Thursday, 26 September 2024



Sugata Bose @Subhrajyoti Bhowmick : Once converted to Islam, such a one is no more Hindu, hence, no more brāhman.

Sugata Bose @Ramakant Tiwari : No. It will last for centuries probably like the other three yugas, for the exhaustion of an age takes time before its fuel runs out and a fresher page of evolution opens up to replace it. The shudras are the multitude and it will take a good deal of time to raise them to a sense of civilisational sanity, to a more refined sense of cultural perception. If brāhmans can fall to shudrahood, is it small wonder that for shudras to rise to brāhmanhood it will take ages? Hence, in a world of slow organic change despite rapid technological change, it will be presumptuous to think that the shudra yug will be so short-lived. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Siddhartha Roy : I do and I will. Please see my profile wall deeper down and keep an eye regularly on my posts, time and occasion permitting. English I am relatively proficient in but, Hindi is not my forte, literally speaking. Hence, my bilingual posts in English and Bengali will continue.

Sugata Bose @Subhrajyoti Bhowmick : Al taqqiah being practised to subvert the Sanatan Dharma structure.

Sugata Bose @Kolkata Literary Meet : The anchor should speak either in English or in Bengali. The unfortunate admixture of the two languages which she has indulged in and that too with erroneous English interspersing her discourse leaves much to be desired in proper discharge of her anchor's role. Proficiency in a language prevents such frequent forays of another tongue in it which is what ought to qualify in the first place an anchor in a literary meet. The author Manishankar Mukhopadhyay was in sharp contrast the exemplar of proficiency in the language in which he spoke without the undue necessity of invading it with an alien tongue. The actor Abir Chatterjee was also rather indecent in putting up leg on top of leg before the venerable octogenarian author. Better culture expected in such a civilised set-up as the Kolkata Literary Meet. Even the director Srijit Mukhopadhyay was not up to the mark in refinement of culture as his address revealed to the discerning ear.

Sugata Bose @Pkc Chowdhuree : Crony capitalism and dastardly development at the expense of mass exploitation and consequent servitude of the masses.

Sugata Bose @Prakash Gupta : Wrong. First the Vedic Rishis studied external nature and enunciated principles. But as investigation continued, they came to the dead-end of reason and understood that Nature and Reality were both incomprehensible while standing within Nature and investigating, using the finite mind which was itself a part of Nature and, hence, subject to its laws. They then proceeded to transcend the limitations of the senses and the mind through methods that have thereafter come to be termed yoga, and arrived at the supersensuous substratum of things which has been termed Brahman. Thus, even in India the study of empirical science preceded that of spiritual science. Hence, we need not precede and succeed these studies but must do them simultaneously as per propensity and reap their conjoint benefit. This is what Swami Vivekananda wanted and this is what we must do for the renaissance of the Sanatan civilisation. 

Compartmentalising knowledge since Vedic times has never been the Sanatan way but this has unfortunately been our wont, following blindly the way of the West. There religion has historically been faith-bound and doctrinaire, arbitrary and absolute, which has stunted civilisation in medieval times ushering in the Dark Ages which the Italian Renaissance followed by the general awakening in Europe and the Enlightenment fought against to create modern western scientific civilisation. But in India even in pre-Independence days such rigid compartmentalisation was never there as has been gradually the case since Independence when sensuous Hindus chose to progressively alienate themselves from the Dharma, and craftily since 2014 made Nehru the scapegoat for it. It is the average Hindu, mired in material desires, who has neglected his dhārmic study and indulged in worldly pleasures to bring down civilisation to its present decadent state and it is he who will have to restore it, as you have rightly pointed out, through his studious effort. To this end we have started a movement called the VIVEKANANDA READING MOVEMENT which you may join if you please and bolster our common cause. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Samarbijoy Chakraborty : It's a barbaric medieval misogynistic practice to cage women thus within limitless apparel. Patriarchy has reached its limits in Afghanistan and will now wane with the decline of the wave under its own weight. But millions of mothers, sisters and daughters will have to be the human sacrifice to usher in modernity in this Muslim and erstwhile Buddhist and further back Hindu country, Kandāhār redolent of its earlier name Gāndhār from where hailed Gāndhāri, Shakuni et al. That women are so sacrificed at the behest of religion emanating from the deserts is the biggest blot on humanity in this modern age. 'The selfish gene' of the animal in man has yet got to be sufficiently mutated before civilisational sanity prevails in these benighted parts of the human world.

