1. মন্তব্যস্থানে অসভ্যতা করলেই গন্তব্যস্থানে প্রেরণ, অর্থাৎ, বিদ্যূদ্গতিতে ব্লক |
2. Can a truthful person be a coward and can a coward in truth be truthful? Confront evil and crush it. Do not cower in terror.
3. A man of character does not compromise with evil to maintain a fictitious social harmony. He rises in defence of the Dharma. 🕉
4. We, Hindus, especially the Bengalis, must cultivate the martial spirit. Valour must be our prime virtue if we are to survive.
5. Why is Swami Nityaswarupananda (Chintaharan Maharaj) of the Ramakrishna Mission forgotten today?
6. Even to love needs courage. Cowards cannot love. Love of the Motherland, the Dharma needs courage, not cowardice. 🕉
7. Hindus need a vigorous defence of their persons, culture, civilisation, Dharma. Where is the organisation or the leader?
8. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj had quickened a militant mindset among his fellow Marathas to combat the anti-Hindu forces arrayed against them. His great Guru Samarth Ramdasji had galvanised him into assertive action in defence of the Dharma which precipitated the downfall of the Mughal empire and in due course established the nationwide Maratha empire.
9. Hindus, be brave. Cowardice does not conserve civilisation but hastens its destruction. Character, courage, conviction---these are the need of the hour.
10. At the time of Partition which was admittedly along Hindu-Muslim religious line we should have opted for being a HINDU RASHTRA. 🕉
11. Demographic change is dangerously altering the composition of the electorate. Reconversion the urgent necessity to stall our civilisational collapse.
12. Swami Vivekananda had said that propagation of the Sanatan Dharma should be our foreign policy.
13. Islamic destruction of Hindu civilisation has been so brutal for 1300+ years that reclamation is becoming now an almost impossible task.
14. Monks lose power when monetary association afflicts them.
A totally renounced soul, uncompromising to the core, is a blazing fire consuming the dross of human consciousness. One such was Swami Satyarupanandaji of revered memory.
16. Purity is power.
17. The air is polluted by politics, perfidy and profit. What is needed is power springing from perfect purity.
18. Why is personality cult being promoted in a people's democracy?
19. Why are Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs and other non-Muslim minorities persecuted in the Islamic countries of Pakistan and Bangladesh?
20. যে যুগাবতারকে যুগাবতাররূপে চিনতে পারেনা, সে আবার গুরু কি?
21. The Geeta teaches us to ever rise in defence of the Dharma and to confront and destroy evil. Cowardice has no place in our lives.
22. "Purity of thought, word and speech, unbroken and continuous for 12 long years, opens up the Medha Naadi (Naari) or the nerve of intuitive intelligence which enables the continent aspirant to realise Brahman (the Self)," said Swami Vivekananda.
23. To save the world from destruction the Sanatan Dharma must be zealously propagated forthwith throughout the world. 🕉
24. Shameful anarchy in West Bengal! 'What a fall, my countrymen!'
25. Hindus have been converted to Islam over centuries which eventually led to Partition. Now the reverse needs to happen in decades.
26. Instead of fruitlessly arguing against Hindutva read Sita Ram Goel and Ram Swarup. Publisher: Voice of India.
27. Swamiji's dictum, 'Face the brute', has deep civilisational connotations which are worth pondering on as we work for the resurgence of the Sanatan Dharma.
28. It is neither 'Bangaa' nor 'tarangaa' in the National Anthem. It ought to be pronounced as 'Banga' and 'taranga'.
29. Fools speak ill of Hindutva without sufficient study either of the Islamic oppression of India or the literature on Hindutva.
30. Journalists must read Swami Vivekananda thoroughly before charging Hindutvavaadis of going against the grain of the Sanatan Dharm.
31. Read the Qur'an, the Hadees and the Sira to know Islam. Then speak.
32. The Kauravs knew they had to destroy the Pandavs in war. Poor Arjun did not know his enemy. Hence, Krishna spoke His Geeta verses.
33. Ram and Krishna were warriors. So must their followers be in defence of the Dharm.
34. Die in the senses that you may be born in God.
35. The most effeminate are the ones who advertise goods and services. The way they speak before the camera is utterly devoid of manhood.
36. Here was a monk (Swami Satyarupananda) who at his advanced age was yet the embodiment of manhood which Swamiji so desired to see among his followers.
