Sunday, 1 September 2024



Sugata Bose @Nilanjan Chakrabarty Which is why it is necessary to make a personal effort at reading Swamiji systematically following which one may spread the word around and inspire others to follow suit. The youth need inspiration, and here is inspiration of the highest order but it lacks the carrier today that it may reach the hearts and minds of the blossoming youth. Alas, who listens to this plea sounding itself in the wilderness of human apathy? I have made the beginnings of a potentially massive movement whose first sprouting can be seen. Do thou join in and lend support, nourishment that is vital to its sustenance. Bravo, you have the power and the good cheer to do it! Come on and join hands with kindred spirits who are up to this task, the monumental mission of rolling the Wheel of Dharma, the Yugadharmachakrapravartan. The problems are galore but the solution is Swamiji. No wonder Thakur had in his last lap on earth at Kashipur in an inspired mood written on a piece of paper, "Naren will teach the world when  he will thunder at home and abroad." Those words pregnant with power will aid us in our bid to impregnate ourselves with the Vivekananda Power---which Swami Sumedhānanda had said was Mother's Power being carried into execution, for it was Mother's Work, Swamiji, by self-admission, being the divinely ordained instrument of such execution--- and help us bring the water of life to the coming generations who will bring about this regeneration of India in the coming decades following the footprints of the seraphic Master. 

Unto such a day, my dear,

I send these lines tonight.

They'll waft through the starry skies

To welcome you with the light.


Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava: My dear friend, study Swamiji and lend your considerable intellectual powers and doubtless erudition to absorbing and spreading his message. Your presentation of reverse-wit pieces are delightful. Do carry on with them but alongside, on a heavier note, also lend weight to this counter-movement which needs must gain critical momentum to combat the forces of corruption that are winning this tennis match of life almost hands down. The French Revolution had seen one such tennis court as the epic scene of a revolutionary council. May this allusion then galvanise seminal souls like you to return the serve to these surreptitious perpetrators of stealth and wealth, dice and death, so as to seize the set and the match from them! 🕉

Sugata Bose @Snigdhodeb Sinha : Come, let us light the fire of Vivekananda in which we shall all immolate ourselves. Study his works. That is also self-immolation for it consumes the dross that afflicts us, in its ignited illumination.

Sugata Bose @Shyamacharan Pandey : But there are others who say that Bhagavanji of Naimishāranya-Ayodhya-Basti-Faizabad was Netaji living incognito and reject the Saradananda narrative. However, true it is that some others do link up the twain in a complex web of fresh incarnations of the monk in disguise. But let us not digress from the present discussion which pertains to the deadly situation in West Bengal, en route to becoming another Kashmir with unseemly demographic change.

Sugata Bose @Sumit Karmakar Pro : No. One must be honest in one's protest. Let us not conflate the two issues and confuse our own understanding. Protest we must and sincerely so.

Sugata Bose @Sumit Karmakar Pro : They are largely leftists. They will not. That is not what serves their political agenda nor do they have the guts to face the real brutes.

Sugata Bose @Sumit Karmakar Pro : Yes, indeed. But does it mean that people will toothless bear all atrocity without protest?

Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : Thank you for your ardent appreciation and let us then join hands in this crusade against corruption which has come to infect every phase of national life, a fate for which we are all responsible in some direct and in some indirect sense, and are hence liable to rectifying it through self-purification and propagation of wholesome ideas that will alter discourse in the coming generations. The human brain is pliable and may be fashioned through education along desirable channels. I have started a mini-movement of members studying Swamiji and creating whirlpools of power in their respective spheres. Each person is being given the online links to specific lectures snd writings from 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' which she or he is reading, then notifying the sender to the same effect so that the next link may be provided. Each member is then being encouraged to do the same act of providing links to her or his own ones and known ones in the selfsame manner. Thus the movement builds on along a geometric series of nuclear whirlpools that will create a chain reaction producing significant propagation of ideas that had emanated from the sublime soul of Swamiji. We are in the nascent stage of this build-up but a beginning has been made and I am hopeful that with patience, persistence and purity of purpose it will produce its due impact, for Swamiji is irresistible and must make his way through, we being his insignificant infantry who will live and die for his cause which is the cause of the Great Mother, the sum total of all souls. I need comrades in this cause and they will come, for Mother wills that it will be so. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Kaushik R Ray : Read again and again till it permeates your very soul and transforms it unto being a vehicle for his divine expression. Then great work will gush out spontaneous from your self and render fertile this sterile environment that now obtains. And, remember, you are not alone. Along multitudinous parallel channels this divine mission will be accomplished, at first unsteadily, then gathering momentum till Swamiji 'bursts upon society like a bombshell and makes it follow him like a dog', to quote the warrior monk's words with reference to his visit to Varanasi. So, read Swamiji over and over again, absorb his message and help spread the word around among kindred spirits. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Nabanita C Ganguly : Well said. The principle counts, the content of the post with reference to the existent situation, not the personality who has posted it.

