1. Terrorists may be eliminated but terrorism cannot be unless its causes are addressed and the theology inspiring it defeated.
2. First victimise, then play the victim card---the old game.
3. Decapitation is scripturally sanctioned and mandated. Hence, the beheading of Jews by Hamas. When will barbarism be rejected by the believers?
4. Children, even babies, suffering on both sides. The war is taking its toll.
5. As war rages, man suffers. The cries of children and the muted anguish of babies are heart-rending.
6. Neither will Israel die nor Palestine. Hamas will be history one day. But humanity? Must it be history too?
7. When on Al Jazeera/France 24 (TV channel) I saw a procession of Mullahs and Muslims who appeared to resemble Bengalis who were in protest-march against Israeli bombing of Palestinian Gaza, I thought it was coming from Bangladesh. But I was presently surprised to learn that it was Kolkata.
Protest-marches by pro-Palestine supporters worldwide have been quite vociferous as usual with religious kinship defining sympathy as is the wont ever. These marches are unarmed for sure and, hence, peaceful in today's connotation but they reek more of antipathy towards the perceived enemy than they exhibit sympathy for the afflicted ones. There is clear evidence of intense anger and hatred directed at the enemy rather than love and feeling for the bereaved ones in whose support the marchers have risen.
8. International law does not incorporate the LAW OF KARMA. But it acts nonetheless.
9. Shouting aloud in the name of The God is not the sure sign of piety. Silence, meditative tranquillity and peacefulness are.
10. The earth is heating up. It is an existential threat to all. Population control, lifestyle change, peace and international cooperation are the imperatives today and from now on if we are to collectively meet this challenge and overcome the seemingly insurmountable odds. Today we war with each other but tomorrow we shall all perish to peace. Lest such a morrow meets us, let us act now.
11. In the body there is no love. Open up the reserves of the soul and love flows out.
12. Ground offensive in Gaza could be catastrophic for the civilian population. Hezbolla with 150,000 missile stockpile could spark off a potential World War III as local conflict spirals out of control into a comprehensive regional war with their respective alliances the world over joining in the fray.
13. Love is the concentrated essence of the purified mind and its outflow thereof.
14. Does self-defence of a nation allow it to engage in war crimes against its enemy with big brother holding guard?
15. Where is the voice of peace, the sound of sanity today? Vishvaguru silent in serving self-interest?
16. Is God omnipotent and omniscient? Then why does He allow senseless violence to persist for ages? What purpose does it serve?
17. Do not worry. No hoor in heaven, no fire in hell. So, stop converting kafirs. Dilshan (SL), do not fall for Rizwan's (PAK) bait.
18. The Sanatan Dharma is a supremely philosophical religion. Practise it. Do not fall for the Islamic bait of the Dawah. 🕉
19. If anti-Semitic sentiments are nursed everyday multiple times by ritualistic repetition with full scriptural sanction, it is unlikely that peaceful coexistence with Israel will ever be in the minds of Muslim nations. Religion thus spewing venom, fuelling hatred for all beyond its pale, will not allow believers to rest in peace till they have overcome their perceived adversaries either through conversion or through subjugation. Where lies the hope of peace unless the fundamentals are set right through religious reform which in this case of so-called perfected revelation is an impossibility? Can God be wrong? Yes, He can but then to the believer He remains infallible and His 'revelation' absolute and inviolable. Reason has no place where revelation has taken over. Progress is permissible in the affairs of men, not so in the domain of the Divine.
The Jews have suffered for millenia throughout the world save in Hindu India where they have received utmost hospitality. They have so suffered on account of their thin demographic distribution everywhere, this in the reasoning of Einstein, the most famous among the Jews. The Holocaust claimed 90% of them and the remaining 10% multiplied post World War II to be the 15 million odd they are today. But the Islamic ire does not spare them still as Israel's position in the midst of the Muslim Middle East creates more problems than solutions for them. It is an existential threat for the Jews to be so surrounded by enemy nations all around which are ever intent on their annihilation. The Six Day War of 1967, the Yom Kippur War of 1973, the ceaseless conflict in Gaza culminating in the dastardly attack of October 7, these will never allow Israel to rest in peace. Not only geopolitics but religion is to blame for this continuous conflict. The Hindus have suffered a similar fate at the hands of Islam for over a thousand years and continues to do so. Unless vast numbers of men be drawn out of archaic superstition that holds them hostage to hostile beliefs, peace on earth will remain a distant dream.
20. We are a substanceless people, the frustration of the sages, their infertile descendants, as we indulge in sterile praises of the great ones without bothering to read their messages and act in accordance. Did the spiritual masters exhort us to only heap passive praises on them, that too in verbal terms alone without corresponding deeds following them up? Here I exhort you to read their messages and reflect on them instead of merely expressing devotion in superficial terms alone. That will do the movement a world of good. Courage of conviction, my friends, and strength manifested in real terms. "Let men be thinkers," Swamiji said in his celebrated San Francisco lecture 'Is Vedanta the Future Religion?" Was he wrong? And if he was right---which he surely was---must you prove him otherwise through your exhibition of passive piety?
