Tuesday 10 September 2024




It is good to be scientific but bad to be despondently so. My motherland is sinking and her children are either ignorant about it or resigned to their fate. We need a band of valorous souls to lend the critical blow to this darkening mass of ignorance and create conditions for a fresher fruition whereby regeneration may take place. Perfect purity is the primary condition for this as soiled soils have neither the vision nor do they feel the inspiration to bring about a reversal of the decadent order. 

He who braves the futile front overcomes it and paves the way for future inroads of the higher force. Light streams through these fissures and creates luminous trails for future following. Thus a movement begins which battles the forces of the dark. It is a Kurukshetra once again but the best souls must not be lost this time to the onslaught of darkness. The spiritual density must be preserved at higher than the critical level for the sustenance and flourishing of spirituality. A new age must come but it needs the sacrifice of souls to usher it. 🕉

Written by Sugata Bose

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