Sugata Bose @Shankar Kumar Chatterjee : Do not celebrate but duly observe it as paying worshipful reverence to Tilottama, now appearing as the Divine Mother even as the Divine Mother suffered such brutality as Tilottama. Roles reversed now, let us all envisage our desecrated daughter in her raised status as the object of our veneration in the ensuing Puja and beyond.
Sugata Bose @Soumitra Sankar Roychowdhury : No, I am referring to the main singers themselves who held the show in despicable unmusical noise masquerading as music, not the others who given the chance would rather have sung to a semblance of tune. Such is the fallen state of neo-people's culture in Bengal which evidently finds audience among people who cannot differentiate between refinement and coarseness. This is the tragedy of Bengal which needs redress as well, for a community bereft of culture sinks into beastiality overtime as the dastardly R.G.Kar episode so horrifically exemplified, the general decadence of a polity providing space and opportunity for such perverted perpetration.
P.S. For your ears please.
Sugata Bose @Sulekha Basu : আপনি ভারী সুন্দর লেখেন | আরও লিখুন | জাগান জাতিকে |
Sugata Bose @Anil Baran Ghosh : A shameless person who had actually lied about herself being a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in her campaign against Dr. Malini Mukherjee of the CPI(M) in the 1980s, a certificate which she has since failed to produce. But the old habit of being a compulsive liar persists and along with her buffoonery on stage she uses these untruths and antics to devastating effect on her hypnotised devotees who unfortunately are a legion in Bengal. The fate of Bengal is thus sealed as Avidyā has its near-fullest play.
Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : এটি গ্রন্থনমাত্র নয়, সর্বৈব সত্যবচন, স্থিতসংকল্প | কাব্য নয়, কষ্টলোকে পুনঃপুনঃ আগমন-বহির্গমনের অগ্রিম সংবাদপ্রেরণ ভাগ্যদেবতা শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণের কাছে | উদ্দেশ্য নিজ বিরাটরূপের বন্ধনমোচন |
Sugata Bose @Prakash Gupta : Lovely letters (Nazrul to Rabindranath and Rabindranath to Nazrul) but some spelling errors don them. One such case is galling where 'tarun' has reincarnated itself as 'bharun'. Kindly do the needful to render holy health to these otherwise wholesome letters.
Sugata Bose @Snigdhodeb Sinha : At least reveal your identity by giving your profile picture, that of your physical self. Otherwise, who do we interact with?
Sugata Bose @Apurba Das : It is easy to bask in Swamiji's words and remain oblivious to the civilisational dangers that confront us, Hindus. But that is cowardice and hardly in keeping with with Swamiji's exhortations on us, his aspirations for a renascent India. To call others five year old children becomes an indecent person's diction but does not address the key vices that corrode society. Such a supercilious attitude does not characterise a valorous soul but is the signature of one who has not the courage to face evil head on. Quoting from Swamiji's works galore I can prove that the great sage has averred on all counts on the terrestrial problem from all angles, often apparently contradictory but really harmonious in rising phases. So, cherrypicking quotations from Swamiji or referring to certain monastics and their statements do not really serve the purpose of addressing the contentious issues that face us. To state that the protest of the junior doctors is being actuated by the spirit of Swamiji working in them is presumptuous and symptomatic of the devotee's hyper-ardour to associate every human endeavour with his worshipped one's power. But that is not a rational supposition that will hold ground in an intellectual conversation. Reams I can write but to what avail, for after all do all grandfathers listen to five year old kids?
P.S. Do not dare to insult our revolutionaries by calling them 'a few revolutionaries taking to weapons and fighting to their last last the British.' First exhibit the manhood they had before you open your mouth by way of such apparent sleight. That is not the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda spirit. If feel utter disgust in even reading what you have written and will take it up with the monks of the Ramakrishna Order as to why they allow this sort of wrong narrative to proliferate in society and not the real revolutionary spirit that marked their messianic personalities. To posit evolution as opposed to revolution is puerile and an utter misapprehension of the divine duo's universal message. Revolution is that periodic singular thrust that advances evolution. Evolution does not produce a Ramakrishna or a Vivekananda but revolution does, that is the revolutionary need of the hour when from amidst the crumbling mass of decadence arises a singular soul unfettered by karmic chains to rescue humanity from utter annihilation. These are not children's playthings that you may interpret them as you like but are deep subterranean rumblings which become manifest when circumstances are propitious. "Wait not for a prophet to save you but be a prophet unto others," said Swamiji. Instead of making supercilious sleight on me, become that prophet unto all of us and lead us, my dear holy omniscient one. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Kumar Sankar Sengupta : This short write-up is a commentary on the flow of life in Bengal right to this day when things have turned toxic to a fault and not an eulogy on the great martyr Bagha Jatin as such. It is a study in contrast of things then and things now. Hence, do not be presumptuous in your assessment of the piece and offer a slanted view of it for others to follow. Rather keep your counsel and be satisfied with whatever you make of the content of the piece. If you can counter rationally any of my assertions, I will be obliged to offer my defence of every word written in this passage. I hope you understand that I have not limited the scope of the content of the piece but rather you are doing so from your biased standpoint owing to your misapprehension of the sociological content and context of the post. Hope better literary sense prevails.
