Sugata Bose @YouTube [OpIndia English] : If J. Sai Deepak needs no introduction, then why introduce him at all? Why this hackneyed observation and its typical violation?
Sugata Bose @Ranjan Mitra : Bharatvarsha will become a dharmic state one day by explicit enunciation in the Constitution.
Sugata Bose @Jayanti Rakshit : Daily read 'My Uncle Netaji' and you will be able to determine your duty. Also read daily 'Lectures from Colombo to Almora' of Swami Vivekananda, Volume 3, Complete Works whose link I am providing below for your convenience should you deem it easy to read online.
Sugata Bose @Dilip Shaw : That is their scriptural mandate--'Maaley ganimat'.
Sugata Bose @Pkc Chowdhuree : নৈতিক অধঃপতন অসম্ভব কারণ নৈতিক উত্থান হয়েছিল কবে যে অধঃপতন হবে? রাজনৈতিক পতন সম্ভব কারণ রাজনৈতিক অভ্যূত্থান হয়েছিল একদা একাদশ সালে | জনতার রোষ বড় রোষ যার প্রকোপে ইয়োরোপ জুড়ে প্রচণ্ডপ্রতাপ মার্কসিয় সমাজতন্ত্রেরও ১৯৮৯ সালে পতন হয়েছিল প্রায় তাসের ঘরের মত |
Sugata Bose @Aditya Goel : Could you kindly whatsapp me the list of books published by VOICE OF INDIA and ADITYA PRAKASHAN related to Hindutva and the Hindu-Muslim-Christian civilisational tension? I want it on Whatsapp and not on Gmail which I am not adept at operating. Whatsapp I am conversant with. Hope I have not exceeded limits of propriety in making what might be misconstrued as an unseemly demand. I seriously wish to buy the relevant books. As of now I have got a very many of them but I wish to get more. Thank you. 🕉
Sugata Bose @YouTube [Vikram Sampath at Jaipur Dialogues] : If it is Saankhyaa, Vaisheshikaa, and Shashaankaa, then it is Vikramaa Sampathaa as well.
Sugata Bose @Rinita Mazumdar : Oh, you are! Please let me know when it is done. I must buy it and read it. Excellent your work will be. Godspeed and keep me informed about its progress.
Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya : The finger keeps going up and down. Very fidgety. Must practise meditation.
Almost কলা দেখাচ্ছে |
Sugata Bose @Tanmoy Lodh : People like you are incapable of apprehending the historical past consequent on the advent and protracted persistence of Islamic jihad and the disaster awaiting India (Hind) again if adequate measures are not adopted to educate the infidel (kafir) about the dangers that loom in the horizon whereby a sufficient resistance may be built up for the due defence of the nation. I used the word 'Bengali' because you mentioned it out of context from nowhere first and the follow-up from my side was but the rejoinder to it, for slumbering people abound in every linguistic group among the Hindus in India. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Deep Mukherjee : Why? This word 'bahiraagata' is frequently used by West Bengal's ruling dispensation to create an artificial divide between the residents of West Bengal and the rest of India, as if West Bengal is a separate country or a la Jammu and Kashmir prior to the abrogration of Article 370 which it is, though, fast sliding into becoming consequent on rapid demographic change or, in plainer terms, progressive Islamisation.
Sugata Bose @Tanmoy Lodh : Read Sita Ram Goel, Ram Swarup, Koenraad Elst, K.S. Lal and other nationalistic writers to dispel your delusion about Hindutva.
Sugata Bose @Tanmoy Lodh : How many thus far in the name of Ram? How many in the name of Islamic jihad, Christian salvation and Marxian revolution? Raise your voice against the latter and much more vociferously in proportion to the poison they have injected into the heart of humanity and to the extent of murder they have executed in human history. There is a huge difference between isolated incidents, no doubt criminal, and systematic purge on an organised ideological basis which you must discern and understand.
Sugata Bose @Shatarupa Halder : Uncanny resemblance, almost a replication across decades. ['Amanush' (film) was shot at Sandeshkhali and had the villain (played by Utpal Dutt) uttering almost identical words as the villains of Sandeshkhali, (TMC), 2013-2024, in real.]
Sugata Bose @Tanmoy Lodh : You mean the appended photograph? Okay, you have a point. I'll change the photo. Thank you for drawing my attention to it.
Sugata Bose @Tanmoy Lodh : The Sanatan Dharma is the foundation of India's civilisation and must remain so if India is to survive.