Sugata Bose @Manab Pal : Intolerance has its theological backing and, unevolved as humans are in large sections as yet, coupled with the brain's capacity for conditioning, it is but natural that madrassas and mosques should be churning out fanatics by the millions when political masters can use such perversion to their advantage. Islam declares itself to be the only true religion and with the mandate to convert the whole of humanity to its fold, destroying all other 'imperfect' faiths in the process. It is the avowed enemy of so-called idolatry and, hence, popular Hinduism must be its object of persecution unto its eventual annihilation. So, given the 90% Muslim majority in Bangladesh, it is small wonder that such demonstrations against the forthcoming Durga Puja should take place. 

Fanaticism is endemic in Islamic societies as it is the theological foundation of the faith. Believers, daily and hourly indoctrinated by Islamic scripture, must necessarily get conditioned into behaving the way they do, especially when such mass behaviour is engineered by crafty politicians and their clerical cronies. West Bengal, Assam and Kerala are following suit and it is but a matter of time before the toxic fruits of Islamisation render these states sterile too. Meanwhile, let people sing and dance and live in a utopian world while the perfidy of Partition of the last century is reenacted within the next couple of decades with what results one may only conjecture but cannot quite predict as such, for the tortuous path of history springs surprises as well. Awakened citizens must speak up and kindle the fire of knowledge about the stated danger to save the Sanatan civilisation from utter annihilation. Demographic change is assuming dangerous proportions and can only spell the doom of a community immersed in denial of the demographic danger. Till then let us dance to our delirious delight while the danger draws nearer like the charge of Nadir Shah upon the capital city of the Mughal Empire, Delhi. "Abhi bhi Dilli durast," said the indolent Emperor when urged by his ministers to prepare for the defence of the capital city. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : Ever the other perspective in deflecting contrast. Brilliant.

Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava: No, there is a higher bliss, that of Self-remembrance which is opposite to that of the lower one of self-oblivion. The former is life-building, the latter life-destroying. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : Yours is a dying breed of commentators who use words to devastating effect with humour as armoury and sarcasm as guided missile. After all in a scenario of declining culture consequent on demographic transition from the upper echelons to the proletariat of little literary sense or civilisational refinement, it is but natural that men like you should increasingly become decreasing in numbers till they become museum pieces of 'once upon a time wonder'. Till then, doctor, carry on!

Sugata Bose @Bolaka Roy : Bolaka, see the difference now in the post with perfected presentation replete with rectified punctuation and space-gaps. This is the way to God realisation, performing every act perfectly. Spiritual perfection is the ultimate resolution of all material acts executed perfectly even as Nature functions perfectly, and then transcending the material web of Maya. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : You are as humorous as Thakur.