Sugata Bose @Sulekha Basu : আপনি ভারী সুন্দর লেখেন | আরও লিখুন | জাগান জাতিকে |
Sugata Bose @Abhisekhar Majumdar : No, no, carry on doctor. Your obtuse observations are a delight to the senses, your patriotism nonpareil.
Sugata Bose @Abhisekhar Majumdar : উপায় আছে বইকি | আপনাদের সকলের সহযোগিতা |
Sugata Bose @YouTube [Sugata Bose] : A stirring speech, forthright and fearless by an intrepid monk of the Ramakrishna Order whose boldness other capable monastics may well emulate so that a strong counter-current of resistance to evil grows and makes society habitable for higher pursuits for some and peaceful enough for decent living for all.
Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : But that is a very tall order, easier said than done. The vast mass of people are hopelessly bound, and bound to suffer the unbearable pain inflicted on them by both Nature and man with its tentacles holding them in their deathly grip. Detachment seems easy for the surface thinker but the man of deeper understanding knows it to be the last attainment of the human soul, trapped as it is almost blindfolded in cosmic nescience (Maya).
Sugata Bose @Shyamsundar Adhikari : Lovely comment full of jest and caustic humour. Carry on, doctor.
P.S. But you are an ādhikārik purush. Come ye and join me in this to and fro flight over and over again between heaven and earth. Swamiji will give us company for sure as he has promised. And that will be quite a party, I dare say.
Sugata Bose @Srijita Basu : তাহলে তো নাম, পদবী---দুই পালটাতে হবে, এমনকি ব্যক্তিত্বও, কারণ ওটি তো পেটেন্ট করা আছে, ক্লোন ছাড়া হবে না |Srijita Basu তাহলে তো নাম, পদবী---দুই পালটাতে হবে, এমনকি ব্যক্তিত্বও, কারণ ওটি তো পেটেন্ট করা আছে, ক্লোন ছাড়া হবে না |
Sugata Bose @YouTube [Swami Shuddhidananda] : Maharaj, should we fight only the surface criminals, the pawns in this political chess game or their masterminds behind as well who wield enormous electoral power?
Sugata Bose @Asish Ranjan Ghosh : Because the Ram Mandir is a civilisational matter transcending provincial barriers but the rape cases happening in different provinves, despicable as they are doubtlessly, are pitted against other by political parties unfortunately to pin each other down instead of addressing the broader issue of crime control. The comparison with the Ram Mandir is misplaced and betrays a serious lack of concern for our civilisational imperatives. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Moe Chowdhury : Dar-ul-lslam carved out of Dar-ul-Harb in compliance with Islamic doctrine.
Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : Reading Vivekananda and building character which is the foundation of a civilised society. If a sufficient number of individuals study Swamiji diligently and practise his principles in their pristine form, no dictator will rise in a democracy nor one last for long should the one have arisen somehow owing to circumstantial allowance. Therefore, if we are earnest in bringing about a wholesome civilisational change in society, we must study Swamiji making it our life-breath and help propagate his message in a manly manner without exhibiting the least effeminacy in doing so. If Sri Ramakrishna had brought Swamiji specially for saving civilisation, surely he must have known that it was imperative for this age. Let us join in this grand venture of setting into accelerated roll the Yugadharmachakra (the Wheel of Virtue for this Age) by doing at least the least we can, the reading of 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda'. To this grand end I have started a movement. Do join in and lend it vigour and strength. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Joyraj Paul : I wholly agree with you. Your sympathetic observation which is perceptive as well stands in contrast to puerile ones made by many which is the bane of our civilisation, its signal signature and the cause of its persisting precipitation. Swamiji was one of the greatest thinkers the world has ever seen. His words are simple, message simpler but depth profound, far beyond not only ordinary conception but even eluding the intellectual, leave aside spiritual, grasp of extraordinary souls. Thus, it is perhaps too much to expect commoners, as you have rightly pointed out, to study and comprehend Swamiji to an extent but not too much for many to read him at least for whatever benefit that will accrue to them thereof. But the affinity for good reading, deep thinking and reflection in general is so conspicuously absent in the mass of even the educated and the erudite today is symptomatic of a civilisational downfall to prevent which we must pull up our socks and resist. To that end I am devoting my energy, although people, mired as they are in material pursuits and puerile pastimes, take scant notice of whatever warning signals I may send them through my writings and whatever intellectual and spiritual food may be dished out to them thereof. What a decadent civilisation relishes is putrid provision passing off as palatable, desert sand passing off as granular dessert and silly shallowness passing off as superior wisdom. In such an arid atmosphere we work for the regeneration of our civilisation amidst casual commenting masquerading as messianic superior sense. Glory unto God that some sincere observers like you are are still there to cheer us on ! 🕉
Sugata Bose @Abhishikta Anuska Mukherjee : Is this introductory observation of yours directed at me? If so, I request you to say so directly instead of making an obtuse oblique observation that has vagueness spread all over it and all about it. Your identity, though, has never been revealed as it has been ever covered under periodically differing image-wraps. Besides, an innocuous post that has but all good intent about it in terms of its relevance to shraddhā which Swamiji deemed as the prerequisite to reawakening manhood in the fallen mass of his fellow Indians triggers such a caustic comment from your mispprehending mind, it I regrettable indeed and symptomatic of the disease to which the polity has progressively succumbed to since thd great sage's age. Sanity and sensibility would have evoked a more sympathetic response which has not been the good fortune of this post to have received. Sufficient unto the day has been the evil thereof. If this was, to your mind, such an offensive post for whatever reasons you may have harboured about it, why did you not address it on my profile wall itself by seeking a clarification instead of post it as shared post on yours and adding a toxic introduction to it which wholly does injustice to it?
Sugata Bose @Abhishikta Anuska Mukherjee : I see. Then I am much mistaken and take back my words volleyed in misconstrued protest against your aforesaid introduction. May Swamiji bless you! 🕉
Sugata Bose @Prakash Gupta : Principle of Proselytising Progression.
Sugata Bose @Vaskar Dutta : Kindly pass on this suggestion to the author of this post: "When writing a post on behalf of the junior doctors, at least do so with grammatically correct English. Otherwise, doubts will arise as to the correctness of the prospective prescription as well."
The post should have read as follows:
[We, the junior doctors, are fighting so that your next generation and you get a good prescription.
Support us.🙏]
Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Nath : Reveal your physical identity first before I respond. I cannot address a flame which may be representative of your soul-force but certainly not one who can be humanly addressed.
Sugata Bose @Halley Goswami : তার চেয়ে আত্মবলি উৎকৃষ্টতর | তাতে পূর্ণানন্দ |
Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya :
মূর্খ যখন মুখ্য হয়,
সমাজভরা দুঃখ রয় |
Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Nath Who voted for whom, how do you know? Second, your assumption on account of age is unbecoming. So, your addressing me as 'tumi' is offensive as is the supercilious tone of your initial and subsequent address. Hence, I feel it is not meet that I should give you any further reply than to say that it is best to keep one's counsel when one does not know how to respectfully hold a conversation. Age is not merely years spent in the body in one terrestrial incarnation but is to be measured by the experience of the transmigratory soul riding the wheel of karma. Hence, to address a person who is related to you by blood-bond or by familiarity of any sort in the manner that you have done is not civil enough for continuance of conversation. So far as the complaint against the ruling dispensation goes, I hope you are aware that democracy deems it a necessary attribute to hold continual civic conversation as to performance of a government irrespective of its popular mandate. That is every citizen's right. Hence, your initial question falls flat unless, of course, you are so ardent an admirer and supporter of the ruling dispensation that you cannot brook any criticism of it or, in quite the reverse order of dislike of the present ruler, you cannot but make a caustic remark to mark your displeasure of the electorate of West Bengal for having elected to power who they have. Either way it is the people's choice subject to demographic considerations as to who shoots to power and it is the people's prerogative as well as to when or how they ought to protest against misrule if even by the government elected by them. Progressive assessment of the executive is an essential element of democracy which people have every right to do irrespective of whether they have voted the party that be into power. Anybody and everybody has the right to critically assess a government's performance in a democratic system with changing circumstance and altered situation eliciting such a civic response. Thank you and godspeed unto you.
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