Thursday, 5 October 2023



It is better to be an atheist who can rationally think than to be a moron at the mercy of mercenaries, manipulating men masquerading as messiahs. But even the thinking atheist must have an open mind of inquiry and investigation and must not be beholden to atheistic systems of thought that are equally pernicious and dogmatic. Free-thinking ought to banish prejudice this way or that and must maintain equipoise in reception, retention, rejection and resolution of ideas and ideals. Political ideologies that claim to be rational are equally dated when they do not reform and readjust tenets as per the advancing tide of knowledge. Strictures emanating from such scriptures, revealed or rationally arrived at, must be critically scrutinised and not blindly adhered to if rationality in the claimant is to survive. Also, superficiality and sensateness must not induce one to reject ideas that are spiritual. One has to free oneself of all such dross if one is to arrive at a clearer conception of truth in its varying facets, if not in its transcendental elemental essence for which a higher preparedness is necessary. Arbitrary acceptance and arbitrary rejection of ideas without giving them due undiluted and unbiased attention is not a rational proposition. So, study is necessary and that by abiding by the necessary conditions---not by absurd ones for sure---which can make for a successful reading of the text of life.

The masses are innocent of the wiles of crooks. And it is crooks who proliferate in this market of spirituality where the gullible are the milch cows for providing the dairy of desirous dishes for these divinities. And these fake Gurus cheat. So do the Maulanas, the Moulavis, priests and the clergy, organisation and church and all such mushrooming manifestations of the market that don the garb of spirituality. Meanwhile, the masses by the millions are kept down in superstition and mumbo jumbo, magic and mummery, miracles and myths going by the name of spirituality. With patronage received from high offices and business barons these godmen and their foundations are milking the masses, seducing them with lies and hoaxes, and reducing the nation's sublimest heritage to the occupation of amassing riches. The intent of these crafty characters is easily read as they collude with politicians to gain prominence whence they serve the election interests of the latter. Politics and piety have become comrades-in-arms as the representatives of both put up their perfidious performances to puncture the hopes of the polity. If men are foolish and wish to be duped, who can prevent these charlatans from obliging them?

Written by Sugata Bose

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