Sugata Bose @Manash Dutta : The future fate of flimsy Bengal that refused to learn from Partition.

Sugata Bose @Madhumita Paul : Bangladeshi communists do not have the guts to criticise or condemn the Islamic fundamentalists there. Hence this selective soft targeting of the capitalist which is their foundational agenda as per theory, but using it to cover up Islamic atrocity on the Hindus that is now going on in Bangladesh is a shameful act of downright hypocrisy and cowardice.

Sugata Bose @Madhumita Paul : Keep posting on Marxism without appeasing Muslims, for Marxism deems religion a regressive force whose day is done where conditions are right for socialism. Let the voice of anti-exploitation of labour be heard amidst the din of crass commercialisation of culture. I do not hold Marxism as a foolproof scientific theory that can hold its own anymore against the advances of modern science which has blurred distinctions between deterministic materialism and quantum probabilities but, nonetheless, it is still the ringing voice of the masses against the silent bloodsucking machinery of the machine with a capitalist sitting at its head, the new monarch dictating the modus operandi of dealing the deathblow to the very vitality of a people till it revolves on its feet to alter radically the order of rule. Marxism in practice has not had a goodly number of good people, people with compassionate large hearts who could really raise a people without brutalising them in the process like Stalin and Mao did. However, all things said and done, and with communism now seemingly a spent force in the dollar's dominance of the world with China donning but the apparel of 'socialism with Chinese characteristics' which essentially is old Chinese imperialism in a neo-Marxian garb---for what else may be said of it?---, voices of anti-exploitation, pro-people forces need to be raised to resist the utter ruin of health, wealth and culture in a world reduced to a mart by these pursuers of filthy lucre. So, carry on with your crusade but put in posts that provoke thought rather than puerile posts in a manner resembling that of your capitalist cousins. 🕉 

P.S. You laugh well and you should, for in this valley of tears laughter remains yet the best medicine. May Charlie Chaplin bless you!

Sugata Bose @Sarmistha Banerjee : May I send you the links to Swamiji's works which you may read? We have started a Vivekananda movement to propagate his message and request you to join it. It is an informal online movement entirely free of charge whose sole purpose is to galvanise members into becoming vehicles of higher values as espoused by Swamiji and so transforming society at large. Your participation is solicited. May Swamiji bless you! 🕉

Sugata Bose @Begam Naziya Sultana Read the Qur'an, then the Upanishads, and find out which religion preaches hatred of other religions. As a supplement read THE COMPLETE WORKS OF SWAMI VIVEKANANDA.

PS. My child, you are a good student. Keep reading, practising purity and meditating till you see the light that shines within you. May Sri Ramakrishna bless you! 🕉

Sugata Bose @Kajal Das : Perfect. But the situation nonetheless is alarming and needs redress. The problem stems from the Qur'anic kafir-killing culture if not converted. Hence, Islam cannot be absolved at all from being the primary cause for such a dangerous communal situation obtaining on the Hindus. As a rectification-course start reading the passages of Swamiji that I am providing for you and spread the same amongst kindred souls of your trusted acquaintance as well. 

Sugata Bose @Shusobhan Charit : You are right. Such ones are in truth kafir. They are not strict adherents of classical Qur'anic Islam which is what Islam is all about. Even Sufism is not truly Islam and as such Sri Ramakrishna never quite practised the real Islam nor remained one, for after his five days or so of Sufi adherence, he reverted to the Sanatan Dharma which is apostasy in the eyes of the Hadees and is a punishable offence. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Bangladeshi video : What about Mujib-ur-Rahman's alleged orchestration of the Great Calcutta Killing on 16 August, 1946 as assistant and associate of Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy which precipitated Partition? What about his vociferous vouching for the dismemberment of the motherland with Noakhali and elsewhere as precursor and post-Partition horrific genocide as consequence? Was he not a supporter of the Two Nation Theory which stated that Muslims needed a separate state as Hindus and Muslims were two antithetical people with a cultural incompatibility so deep as to necessitate separate states for them. This was jihad, wasn't it? He who had conspired against the integrity and geographic solidarity of the motherland, does it matter if a video footage shows him to be sweet to a young girl thus? These are contentious historical questions which need pondering and researched material need to be unearthed to set his lifestory in the correct perspective free of bias this way or that. 