37. The western way of public discourse is eating into the vitals of urban India. Indianise your thoughts. Become rooted to the soil.
38. However much you may try, you will be a miserable mimic of the West. So, return to roots and proudly persist in your indigenous culture.
39. Haan JI, we have HAD enough of it. 1300 years not a mean measure of suffering. Right?
40. Strange it is that boys like Khudiram Bose, Kartar Singh Sarabha and Bhagat Singh, and youths like Sukhdev, Rajguru, Chandrasekhar Azad, Rajendranath Lahiri and innumerable other revolutionaries fought for freedom so early in their lives, lived and died for it, but Gandhi had to be 48 before he launched his first struggle for the same. Rather late entry and with unwholesome consequences for our motherland in the long run. Rash Behari Bose, Bagha Jatin, Subhas Chandra Bose, Hem Chandra Ghosh and countless others had plunged into the fray when in the blossom of their youth and yet Gandhi watched proceedings from a distance and did nothing till as late as 1917 when he was two years short of 50. One wonders why.
41. I refuse to visit a club that mandates European clothes by way of formal wear. The colonial hangover must be done away with.
42. Where is secularism when Hindu temples are under governmental control?
43. Lal Krishna Advani has been awarded the Bharat Ratna. So has Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Why not Syamaprasad Mookerjee then?
44. Character-formation is to be understood in terms of manhood manifested, the latter being proportional to the former.
45. আমার স্বরূপই ঈশ্বর, আমার স্বরূপই মহামায়া, আমার স্বরূপই আত্মা, আমার স্বরূপই ব্রহ্ম |
46. বীর ভগবানকে পায় | বীরত্বে ঈশ্বরলাভ হয় | এ কাপুরুষের কর্ম নয় | তাই সাহসী হতে হবে |
The Master at the vesper hour merged in lonesome meditation on the night ahead, on the looming darkness and the sunlit dawn to yet arise when the early birds will sing the Sama and raise humanity unto the divine realm.
48. Reconversion of non-Hindus to the Sanatan Dharm the only way out to national integration. Else, India will die a definite death.
49. Read Sita Ram Goel's 'FRANCIS XAVIER SJ THE MAN AND HIS MISSION' to discover with horror how he had the Portuguese colonists mass-convert the Hindus to Christianity with force, had their temples by the hundreds destroyed and the idols of their gods and goddesses smashed to pieces.
50. We need a Hindu Rashtra. Otherwise, our fortunes are ruined, our future sealed, our civilisation dead at no distant date.
51. What is the religious pluralism that we talk of? The Portuguese forcibly converted the Hindus to Christianity. The Muslim invaders and kings converted them to Islam. Where was the harmony then that advocates of these religions talk of now as being threatened by the Hindus while even to this day they keep on converting Hindus to their fold by fraud, force and inducement?
52. Be heavily a Hindu and return to roots. But do not exclude any of the multifarious projections of the Sanatan Dharma in its historical evolution. Read Swamiji's 'Paper on Hinduism' delivered in Chicago on 19 September, 1893 at the World Parliament of Religions to appreciate the import of this exhortation.
53. Above all be brave. Do not compromise with untruth, half-truth or a comfortable interpretation of truth to suit existential exigency but embrace, profess and propagate the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Let your courage of conviction show. Let your conviction see the blaze of light. You are invincible if you are in truth and in purity to boot. Nothing need you fear. No power in the world can crush you when you have acquired that indomitable spirit of the 'Lion of Vedanta', Swami Vivekananda.
54. They who support crooks are crooks themselves.
55. দেশটাকে শেষ করে দিল রাজনৈতিক নেতানেত্রীরূপ দুর্বৃত্তের দল | এরই জন্য কি বিপ্লবীরা প্রাণ দিয়েছিলেন ? এই কি স্বাধীনতার ফল ? সাধারণ মানুষ যদি গড্ডালিকা স্রোতে প্রবাহিত হন, তো এই রকমই অবস্থা হয় দেশের | উঠুন ! জাগুন ! স্বামীজীব বাণী হৃদয়ে ধারণ করে দুর্বৃত্তদের প্রতিহত করুন | মহা উদ্দমে দেশগঠন করুন |
Read this book. It's a brilliant appraisal of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj by Swami Vivekananda as recorded from memory by Dr. M.C.Nanjunda Rao who was witness to Swamiji's reflections on the great Maratha ruler.
