Monday, 5 February 2024



1. A strong nationalism is necessary. And for this we need character-formation and not commercialisation of culture.

2. ক্ষাত্রবীর্য কাকে বলে? নিজের জন্য বাঁচতে চাই না, দেশের জন্য মরতে চাই |

3. ক্ষুদিরাম কত পবিত্র! তার মতো দুটি আছে?

4. জয় মা! জয় ঠাকুর! এই স্বদেশবিদ্বেষ, স্বধর্মবিদ্বেষ দূর কর | এদের সদ্বুদ্ধি দাও | দেশের কল্যাণেই আত্মকল্যাণ, স্বধর্মপালনে নিধন পর্যন্ত শ্রেয়, এই চেতনা জাগাও |

5. How many of us are ready to receive Shree Ramji, Shree Krishnaji and Shree Shivji in our lives? It must be a total acceptance where we are not, Ishvar alone is.

6. We have to forgo passivity and actively pursue the ksatradharma. In purity lies power but it is diluted by a simultaneous cowardice that has made our spiritual leaders and made us an emasculate community of tall talkers and weak men. Courage is the call of the hour, not commerce in collusion with crony capitalists. We must study the scriptures and rise in defence of the Dharma as kshatriya kings did till the other day. Where are Maharana Pratap Singh, Samarth Ramdas, Chattrapati Shivaji, Guru Tegh Bahadurji, Guru Gobind Singhji, Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi, Swami Vivekananda and the like, heroes of the Spirit who rose to save the Sanatan Dharma and reestablish order in Aryavarta? We must model our lives on these sublime souls and carry out their command in every movement of our life. The Paanchajanya shall sound once more from across the length and breadth of the subcontinent, Punyabhumi Bharatvarsha. No more weakness of soul masquerading as all-embracing spirituality but real valorous establishment of the Sanatan Dharma in all its comprehensive colour, the varna of the rising sun which is the resolution of its multifarious spectral components. Unto this attainment did Swamiji send forth his clarion call, "Arise! Awake! And stop nog till the goal is reached." Which goal? Now ponder.


A lone man launching a spiritual-civilisational revolution that in times to come will usher in a bew order of humanity, albeit after his second coming soon. "Then many will be liberated. Those that will not will have to wait a long time for liberation." These were the very words of the Master himself as he peered into the unborn future to foresee events.


Then they had no money but had spirituality. The young eagles of Ramakrishna. Narendranath and his brother disciples at the dilapidated, haunted house of Barahanagar.

9. Reas Sita Ram Goel and Ram Swarup, then talk.

10. Study Swami Vivekananda thoroughly, then talk.

11. I exhort all Sanatanis to combine and propagate the Sanatan Dharma. In it lies our civilisational good.

12. Hindu passivity cannot be condoned. Compromise is unwelcome on civilisational matters. Temples must be restored, each one of them.

13. Meekness has destroyed our warrior character. This is totally unacceptable and we must reverse this cowardly tendency to appease aggressors.

14. Read Sita Ram Goel, Ram Swarup, Koenraad Elst, Sir Jadunath Sircar and Swami Vivekananda at least before attempting to appease our civilisational enemies. 

15. First one's voice must be vigorous, personality masculine, will of steel, conception clear and resolve unshakeable to rise in defence of the Dharma. Then and then alone may our Sanatan civilisation be duly defended.

16. Masculine personality necessary, vigorous voice sending out strong messages rather than meek recitation of poetry and shayeri.

17. It is frustrating to fight alone and yet the fight must go on.

18. কাপুরুষের ন্যায় বেঁচে থাকার থেকে বীরের ন্যায় স্বধর্মরক্ষায় মরে যাওয়া ভাল |

19. টিভি চ্যানেলগুলো যেন অস্থিরতার প্রতিযোগিতায় মত্ত | বাণিজ্যিক প্রবণতা যখন এহেন, তখন বৈশ্যগুণেরই জয়জয়াকার সম্ভব, ক্ষাত্রবীর্যপ্রদর্শনের নয়, ব্রহ্মতেজপ্রকাশের তো নয়ই |

20. The sheer lowly excitement and mutual animosity that goes on in television channel 'debates' makes a mockery of us as a people.

21. Hindus must study the Bhagavad Geeta, especially those portions where Krishna exhorts Arjun to cast off unmanliness and fight. 🕉

22. Swamiji had said, "I hate cowardice." His exhortation to us was to be dedicated and brave in defence of the Sanatan Dharma which to his mind was the source, substance and sustenance of our civilisation.

23. Stop this urban effeminacy in the form of degenerate imitation of the West.

24. The Geeta is an exhortation unto manliness, unto valour, unto destruction of evil that would otherwise destroy humanity.

25. Do not make film stars or sports stars national icons. We have iconic figures in history enough to require such poor substitutes.

26. Read the Geeta daily. Be manly. Manifest strength for defence of the Dharma.

27. Swamiii was born and died in colonised but undivided Bharat. Next time will he be fortunate enough to live in undivided Bharat?