Sugata Bose @Tanmoy Lodh : Islam and Christianity have caused much more damage to our Sanatan civilisation. Hindutva is the defence against them. This diversity you speak of is the gift of the Sanatan Dharma which Hindutva is defending, not the principle espoused by the aforementioned exclusive Abrahamic religions which are intent on the destruction of Hinduism as history amply testifies. Even communism, the third enemy of Hinduism, is a totalitarian exclusive ideology along the lines of Islam and historical Christianity, albeit a godless one. All these three systems put up ample pretence of secularism, diversity, fraternity and tolerance, but in truth are violent systems geared to destroying our Sanatan civilisation which of all religiophilosophical systems of the world is the only one that accepts diversity in all its multifarious dimensions. But that does not mean that the Sanatan Dharma must subscribe to untruth, intolerance and exclusiveness preached from the podium, the pulpit and the public platform in the name of pretentious secularism and fake fraternity whose explicit and implicit intent is to subvert the Sanatan culture and convert its adherents to their perfidious creeds. Hindutva, I reiterate, is the awakened Hindu's defence against such attacks. It is the preservative principle of Hinduism in action. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Kumar Swapan : RSS is the Saviour. One wonders what would have happened had it not been there. But Hindus have historically nearly always thrown up some resistance or the other to combating invasive influences and thus time it is the Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangha that is our defence against the barbarous forces.
Sugata Bose @Parag Kumar Mitra : Reconversion of Muslims and Christians en masse to the Sanatan Dharma.
Sugata Bose @Parag Kumar Mitra : Right you are. Hindus are sleeping to their doom and with organisational elements preaching impossible harmony of antithetical faiths based on suppression of theological truth and historical fact.
Sugata Bose @Shubhranshu Mohan Banerji : Something more. If possible army course of a year or two after graduation.
Sugata Bose @Blr M R Srinidhi : What about the Muslim population explosion that is irrevocably altering the demographic composition of the state and in general of India?
Sugata Bose @YouTube [Sanjhi Gurbani] : Why is Qawaali being sung in a Gurudwara, it being an Islamic music-form, especially since Guru Tegh Bahadurji had died of Islamic persecution?
Sugata Bose @Blr M R Srinidhi : Reconversion the only way out by exposing before the Muslims the toxic truths of the faith they follow, principles which are incompatible with civilised modern living and to peace and progress of the world. Such exposure post the invention of the printing press had undermined Christianity and released the Christian subjects of the stranglehold of the Church. A like exposure through today's technological wonder, the internet, can bring about a similar collapse of the entire edifice of theological and theocratic Islam. To that end a vast body of ex-Muslims are working and we need to aid their effort by all means to bring about the regeneration of Sanatan civilisation in Bharatvarsha. But for this strength of character, clarified vision, courage of conviction, absolute fearlessness, utter selflessness and undiluted commitment to the cause are necessary.
Sugata Bose @Vaskar Dutta: The concerned party understands. You need not if you cannot plumb the import of the post. At times hints are enough. More than that hurts the goodwill of pertinent organisations which in effect proves socially counterproductive. Hence, a cryptic note is note enough to be noted by perceptive people, read and read into to effect hopefully constructive changes to a corrosive course where service to divinity in man is being corrupted by unwholesome pecuniary considerations that are in violation of pristine principles laid down by the original masters of the movement. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Indrakamal Majumdar : As such we must resist their perfidious plans. I am doing my wee bit. You do yours. And our cooperative endeavour will gather steam and bring in fresh recruits to the resistance front till a mighty movement builds up that will help preserve our Sanatan civilisation.
Demographic change with proliferating Muslim population is the greatest threat today with the coming decades preparing for the cultural clash ahead. This may be addressed by counter-conversion of Muslims and Christians to the Sanatan fold for which we must prepare the mansion where such reverts may be accommodated. After all they are all converts by force, fraud, allurement and incentives afforded by invading and occupying rulers and their proselytising bodies. This return of the perverted to the Mother Faith is the only way to reduce the toxic effect of political Islam and Christianity and to effect the solidarity of the Hindu polity.
The Sanatan Dharma in its Vedic affirmation of 'ekam sadvipraa bahudhaa vadanti' must operate as the philosophical and theological basis of the polity throughout Bharatvarsha. Then alone there shall be lasting peace and progress for our much molested motherland. To the fulfilment of that end let us endeavour. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Rupa Ganguli : Demographic change will soon reduce us, Hindus, to Islamic servitude. These messages, only read and rarely practised, will then be redundant as the Sharia takes over in a prospective Islamic state. Partition could not be prevented despite Swamiji's messages and the complete Islamic theocratic take-over shall also not be possible to avert if we yet do not absorb the lessons of valour Swamiji had in vain tried to preach to us. That we have failed to rightly respond to the horrors of Partition and all its subsequent anomalies proves that we are merely titular followers/devotees of Swamiji and not the brave warriors of the Spirit he had desired to raise. The clock stands at two minutes to midnight and we have but moments to save our motherland from the historical horrors she has already endured for over 1300 years. This is what Swamiji meant when he, paraphrasing the Kathopanishad exhortation, thundered, "Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached." He had desired the sacrifice of a thousand souls at the altar of the motherland's freedom. It is now time to replicate the effort and sacrifice ten thousand or a hundred thousand such to save our civilisation if we are to be deemed worthy recipients of Swamiji's message. I have pledged my life to achieving that end. Come on, brave soul, pledge thine. And others will follow. That is what is the need of the hour, the awakening of the real kshatriya spirit, the raising of 'the brute unto man and man unto God'. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Soumitra Banerjee : আদর্শের থেকে অর্থ ভালবাসি বেশী বলে, সাধুতার নামে হতাদর্শতার সাথে সমঝোতা বেশী করি বলে, বাস্তববাদিতার নামে আদর্শচ্যূতিকে কলুষতা বলে মানিনা বলে |
Sugata Bose @Bhaswar Das : This pernicious practice (Halala) is mandated by Islamic scripture. The ideology is toxic. What can the poor girl do about it? She is caught in its net by dint of birth post conversion across perhaps generations past.