57. The Muslims who killed Hindus by the hundreds of thousands prior to, during and post Partition were all converted Hindus, mostly converted by the 'sword of Islam'. Even today the descendants of these refuse to unite with the Hindus simply because their faith mandates them to act otherwise. This is what conversion does to a civilisation, fracturing it for good. Would it were that Hindus had not been so divided into innumerable warring groups and so suffered servitude to barbarians invading from the deserts for such a protracted period of time! Shame it is that we have still not learnt our lesson and continue to indulge in infighting while harbouring misconceptions about the supposed fraternity that is possible between a civilisation of universal acceptance and that of brutal exclusiveness to the point of destruction of all else but the Islamic 'faithful'!
58. গান্ধীজীকে নেতাজী রাষ্ট্রপিতা মানতে পারেন, আমি মানি না | তিনি হিন্দুর প্রতি বারংবার যে অবিচার করেছেন, একজন একনিষ্ঠ, আত্মসম্মানযুক্ত হিন্দু হিসেবে তা আমার পক্ষে মেনে নেওয়া অসম্ভব, অধর্ম | স্বামীজী ও ঠাকুর থাকতে অভিভাবকের কি এতই অভাব পড়ল দেশে যে গান্ধীজীকে সে পদে মেনে নিতে হবে ?
59. We need a body politic of Hindus worldwide effectively welded together by spiritual, cultural and organisational bonds.
60. সংস্কৃতির অবনমনের একটি লক্ষণ হল নিজের মত অন্যের মতের ওপর জবরদস্তি চাপিয়ে দেওয়া | ঐতিহাসিক বর্বরতারও একই লক্ষণ |
61. Brutality cannot elicit love.
62. যাঁদের সামান্য বাক্যরক্ষার ক্ষমতা নেই, তারা দেশসেবা করবেন কেমন করে?
63. আজ ১৯এ ফেব্রুয়ারি | ১৮৯৭ সালে এই দিনে স্বামীজী প্রথমবার পাশ্চাত্য হতে ফিরে কলকাতায় পদার্পণ করেন |
64. বীরত্ব আর বৈরাগ্য সমার্থক | বৈরাগ্যবিহীন বীরত্ব নিরর্থক | বীরত্ববিহীন বৈরাগ্য অসম্ভব |
65. In this age of advertisement the first casualty is character.
66. I was born 13 years 10 months after Independence and imbibed some of the fire that was yet alive in those first years of freedom.
67. I wonder how Gandhiji could harmonise his ideas of non-violence with the teachings of Krishna in the Geeta which he read daily.
68. Maharana Pratap Singhji, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Guru Gobind Singhji are my heroes. My heroine is Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi.
69. What had the Hindus of Kolkata done to deserve being butchered by Muslims at the behest of Jinnah and Suhrawardy on 16 Aug,1946?
70. দ্বীপে দীর্ঘদিন নিশায় নারী নির্যাতন | এর পরিণাম কি? মা কি ক্ষমা করবেন? নাকি তাঁর বিধানে পতন অবশ্যম্ভাবী?
66. জনরোষ অপ্রতিরোধ্য |
67. Spontaneous uproar against the criminals in Sandeshkhali. Women's march, staff in hand, reminiscent of the French Revolution.
68. Is this the beginning of the end? [Ref. TMC's fate post Sandeshkhali]
69. 'সন্দেশখালি' শব্দটি তাৎপর্যপূর্ণ | 'সন্দেশ', অর্থাৎ, 'সংবাদ' | 'খালি', অর্থাৎ, 'শূণ্য' | শব্দাংশদ্বয় মিলে দাঁড়ায়, 'যে সংবাদে শূণ্য হওয়ার উপক্রম' | কিন্তু কি শূণ্য হতে চলেছে ? শূণ্য হয়েছে সরল গ্রামবাসীর শান্তি, সম্পদ, নির্যাতিতা নারীর সতীত্ব, শাসকের ন্যায়বিচার | এর ফলস্বরূপ আর কিছু শূণ্য হবে কি ? নাকি নৈরাজ্য পূর্ণরূপেই চলবে ?
70. Our national misfortune has been that our no.1. leader M.K.Gandhi was not half as great as our no.2. leader Subhas Chandra Bose.
71. The brave women of Sandeshkhali venting out their feelings.
72. শাক দিয়ে কি মাছ ঢাকা যাবে? অন্যায় করে আচ্ছাদনরূপ ও বিক্ষেপরূপ অবিদ্যামায়া যাঁরা আশ্রয় করেন, তাঁদের কর্মফল কি হবে?