28. Swamiji was born and died in colonised but undivided Bharatvarsha. Next time when he incarnates, will he be fortunate enough to live in undivided Bharat, for we have suffered the horrific fate of dismemberment of the holy motherland?

29. We must constantly contemplate the warrior Ram, the warrior Krishna, not the deities of our passive piety. We need kshaatraveerya.

30. Mother protects, preserves, never leaves Her child. And yet we suffer on account of our cowardice.

🕉 Bagalaamukhi Ma!

31. There is not a single Hindu Rashtra on earth. Islamic states, Christian states, Jewish state---all are there, but no Hindu Rashtra.

32. We must build a massive world-level university solely for the purpose of study and propagation of the Sanatan Dharma.

33. The first thing we ought to do is to fight conversion. The second thing is to learn and teach Sanskrit.

34. Be utterly dedicated, committed to the core. The cause calls for a thousand souls, pure and simple, courageous and bold. Learning and love, valour and virtue must be laid down at the altar of the Great Mother who is the Motherland. 

35. Cowards are feted in society, the valorous who expose harsh religious realities dubbed villains.

36. Virtue has nothing in common with cowardice, it being its antithesis.

37. Humanity shown to barbarians leads to destruction of civilisation. And the attack comes from both within and without.

38. Can evil be dubbed religion?

39. By singing and dancing and reciting poetry our Sanatan civilisation cannot be saved. We need warriors of the Spirit for that.

40. Urban Hindu birth-rate is dropping dramatically. Soon there will be a cultural collapse on account of that with disastrous future consequences. We are at the crossroads of our civilisation today where we need to propagate the Sanatan Dharma zealously in order to win our alienated brethren back to the Sanatan fold. The Sanatan Dharma is the civilisational pulse of Bharatvarsha and it must continue to remain so if Aryavarta is to survive. But for that converts must be brought back by the hundreds of millions to the Mother Faith. 'Naanyapanthaa vidyatey ayanaaya.' ('There is no other way.')

41. Meekness of approach need not be construed universalism. That is mere false posturing, at best cowardly tall talk. Courage in propagation of the Dharma, and unapologetically so, constitutes true spirituality in practice.

42. Immoral principles if sanctioned by religion must be deemed evil and forthwith rejected. In it lies true spirituality and humanity stemming from it. Scriptural sanction cannot justify inhuman principles enunciated that at source divide humanity into believer and infidel.

43. Democracy becomes a farce if it allows changing demography of anti-democratic elements to crush it eventually.

44. What is this 'Amritkaal' that we have been hearing of for sometime with respect to the 75th anniversary of the Partition of India?

45. A lot of alliteration makes the substance of the Prime Minister's speeches. But to what effect except the jingling of words?

46. Is speaking the truth nowadays being deemed the making of erroneous observation? What about 'Satyameva jayatey' then?

47. Hindu interests are being neglected by all political parties, by some less and by some more, but neglected nonetheless.

48. If a faith is absolutely arbitrary, has no philosophy worth the call and attempts to justify doctrines by borrowing logic from foreign philosophical systems, how far may it be upheld as representative of the ultimate truth?

49. Do not attempt to convert the Hindu. He/she has faith enough to spiritualise the whole world. Touch not the Hindu's faith. 🕉

50. The British destroyed India. Now we are rebuilding it.

51. Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi is our national icon.

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is our national icon.

Maharana Pratap Singh is our national icon.

Rani Ahalyabai Holkar is our national icon.

Guru Gobind Singhji is our national icon.

Swami Prabhananda (Senior) [Ketaki Maharaj] is our national icon.

52. Gandhian non-violence emasculated us as a nation.

53. Arrogance is also a form of violence. Anything that hurts others is violence.


Shaista Khan being given the treatment by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Khan escaped with his life but three fingers short as the sword of the Maratha chief fell on his ill-fated hand. Shaista Khan was Aurangzeb's maternal uncle and had been sent to set the Deccan to order. But as events materialised he was himself disordered by the Maratha leader and was promptly transferred to safer Bengal by his emperor nephew.

55. How do Britain and USA have the cheek to preach human rights to the world when they have been the worst violators of it?

56. The Government of India has not yet given due recognition to the INA as the army of the liberation of India. Where on KARTAVYA PATH is the INA MEMORIAL? Is this honouring Netaji and his brave warriors for freedom? Must not the Government of India do its KARTAVYA in this regard?

57. India must completely break free of British control by dissociating herself from the British Commonwealth of Nations.

58. Evil cannot be compromised with. Evil must be obliterated. And it has to be by righteous forces which is dharmasangsthaapan.

59. In every manner and mode exhibit manhood. This is the way to our civilisational good. Swamiji had said, "My gospel can be summed up in just one word---manhood."

60. The falling number of 'likes' to my posts is a measure of its inverse success. The medicine is working. Vande Mataram! 🕉

61. I owe my allegiance to the Vedas and all subsequent shastras in the Sanatan tradition, taking care to seek their harmony in the light of the teachings of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda.

62. Politicians in the name of practising secularism often patronise the wickedness of undesirable ideologies. This is a terrible sin.

