It is a dangerous doctrine that the supposed Divine ought to dictate terms to the whole of humanity or even to the vast body politic of Its believers, such a dictate emerging from the pages of a single book dated in history but claiming to transcend the limitations of time and space, a religiosity that is strictly material, partisan, narrow and fanatical to the point of being absolutely exclusive, yet claiming to be universal and, hence, mandatory for all mankind. Propagation and proliferation of such a creed cannot but lead to unrest and mayhem, violence and war as history has tirelessly testified. Where evolution has stopped, where evolution is decried and disbelieved in, where politics colludes with religiosity, where fulfilment of desire is its highest end, where proselytisation is deemed service to the Divine, where an imperfect abrupt end to dualistic existence followed by deliverance or damnation is deemed destination divine or demonic, where reason has surrendered itself to irrational imposition, where subservience to the supposed Supreme is held to be man's highest earthly attribute, where bondage to one's supposed Maker is freedom and light, where war and martyrdom are held holy in the service of the spread of the faith, where doubt is denounced and doubter barbecued, where the last word about philosophy and faith, life and living has been well and truly laid down as final and inviolable, perfected and irrevocable, there humanity has submitted its finest faculties to a terrible terminus. So I say, it is a perilous proposition, nay, a rude reality that vast masses of people must come under its expansive ambit with perfidious support from politicians the world over, dictatorship of the Divine spreading its hold with democracy lending it legitimacy till it has supplanted democracy ruthlessly and taken humanity back into the dark caverns it has emerged from. Modernity ought not to pander to such medieval monstrosities if mankind is to make forward advances. Progressiveness and perverse proselytisation are scarce cater-cousins. Enough damage has been done to human civilisation thus far. Now no more.
Written by Sugata Bose
P.S. In India 'dictatorship of the proletariat' has joined hands with 'dictatorship of the Divine'. A perilous proposition!
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