73. "লজ্জা, ঘৃণা, ভয়---এ তিন থাকতে নয়," বলেছেন ঠাকুর | হে ভীরু ভক্ত ! ভয়হীন হও | গর্জে ওঠো | জাগো !
74. সন্দেশখালি দ্বীপে 'দীপ নিভে গেছে নিশীথ সমীরে |'
75. 'Vande Mataram' is a mantra surcharged with the soul of the Pujya Matribhumi.
76. Just now I have blocked yet another uncivil commenter who unceremoniously challenged my authority in writing my posts the way I do.
77. देश कि रक्षा के लिये दोनो चाहिये---शास्त्र और शस्त्र | 🕉
78. The harm the British have done to India will recoil on them. At no distant date Britain will pay for her misdeeds across the world.
79. एक महोत्तम देशप्रेमी ने मात्रृभूमि के लिये फासि चड़ गये परन्तु कोइ उसका महान आत्मत्याग ओर आत्मबलिदान को स्मरण भि नहि करते है कारण सामान्यजन उनके बारे मे भ्रमितबुद्धि है | यह इतिहास कि दुखदायी परिहास है, देशवासीके कृतघ्नताकि प्रकृष्ट परिचय है | वन्दे मातरम ! 🕉
80. An uncompromising person of high principles, immaculate character and tremendous erudition, Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar shines a stellar being in the history of our emerging modern nation.
81. The Ten Greatest Personalities of Our Nation in Modern Times [in chronological order]
[1. Raja Rammohan Roy
2. Ishvarchandra Vidyasagar
3. Sri Ramakrishna
4. Swami Dayananda Sarasvati
5. Sri Sarada Devi
6. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
7. Swami Vivekananda
8. Rash Behari Bose
9. Subhas Chandra Bose
10. Bhimrao Ambedkar]
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was regarded by Swamiji as the greatest Indian monarch of the last three centuries (17th to 19th centuries). Read 'Shivaji the Great---As Viewed by Swami Vivekananda'.
83. Just be and you are free.
84. Was the Nehru-Liaquat Pact of 1950 ever honoured by Pakistan?
85. Why bother about establishment in the eyes of the world? Be settled in the Self and all else fall apart.
86. Recognition scarce matters to the one who has recognised he is none but the Self.
87. The path of purity is the path of peace.
88. The universe is the hanging garden of imagination.
89. Do not become a lamb following Vivekananda by hearing effeminate lectures on him. Study Vivekananda yourself and emerge a lion.
90. Eternity is not a stretch of limitless time. It is absolute stillness without a movement or stir. It is the Presence.
91. When politicians say, 'I', 'I', they exhibit their spiritual ignorance and prove that they are unfit to rule over an essentially spiritual country.
92. Truth of tyranny surfacing despite all precautions to hide facts. Truth triumphs after all. Satyameva jayatey!
93. If a KARMA COMPUTER could be possible, I wonder how the 'greats' and the 'smalls' would have fared.
94. হয়েছিল 'পরিবর্তন' আর আজ হয়েছে পচন | এবার কি তবে পতন ? অতঃপর কর্তব্য কি ?
95. পশ্চিমবঙ্গের সর্বোচ্চ নেতানেত্রীরা এতটুকুও স্বামীজীর আদর্শের দ্বারা প্রভাবিত নন, অনুপ্রাণিত তো ননই | নইলে এই নৈরাজ্য ?
96. If the population of Bangladesh where population density is one of the highest, keeps on growing, it is but inevitable that they will spill into India creating further demographic challenges for us. The only solution is reconversion of the subcontinent to the Sanatan Dharma. But how? This ought to be our topmost national consideration to avoid a second Partition-like situation in the coming decades.
97. লোকে ভয়ে কাঁপে | সারা বঙ্গ জুড়ে শুধু নৈরাজ্য নয়, ত্রাসতন্ত্র | 'সাহস অবলম্বন কর'---এই তো স্বামীজীর আদেশ | ভক্ত, জাগো !
98. নাটক শেখ নেতানেত্রীর কাছে |
99. সাহসী না হলে শিক্ষা নিরর্থক, ধর্ম ব্যর্থ |
100. সহিষ্ণু হব অসহিষ্ণুর প্রতি? এটা কাপুরুষতা নয়?
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