Sugata Bose @Parnika Bubna : Yes, every act must be perfected before presentation before the public or before one's very own private self, for perfection is all that we must chisel out in this our terrestrial incarnation. Yes, every act including addressing all and sundry as veritable divinities which is not at all evident in your authoritarian telephone tone in what ought to be a welcoming 'Hello!' Alas, human beings know not that the ones they deal with are God in so many garbs, in so many guises! Would to God they knew that they were divinities themselves! This tone would then have altered to the sweetest music the ears ever laid themselves open to. But there is hope. Every dry season is followed by a wet one of flourishing flora, every parched root gets nourished by the mercy of the skies. So also in human affairs as the soul trudges its way to the destination divine. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Pkc Chowdhuree : Crony capitalism instead of enlightened socialism. Capitalism is a silent bloodsucking system for all its democratic welfare pretensions. It is an exploitative order of the worst kind, economic barbarism that clothes in costly apparel the handful of rich while denuding the vast majority, the teeming millions who it deems objects of exploitation. The rich capitalist countries owe their riches to the exploitation of poorer nations where they export their poverty to by exploiting their resources through all means of neocolonialism. The dictatorial regimes of socialist countries have unleashed horrors unthinkable on their citizens not because they did not adopt capitalism as their economic order but because those countries could not rise to humanistic levels in governance under the undemocratic one-party socialist system. Democracy for all its defects checks such inhuman administrative imbalances through periodic elections which the Marxist socialist system denies, thereby invariably bringing in authoritarian oppression. A humanistic system has to be evolved which theoretically is welfare economics but being capitalistic at base will in practice again be sadly built on and fuelled by greed that will overtime entail untold misery for the masses. Here lies the practical problem. No system is perfect but the aspired one ought to be the correct combination of welfare socialism built on democratic principles, a system that can be possible alone through international cooperation and not cut-throat capitalistic competition that places the human soul upon the altar of profiteering sacrifice. International cooperation that deems the world a single family can bring about an end to gross injustice and exploitation using the helpful advantages of science instead of utilising the latter for mutual destruction of nations. One more thing about the 'barbarism' of socialist states and the 'humanism' of capitalist ones. The throttling economic boycott of socialist states by capitalist ones, the arms race, the Cold War against them, the sabotage and the subterfuge aggression brought about the latter's downfall as much as the very wrong idea of 'applied socialism' to stifle the conscience of its masses in the name of liberation. Freedom, the cherished possession of mankind, was taken away in these countries by hanging the pie in the sky, the happy hope of a prospective brighter day, which never came as dictator after dictator spelled their doom in the old imperialistic manner instead of the promised way of rosy 'dictatorship of the proletariat'. All dictatorships are bad as they stand against the fundamental urge of evolution to throw off shackles, and the installation of political dictatorship to supplant the economic one of capitalism also cannot work. Another Marx will have to be born with Vivekananda vision to be able to formulate principles of governance along democratic lines while rooting out the ills of capitalism. That will come along only with society evolving further globally but the date seems as yet distant. Humans are everywhere largely animal in appetite and that is perfect ground for the flourishing of capitalism till it crumbles under the weight of its own contradictions as Marxist theory predicts.

P.S. For all their democratic pretensions the capitalist countries like USA, to name only the paterfamilias, have been no less, if not more, brutal against the wide world militarily than their socialist counterparts. A cursory glance through truth-telling history books should make one aware of this glaring gory fact. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Pkc Chowdhuree : Did you not comprehend the import of my comment or did not care to thoroughly read it? The comment contains the answer you seek.

Sugata Bose @Pkc Chowdhuree : Since 1947 till 1991 it has been mixed economy---part socialist, part capitalist. Since 1991 till 2014 progressively increasing capitalism leading to crony capitalism. Since 2014 till date unashamed crony capitalism.

Sugata Bose @Pkc Chowdhuree : Yes, by exporting poverty to other nations, by exploiting them by monstrous means. Prosperity cannot be the index of civilisation or of happiness. The commoner is fooled by crafty politicians and business barons everywhere. Pride bordering on narrow nationalistic vanity is a vice not worth possessing if one is to deemed human in any remote sense of the term.

Sugata Bose @Pkc Chowdhuree : We have dreamt that dream (mixed economy) and it has been a historic reality. That it did not pay adequate dividend is another matter. But it has been a lived experience and happily, sadly so.

Sugata Bose @Pkc Chowdhuree : Competition has to be humanistic, not Darwinian which capitalism in the current scenario is. It is Social Darwinism with its toxic fangs injecting the poison of profit by any means into the bloodstream of society.

Sugata Bose @Pkc Chowdhuree : 'Dream' is a word you introduced in this comment stream and I merely responded to it in like terms taking the cue from you. Your introduction of other ideas into this discussion do not pertain to the post and do not merit response.

Sugata Bose @Pkc Chowdhuree : You are welcome to your experience and inference which I am neither privy to nor do I share. Few, alas, can comprehend the human condition in totality beyond their experiential biases and personal prejudices and predilection! The overall conception of an idea is accessed by few and most branch out into diverse channels following the dispersion of their distracted minds. The essence of a discussion is thus lost on most as conscious and unconscious filtering out of the original and essential idea gains ground. Here concentration is the key to comprehension which unfortunately is not common. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Prabir Datta : Yes, indeed. Dialectics deems it so. After all it is a dualistic world, a relativistic universe.

Sugata Bose @Anirudha Bhattacharya : Probably you have misunderstood my statement. I referred to the armed struggle for independence which our forefathers had fought and which we, their descendants, have not lived up to and are meekly surrendering our legitimate Constitutional rights of freedom of speech and expression to the dastardly governors of our fate that be. If we lose our Constitutional rights thus and must have to fight for them by seeking legal redress each time, then it is democracy gone down the drains despite the bloody sacrifices of our forebears. This is what I have implied in the post.

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