Wednesday 14 February 2024



Barring a rare one in this country who speaks with force and a vigorous diction, exposing the intent of anti-Hindu forces, most Hindu religious preachers are content to speak in an effeminate manner full of half-truths geared to make a sleeping community yet sleep till they exist no more. This is not dharma but is its very antithesis, adharma. No wonder Swamiji gave the clarion call ever to awaken the sleeping Hindu 'samaj' from its age-old slumber. But in vain!

Today effeminacy is on the Hindus once again. Misguided by cowardly preachers and hindered in consciousness by a paralysing laziness, they are on the long march to their impending doom. Swamiji's words ring in the wilderness in vain. His second coming is, perhaps, what this deluded mass of weaklings are waiting for in their fanciful thinking that he will save them from all evil while they keep on fine-tuning their increasing effeminacy with a debilitating diet of dance, music, poetry, cinema and the crass commercial culture that has come to symbolise our civic life.

Written by Sugata Bose

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