63. Division of labour along with revision of labour makes for a healthy society.

64. We must not in our speech honour politicians who are rogues in essence. The masses will reject those who play with their fortunes.

65. Violence against the great man is symptomatic of the slave race. The greats ever pay the price of being ahead of their times.

66. Antinational forces will be defeated. Nationalism in line with the blueprint laid down by the Rishis is on the rise. 🕉

67. 🕉 This is the unifying mantra of all Sanatanis.

68. If conversion is the problem, reconversion is the solution.

69. The resurgence of the Sanatan Dharma is the sign of India's renaissance.

70. A stiff neck is bad but a stiff idea ruinous when passed on from generation to generation by a communicative system of clerics.

71. Governor's shocking revelations on Sandeshkhali! If this is not lawlessness, what is? West Bengal going from bad to worse.

72. Anarchy in Sandeshkhali! Symptomatic of what is widespread elsewhere as well in West Bengal. Else, why is violence so rampant?

73. The PM's personal intervention secures the release of 8 Navy personnel earlier sentenced to death by Qatar. Gratitude boundless.

74. Cowardice is the first thing one must renounce if one is to be a patriot.

75. Out of a thousand sheep one emerges a mighty lion.

76. Our Prime Minister has a remarkably strong will. And the world honours him for it. But do some of our countrymen do so?

77. Our Governor, C.V. Ananda Bose, is a gentleman of high moral integrity.

78. Read Swamiji's 'Paper on Hinduism' to learn about the Sanatan Dharma in all its concise comprehensiveness. 

79. Perverted from the Mother-faith by force, they now work against the same Mother. Such is the power of indoctrination from birth.


Women, embodiment of the Divine Mother, are subject to molestation in Sandeshkhali and, yet, the silence of the intelligentsia over it is deafening. Where are the liberal-secular intellectuals now? Where the candle-light vigils? Where the denunciation of such demonic behaviour? Where the common man's response in horror? It is silence, sheer silence everywhere! How long must our mothers and sisters suffer? Is this governance? Where is state protection? Whither justice?

Photo: The sufferers of Sandeshkhali are the sisters of these luminous goddesses of Bharatvarsha, only at a helpless distance from them in their horrific plight.

81. In resurgent Ramrajya Sita Ram Goel and Ram Swarup ought to be declared Bharat Ratnas.

82. ভারত জাগুক ! হিন্দু জাগুক ! 🕉

83. Truth, if even unpalatable, must be stated. It does not matter if it is held sacrosanct by billions who would hardly have its corrupt elements exposed. If it is foul, its real nature must be made manifest before the wide world for the safety and security of humanity that is threatened by it. And there must be no cowardly partisan attitude adopted in watering it down to suit safety or for political expediency. Truth must be stated boldly and fearlessly if it is to serve its purpose of safekeeping civilisation. Else, its misrepresentation or dilution renders it a time bomb that will explode at its opportune moment to decimate a people and its civilisation as we have witnessed with reference to the Partition of undivided India. 

84. India ought to be declared a Hindu Rashtra. Whatever Constitutional observances are necessary for it must be taken care of. 🕉

85. Politicians pander today to mobocracy which at no distant date will become impossible for law enforcement agencies to contain. Alarming!

86. The dishonour of women in West Bengal has disgraced the state yet again. Anarchy is being witnessed in Sandeshkhali.

87. ধর্মের কল বাতাসে নড়বে | শুধু কালের প্রতিক্ষা |

88. রাজ্যজুড়ে বিক্ষোভ | শান্তির রাজ্য বটে ! সুশাসনের তো বটেই !

89. এ কি গণতন্ত্র ? স্বৈরাচারের চূড়ান্ত ! ধিক্কার !

90. Criminalisation of politics has led to where we are. Conscientious citizens must brood on future course.

91. এই কি শ্রীশ্রীমাঠাকরুণের বাংলা ? জীবন্ত দেবীর নিগ্রহ যেখানে, ধর্ম কোথায় সেথা ?

92. Unless utterly selfless leaders rule the country, at no distant date governance will fall apart as people's movements intensify.

93. Never imagined our capital city would have to be fortified against the advancing tide of farmers' tractors. Where are we headed?

94. There is a deal of irresponsibility in our leadership that things keep going out of hand owing to people's legitimate protests.

95. Politics is a lot of pretence and organised religion is a lot of politics.

96. It is best not to flatter leaders in a democracy and build up an unhealthy personality cult. Democracy demands decentralisation.

97. নির্লজ্জ ! এরপরেও তরপাবে | দুদিন মিহি গলার পরেই আবার আসবে হুঙ্কার | যথার্থই বলেছে, 'চোরের মায়ের বড় গলা |'

98. Utter lawlessness in West Bengal!

99. নেতানেত্রীকে জ্ঞাতিসম্বন্ধে এত বাড়িয়ে তুলতে নেই | তুললে তার ভয়াবহ ফল অচিরেই ফলে | ইতিহাস একথাই বলে |

100. মরা জাত আর কি মরবে? কেবল অন্ত্যেষ্টিক্রিয়া বাকি |

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