenda that has been set into motion where western universities are being made to provide the academic tools to the Islamists for the subversion of western society. Western institutions, both civil and political, are being infiltrated to expand the influence base of Islam. The establishment of Dar-ul-Islam is the ultimate goal.

Increasing immigration and high fertility of the settled immigrants is changing the demography of Europe so rapidly that Europe is being called Eurabia with a tinge of sad sarcasm. Culture clash is already evident and in the decades ahead a terrible 'clash of civilisations' is being apprehended. Europe, the erstwhile coloniser of the world, is being colonised by Islam. The Hijrat is on.

The Judeo-Christian civilisation of the West is being threatened by Arab Islamic culture. The democratic freedom of the West is being utilised to the hilt by invasive Islam to eventually subvert it. The imposition of the Sharia will end western democracy and usher in the Dark Ages like Christian imposition of the Church had done in the Middle Ages.

A highly sophisticated system of subversion is being used by the Islamists to penetrate and pervert western society, putting on the garb of extreme civility while injecting the toxin of a totalitarian ideology. The West is being duped. A fair face of Islam is being projected by Islamist intellectuals trained in the best western universities to deceive the people and the government which in reality is a false projection of Islam.

Resistance is on as well. Like fascism, like Nazism, like communism, Islam is being resisted by western groups that are already awake to the danger that threatens them. Christianity, the bitter enemy of Islam historically, is countercampaigning against invasive Islam. Western public intellectuals and activists like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Douglas Murray, Robert Spencer, Dr. Bill Warner, Pamela Geller and Brigette Gabriel are a few of the well-known figures who are ceaselessly working to awake the West from its slumber. But they are having to fight the woke brigade and the leftist-Islamist combine in this regard which is a tall order after all.

There is a ray of hope though. The 'Ex-Muslims of North America' is an organisation that is doing seminal work in exposing the real face of Islam despite severe restrictions by way of race laws and the fear of being branded as Islamophobes hindering the progress of their educative work in this regard. Pew research indicates that 23% of young Muslims in North America have left Islam and the percentage is gradually growing.

The problem is that the West has had a protracted past of colonialism, slave trade, Christian proselytising and destructive imperialism which has placed it in a corner in the modern world of increasing introspection by its illumined citizenry. Consequently, a large section of the educated western polity is ashamed of its nefarious past and wishes to do away with it. This in turn is causing them to lose links with its cultural roots and making it pervious to the perfidies of Islam and Marxism, now camouflaged as liberal leftism. This lack of self-belief, this unsureness about the validity of its values, this apologetic stance regarding its past and the sheer absence of a comprehensive scientific yet spiritual way of living has put western society in a quandary, allowing gaping gaps in its thought-world and in its polity through which Islam is infiltrating. The Hijrat is on full-scale at all levels. Jihad is being fought likewise in all its aspects. The West is being Islamised. And this poses a massive danger to Euro-American civilisation, and a terrible clash of civilisations is in the offing which may be as bad as, if not worse than, the previous clashes with communism and fascism. High time that the West wakes up. Otherwise the West will be in Islamic shackles more and more to shirk off which at a later point in time will shed a lot of human blood. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose

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