Islamic invasion has left its civilisational molestation mark on the Hindus and is fast eroding its present structure. Unless Hindus awake to reconvert all such perverts back to the Sanatan fold, there is little hope for our motherland. But the Muslim polity is festering and more and more erstwhile adherents are apostasising. The ex-Muslim movement is gathering numbers and mustering strength everyday. It is exposing the theological and practical ills of Islam and eroding its superstructure from within. Before long the entire edifice will collapse.
Thus far politicians are propping up the perfidious clerics of the faith. The day Hindus en masse start rising against all such politicians, things will change. Demographic change in Kerala, West Bengal, Assam, Karnataka and in pockets elsewhere are posing serious challenges but in this ideological war, science and technology (the internet) will crush medieval monstrosity masquerading as religion and uphold humanistic values that the Vedanta embodies. Swamiji's prophecy of India coming to future integration 'through the clashes and conflicts' and becoming the composite of 'the Vedanta brain and Islam body' will come true. But for that Hindus will have to clean up their mansion as well to accommodate their reverted Muslim brethren in the Sanatan fold. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Susanta Mullick : Yes, of course. And unfailingly so, to be raised again and again to resist dilution of the movement and to effect course-correction in whatever minimum measure it is possible for a conscientious citizen to do in whose absence sycophants and pseudo-devotees who flout Swamiji's manly message in every manner, would allow a spiritual movement to degenerate into a material one as it has been testified historically the world over. Swamiji had ruminated before founding his Mission, "To organise or not to organise? If I organise, the spirit will diminish, and if I do not organise, the message will not spread." He had further noted, "Organisation breeds new evils." And we well know what those evils are. Hence, to sum it up, these questions are absolutely pertinent and well worth asking. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Prabir Datta : No. To be a Hindu/Sanatani acceptance of the Vedas as inviolable is the precondition.
Sugata Bose @Koenraad Elst : The Vedas are revelations, eternal and inviolable, not compositions of the brain or the material mind at a point in history by certain gifted individuals. What goes by the book called 'Veda' is not Veda proper but is merely the recording of spiritual realisations that were apparent to the Rishis who came to be called so post-realisation of such. Hence, the point raised is invalidated by the above argument, it being misapprehended entirely. The Vedas are the sum total of spiritual principles that govern phenomena at base, in the body, and as integrated, transcendent, absolute existence-consciousness-bliss remains in eternal separateness. Subscription to this transcendent Brahman and Its active Power (Aadya Shakti) in phenomena is the precondition to being a Hindu. The argument afforded by you is thus nullified.
As far as the non-Vedic Indic religions are concerned, their adherents are by scriptural definition not Hindus/Vaidiks/Sanatanis in the strictest sense of the term but are all integral elements of the Indian Dharma traditions who must come together against aggressive Abrahamic religious culture. It is unseemly to label me as agent of any anti-Hindu order and quite unacceptable from an otherwise perceptive writer as you are. However, knowing that you so well have served the Hindu cause which you continue to do and which makes you thus aggressive to a fault, I digest this insinuation from you without murmur while lodging my due protest against it for its patent falsity even in posing it in the form of an assertive question of sorts. Hope my stand remains sufficiently clarified. 🕉
Sugata Bose @Prabir Datta : It is not a matter of societal rigidity or otherwise but a point of scriptural definition. An atheist is one who is not a theist as such, that is, not a believer in any god or goddess. But if he does not accept the Vedas as representative of the transcendental truth, he cannot be technically deemed a Hindu. By the way the word 'naastik' means one who does not accept the Vedas as true and the word 'aastik' means one who believes in the Vedas. Hence you see, the word 'atheist' is distinctive from the word 'naastik'. Still, an atheist, if he is pronouncedly a materialist and does not believe in the cardinal principles of the Vedic Dharma, such as the Brahman/Atman, Karma, apparent transmigration of the apparently embodied soul, and other like features, he cannot be deemed a Hindu. And if he accepts these principles, then he cannot be deemed an atheist. Hence you see.
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