21. What is the endgame of Islam?
Expansion till the whole world is subjugated and brought under its banner.
22. Durga Puja is doubtlessly a religious festival, a key one for Bengalis in especial. The arts and adornments merely embellish the core character of its religiosity, the fun and frolic, fasting and feasting its peripheral social additions which necessarily must accompany a religion that delights in the Divine overcoming the demonic in a titanic struggle that is the very essence of terrestrial life.
23. Omniscience seems to me like omnipotence to be a decentralised feature of Nature which would make God impersonal altogether.
24. I oppose India being renamed Bharat because I fear it will be mispronounced as Bharataa like its word cousins Ramaa, Krishnaa, Duttaa, Guptaa, Mishraa, Ramayanaa, Mahabharataa, Ramakrishnaa, Vivekanandaa and the whole lot of it.
25. Full-stop has gone on vacation. No one bothers to end-punctuate his/her written statement online.
26. While we befriend the enemy, the enemy knows his enemy and is preparing to annihilate us.
27. Population explosion and demographic change will destroy India.
28. First develop a good reading habit. Then other things will follow.
29. France facing immigration problems. Teachers threatened with violence for discussing Islamic issues during history classes.
30. How foolish the BCCI has been! Ought to have staged the India-NZ WC match atop Mt.Everest instead for better weather conditions!
31. What happened on October 7, 2023 in Israel has happened for centuries in Hindu India. How could Hindus choose to forget?
32. Iran and its morality police! Dress code for women and religion! Despicable suppression of women! Arise womanhood everywhere!
33. What a foolish idea that if you are a non-Muslim you will go to Hell !
34. A great loss. Bishan Singh Bedi passes away.
35. Afghanistan nails Pakistan, cruises to World Cup victory. Giant-killer Afghanistan thus topples reigning champion England and 1992 champion Pakistan. Superb show, simply inspirational for a country otherwise in ruins. This victory should bolster confidence in rebuilding the land.
36. What is idolatry?Pandering to the vanities of the world. And they who criticise the Hindus for it are the ones who do it the most.
37. India is Constitutionally secular but spiritually Hindu (Sanatani). Let there be no confusion over it. Ayam Atma Brahma. 🕉
38. For how much longer must Iranian girls suffer misogynistic persecution for not wearing the head scarf as per prescription?
39. Why blame the Jews for the crucifixion of Christ when there is no definitive historical proof that Christ ever existed?
40. Einstein was of the view that persecution of the Jews worldwide for ages has been because of their thin distribution everywhere.
41. Try to be interesting. A wide reading helps. Be original in your views. Do not bore others with routine pedestrian talk.
42. A big 'thank you' to all my readers on this auspicious day of Vijaya Dashami. In the evening we shall exchange greetings again.
43. The Sanatan Dharma is the only spiritual system that accepts all religions as true. None else does so, not Christianity nor Islam.
44. In the name of secularism there are too many anti-Hindu forces operating within the country.
45. If the Constitution of India gives us the legal framework for conducting state affairs, the Sanatan Dharma is the very soul of the race that inhabits this motherland of ours, much wounded though she be through millenia of invasion and subversion of civilisation by invading hordes.
46. We are consistently told that India with 5th largest nominal GDP and 3rd largest PPP is an emerging global power. What we are not told alongside is that we are 139th in nominal GDP per capita and 127th in PPP per capita. Inspiring revelation followed by the discovery of a distressing reality.
47. The only thing one can with any degree of success do is to build oneself. Efforts to build others ever lie in vain.
48. How do Indian Muslims align themselves with secularism when the very essence of Islam is violently opposed to it?
49. However you may talk of rising Hindu nationalism, progressive demographic change will destroy Sanatan civilisation.
50. Hollow politicians and their hollow talk utterly devoid of character and conviction, much like flimsy film stars and pseudospiritual Gurus busy making the best of both worlds while donning the facade of a fertile philosophy that masks their material craving of a degenerate diseased kind!
51. God stands independent of devotion.
52. Human love is temporary need but it emanates from the deep desire to possess oneself.
53. Where there is ego there is no love. Love is all-absorbing sublimation of the self.
54. We at once belong to the modern age, the medieval age and the ancient age as time keeps rolling forward sending us backward.
55. Much of tradition is myth.
56. ফোনে প্রণাম, ওয়াটস্যাপে প্রণাম, ফেসবুকে আভূমি প্রণাম---মৌখিক প্রণাম, লিপিবদ্ধ প্রণাম | বেশ চলেছে প্রণামের আধুনিকীকরণ |
57. Why apologise on behalf of terrorists? Will they spare any if let off the hook thus? Or, are we to assume that there are more sinister motives hiding behind such apparently innocent apology? What's the deal? Will it succeed? Will terrorists spare apologists as well eventually?
58. স্বাবলম্বনই আধ্যাত্মিকতা |
59. Give full-stop to your sentences lest they lose their finite feature. Surely you do not want your sentences to be dubbed characterless. Punctuate properly. Such casual omission shows you in rather poor light.
