Thursday, 2 February 2023

🕉 HINDUS, AWAKE ! ... 8

🕉 HINDUS, AWAKE ! ... 8

It bypasses my imagination as to why leftist-liberal-secular journalism always highlights so-called Hindu oppression of Muslims while never bothering to uphold the actual Muslim oppression of Hindus which is far more widespread and scripturally enjoined, and, ironically enough, minutely documented by medieval Muslim historians as well. I never see the leftist-liberal-secular brigade mention the persecution of Hindus by Muslim conquerors and leaders historically but so often find them rising up in apologetic defence of the same which is such a travesty of truth and a shameful exhibition of academic insincerity.

Hindus should study their own history like the Jews do and come to terms with these historical injustices that have mutilated their motherland and paralysed them unto inaction. A vigorous defence of Hinduism and Hindu culture in all its varied developments is the call of the hour. Hindu think-tanks on a national and global basis must be set up and activated.

It is not that Hindu resistance has never been. On the contrary resistance has been so hard that Islam and Christianity could never quite de-Hinduise this land enough to their eternal regret. Valorous defence by Hindu kings down the centuries has repeatedly repulsed these two proselytising Abrahamic cults and their invading cohorts, and saved the Sanatan civilisation.

But what has always been lacking is the study of the scriptural texts of Islam and Christianity. Hindus are gullible on account of their massive ignorance about the core content of these faiths. And in accordance, Hindus either sleep to the dangers that confront them or are content to invent convenient and comfortable imaginary versions of these faiths and their founders after the precepts of their own Dharma and the personalities of their own Avatars. 

Hindus prefer to imagine than confront reality. Myths about Islam and Christianity attract them more than the truths about these faiths. The political intent of Islam is clear in its scriptural trilogy of the Qur'an, the Hadees and the Sirah but Hindus prefer to believe that it is all spiritual stuff filling these texts like in the Upanishads. To delude them into such credulity there is a global Islamic network at work, now aided by these leftist-liberal-secular brigade whose sole task seems to be to subvert Hindu society and supplant Hinduism with their utopian values drenched in blood. If knowing all this the Hindus do not bother to wake up, annihilation is at hand. Forget not the horrors of Partition and its continuing sequel till date. Wake up before it is too late. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose

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