Sugata Bose @Begam Naziya Sultana : If having read the Qur'an and the history of Islam consequent on it, you have not understood the genocidal intent of Islam which its bloody history testifies, you are being false and hypocritical. I will give you ample proof from the writings of great men to substantiate my averment. Do not mistake my politeness and gentleness and benediction on you to be my weakness for you to persist in your rant against me but now come to reason as I unleash my arsenal on you. Hang on, the verbal volleys of great men are coming to bring you to a semblance of sanity. 🕉 

Sugata Bose @Begam Naziya Sultana : What about Islam denigrating all other religions and plunging the world in a deluge of blood ever since its inception? What about the 80 million Hindus killed by the sword of Islam over the last 1300 years in our holy motherland, the rape of our women, enslavement and their sale in the slave markets of Arabia, the enforced castration of Hindu boys, the pillage and plunder, the conversion by the sword, the desecration and destruction of our holy sites and temples, thousands upon thousands of them including the three holiest in Ayodhya, Mathura and Kashi, the destruction of our world-famous universities like Nalanda and Vikramashila, the mass murder of our monks, the burning down of our libraries and with it the utter devastation of our history, the Sanatan civlisation and culture, and finally the dismemberment of the motherland in Partition? Does not scriptural Islam allow it? Did not all these horrific crimes perpetrated on the Hindus get their sanction from the Qur'an, the Hadees and the Sira?

Sugata Bose @Samir Bose : The highest wisdom stems from spiritual realisation.

Sugata Bose @Subhrajyoti Bhowmick : Not everything could be recorded. Most of Swamiji's lectures and talks were lost as they were not recorded. Only Goodwin, Waldo, Saratchandra Chakrabarty etc. recorded a bit. To top it all, Swamiji's works have been edited as well, remember. And whatever is available, that too people do not care to read. So, it is our duty, nay our mission, to spread his words, bring it to the doorstep of all, to quote Swamiji himself, so that men may drink this elixir of life and transcend the narrow limitations of flesh that so bind them. Swamiji's words are nectar, the ambrosia that can render mortal man immortal and save our civilisation as well from the aggression of barbarians ever intent upon its destruction. The animal in man may be uplifted to the human and the human raised unto the divine by reading Swamiji consistently, constantly with zeal and inspired endeavour. 

Swamiji was brought from his celestial plane to earth by Thakur to save the Sanatan Dharma from destruction. Today both are gone in person from our midst but their words remain in whatever residual form but enough to invigorate us to rise in defence of the Dharma. Read these golden words, these flaming words of Swamiji that light up his 'Complete Works', incomplete though they may be, and arise in defence of the Dharma. We have started a Vivekananda movement of readers of Swamiji. Join it and lend vigour to the movement. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Kaushik Dutta Gupta : Swami Virajānanda, mantra shishya of Sri Sarada Devi, 6th President of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, sannyas shishya of Swami Vivekananda, compiler of 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, compiler and writer of 'The Life of Swami Vivekananda by His Eastern and Western Disciples', brahmajnāni mahāpurush, the author of 'Paramārtha Prasanga', a premier renunciate of the Order of exemplary virtues, sweetest temperament and holiness approaching the Ganga, a perfectionist, punctilious in habit and action, the only one of the second generation monks who stayed in the holy precincts of the first Math at Barānagar. Reams will be spent to expound his virtues as his worthy disciples have in later years testified. Have a look at the following YouTube videos:

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : And Swami Vivekananda must be propagated more and more from every podium in every instance by every monk of the Order. His words must become blood and muscle of the polity.

Sugata Bose @Anil Baran Ghosh : I, the ever-active Providence overseeing all work from the microcosmic to the cosmic. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Soumitra Sankar Roychowdhury : You are right. But the lead singers should be on tune and not hoarse representatives of the unmusical community that has seized vontrol of our decadent society. That is cultural downfall. It is not party-time out there for a few in the name of protest which the commoner on the contrary is duly out there on the streets in the dead of night for. Music should be music and not random rant by these lead 'singers' donning the guitar et al who hardly deserve the epithet of singer. There are good musicians singing elsewhere as well. Besides, the common protestor is often singing on more or less tune which is welcome but these low-culture rants in the name of music cannot be well borne by anybody with a semblance of civic sense, musicality in the heart and mind, and basic refinement of culture, leave alone high artistic sensibility. When culture plummets, anarchy reigns. So, in light of the very spirit of the R.G.Kar protests, this singular sustained low-culture mockery of music and 'hallabol' and 'azaadi' chants at Jadavpur can hardly be condoned as they appear to bear other political motivations which are wholly unwelcome in this scenario of common displeasure with the powers that be that is otherwise being exhibited in an entirely apolitical way.

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