60. A soul is trying to roll out through a body. Babies give their evolutionary call through their cries. Then they romp and run and play, ramble in the pleasure-garden of life till in maturer mode they settle into a reflective peace to fly off in the end into the limpid spaces of freedom, never to return. Such is the cycle of life.
61. Mother, in this hour of terror and strife shower peace on earth.
62. How do you apply Sanatan philosophy to foster peace in a severely fractured world?
63. স্বাধীনতা সংগ্রামের সর্বোচ্চ নেতা সুভাষচন্দ্র বসু এবং রাসবিহারী বসু | কি বলেন?
64. Hyper-expression is a sign of pedestrian culture quite opposed to the quieter cultural refinement that nobility bears.
65. This world is full of counterfeit expressions of emotion that through habit and cultural transmission have almost been naturalised.
66. The inception of Islam with its divisive world view eventually led to the conception and creation of Pakistan.
67. It is so heart-warming to see China's population falling and equally so heart-breaking to see India's population rising.
68. Isn't it a shame that India, the mother of world civilisation, should now head the world only in one department---population?
69. Every minute India's population is increasing by 24 and China's decreasing by 1.
70. There's a lot to say, a lot to do and a lot to change before humanity prevails on earth. Divinity is as yet a far cry.
71. It is of utmost importance that each and every Indian should correctly know the text of the National Anthem and be able to sing it with proper pronunciation as well which unfortunately is now not the case. And it is a shame that it should be so in a world event like the Cricket World Cup where in front of the world television mispronunciation of the words BANGA as BANGAA and TARANGA as TARANGAA should misrepresent our National Anthem so.
72. If HARSH becomes HARSHAA, then BANGA becomes BANGAA and TARANG TARANGAA.
73. A people that is inaccurate in its representations needs training in order to equip it to compete in the comity of nations.
74. The national malady today is levity. Frivolity like a virus has infected the body politic. Superficiality reigns supreme.
75. We are a ceaseless civilisation indeed. Few among us care to put a full-stop at the end of a sentence as if it is infinitude all the way. The beginning of ignorance is untraceable but its terminus is in knowledge of the Self. Here in a finite sentence, though, it is a beginning that has no end. Queer inversion of national philosophy.
76. Accuracy is the key to national development.
77. If YOG has become YOGAA, what should BHOG become? BHOGAA?
78. If MAHABHARAT has become MAHABHARATAA, what lies ahead for BHARAT? BHARATAA?
80. Now the emoji has replaced the full-stop. A nice way out of this terminal predicament.
81. We have started the QUIT FULL-STOP MOVEMENT.
82. The irresponsible population explosion of India will cost her dear.
83. Islam is the fastest growing religion. But how? By population explosion. Is that desirable or worth it to bolster religious rank?
84. বিজ্ঞাপন না লঘুচিত্ততা ? ব্যবহারের ব্যভিচার !
85. শিক্ষার দ্বারা মানুষের অহংকার বৃদ্ধি হয়েছে, নৈপুণ্য বৃদ্ধি হয় নি |
86. মাসী নয়, পিসী নয়, খুড়ী নয়, জেঠী নয়,
Aunty, aunty, aunty.
Mummy-Papaর আগমনে
'মা-বাবার' যায় প্রাণটি || (সুর: ভজ গৌরাঙ্গ...)
87. ভোরের আলো এখনও ফোটেনি | পাখীরা জাগছে | তাদের ডাকাডাকি শুনতে পাই | প্রকৃতি সবেমাত্র নিদ্রোত্থিত | এরই সাথে জাগুক মানুষ, জাগরিত হোক ব্রহ্মচেতনা |
88. Democracy has its electoral appeasement pitfalls. Meanwhile the millenium-old conversion of India goes on using such weakness.
89. The one relief in a drab life---self-expression online, communicating to oneself. The keypad now is befriended best.
90. যুদ্ধরত জীবনে আত্মচরিত রচনা শান্তির প্রস্রবণ |
91. What should you tackle---the effect or the cause?
92. What is the demographic fate of West Bengal?
93. Emphatic victory for India. England defeated by 100 runs. 6th straight win for India in World Cup, 2023.
94. Afghanistan scripts a record third victory over former world champions. Sri Lanka defeated by 7 wickets. Bravo!
95. লোকে আজকাল দাঁড়ি দেওয়া বন্ধ করে দাড়ি রাখা শুরু করেছে | চন্দ্রবিন্দু বিবর্জিত বিবর্তনের নব্য ধারা |
96. Organised mourning before camera is one and real mourning out of pain in tears another. Right now both are in plentiful evidence. The discerning will decide where lies real suffering.
97. We don't pronounce it as Vishwanathan Anandaa. Then, pray, why pronounce it as Swami Vivekanandaa?
98. The sign of beauty is symmetry.
99. People who are careless enough to neglect giving a full-stop at the end of a sentence have the temerity nonetheless to pick faults with more punctilious men given to greater exactitude and precision in publication of their writings. Ignorance has its 'vanity fair'.
100. One of the reasons for our slow progress as a nation is that we are too careless about the precise execution of an act.
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