1. Joshua Rae : Swamiji had asked the youth of India to take up football instead of idly reading the Geeta. So, football must be taken up by the youth to build up their bodies and, so, strengthen their character. ... A footballer youth said this so to me.
2. Keshav Chhaparia : The youth must abstain from alcohol, drugs and cigarettes as these cost them their health. It also adversely affects the future of our country. ... A serious-minded conscientious youth said this to me.
3. Anonymous : The youth must maintain good health and should be ever ready to offer their services to all in quite the spirit that the Swami Vivekananda had exhorted them to do over a century ago. ... An enlightened lady of massive creative excellence said these words to me.
4. Diganta Sengupta : Swamiji made us conscious of our heritage. He presented the principles of the Sanatan Dharma in modern temrs and motivated the youth to build their character which would eventually help society and the country at large. Our service to Swamiji should be by way of spreading his ideas about the Sanatan Dharma and his message of character-building with service to humanity as its guiding principle in active real terms. Youths like me should do it, Sir.
5. Ujjal Manna : Once Rabindranath Tagore said - "If you want to know India, read Swami Vivekananda... In him everything is positive, no negative you can find in Him." This is what I want to tell the youngsters.. Read Swamiji, know more about Him; about his philosophy.. What did he want from us? What duties he had given to us? How we can develope our character as well as that of others?But knowing him is not the ultimate objective. We need to apply that in our practical life.. Just like His - Practical Vedanta.. So - Come, Be and Make... Om tat sat !
I want to add more -
স্বামীজী বলেছিলেন, আমাদের উন্নতি করার জন্য নিম্নলিখিত তিনটি জিনিসের প্রয়োজন -
১) সাধুতার শক্তিতে প্রগাঢ় ও বিশ্বাস
২) হিংসা ও সন্ধিগ্ধতার একান্ত অভাব
৩) যে বা যারা ভালো কাজ করতে চায় তাদের সাহায্য করা
সুতরাং স্বামীজীর এই বাণীকে কাজে পরিণত করতে তিনটি জিনিস আমাদের প্রয়োজন - শুদ্ধতা , অধ্যবসায় , ধৈর্য্য।
6. Souvik Biswas : " শক্তিই জীবন দুর্বলতা মৃত্যু " এই মন্ত্র তিনি ব্রিটিশ শাসনের ফলে দুর্বল মানুষ গুলোর জীবনে আলোর সন্ধান এর খোঁজ দিয়েছেন।
ভারতের শ্রেষ্ট সন্তানের সেরা সন্তান নেতাজী সুভাষচন্দ্র বসু বলেছিলেন
"..... আমার জীবনে যা অপূর্ন তা পূর্ণ করেছিলেন স্বামীজি" ।
অর্থাৎ এই ৫০০০ বছরের ইতিহাসের আধুনিকতম মূর্ত প্রতীক স্বামীজি। উনি ছাড়া এই ভারত অসাড় তাই ঘরে ঘরে স্বামীজির বৈদান্তিক দুর্গ গড়ে তোলো। তবে আমরা আরো শ্রেষ্ট হবো।
শুধু স্বামীজির কথা আমদেরকে শিরদাঁড়া সোজা করে বাঁচতে শেখাব। উনিই তো প্রথম "নিউ ইন্ডিয়ার রূপকার"।
ভারত তবেই শ্রেষ্ট হবে
যবে এই ভারতের ধর্ম সনাতন হবে
7. Parashuram Purushottam : Swamiji wanted youth to be brave and not cowards. So, I will say the youth must be brave and must not be cowards if they are followers of Swamiji. Only book-reading wont do. Service to the nation by following teachings of Swami Vivekananda. Each of us must do what we can to help people near us.
8. Harshita Mishra : As of today, perhaps through our own fault, this national boat called Bharata, has become a little damaged, has sprung a leak; & would you therefore curse it ? Is it fit that you stand up & pronounce malediction upon it, one that has done more work than any other thing in the world ? If there are holes in this national ship, this society is ours, we are its children. Let us go & stop the holes. Let us gladly do it with our hearts' blood; and if we cannot, then let us die !! We will make a plug of our brains & put them into the ship, but condemn it never !! Say not one harsh word against this society. I love it for its past greatness. I love you all because you are the children of gods, & because you are the children of the glorious forefathers. How then can I curse you ? Never..!! All blessings be upon you ! I have come to you, my children, to tell you all my plans. If you hear them, I am ready to work with you. But if you will not listen to them, & even kick me out of India, I will come back & tell you that we are all sinking ! I have come now to sit in your midst, & if we are to sink, let us all sink together, but never let curses rise to our lips...!!
[Quoted by my English teacher Ms. Ghosh for me to prepare for a debate competition 35 yrs. before.]
9. Debaprasad Bhattacharya : Swamiji felt that the basic purpose of education was 'man making' and 'character building' so that one could stand on his own and contribute to nation building. In his estimation the ideal of India was 'renunciation and service'. He even warned that if we deviate from this ideal we will lose our special place in the world. His major hope rested on the youth.
10. Swami Adidebananda : How many youth love our country ? How many youth follow the ideology taught by Swamiji ? How many youth are eager to build ideal character ? How many youth render selfless services to the underprivileged people ? The spiritual & ideological vacuum among the youth is responsible for undesirable chaos in the educational institutions. They are chanting anti-Indian slogans, why? They prefer to be brainwashed by the worthless political leaders. Are they following the lessons of Swami Vivekananda? The present scenario reveals the unpalatable truth. Everyone is talking about Rights.
Right to break, burn, kill, destroy, protest for no reason.
NOBODY is talking about Duties.
What are your duties as a citizen in Democracy?
11. Bolaka Roy : Swamiji's quote, " All the powers in the universe are already ours.It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark ".
Want to be bold and brave and see the beautiful creations around us and face the facts of life.
12. Riya Bhattacharya : 'Perhaps, one of the most trying experiences the Swami had on his lecture tour occurred when he was visiting a small town in the Midwest ( United States). Hearing speak of Indian Philosophy, a number of university men who had taken up ranch life and became cowboys wanted to put him to the test. Did he not say that a person who had realised the Highest is equable under all conditions? So they invited him to lecture to them. When he arrived they escorted him to a wooden tub, which they had placed bottom up to serve as a platform in the public square of their town. The Swami commenced on his discourse and soon became absorbed in it. Suddenly there was the deafening noise of firing and shots whizzed past his ears , as though nothing has happened ! But he went on with his lecture to the end, As though nothing has happened. He had withdrawn into that innermost consciousness of which he was speaking. When he had finished , the cowboys crowded round him and in their own boisterous way pronounced him “ a right good fellow ” . If he had shown the faintest sign of being alarmed , they would have branded him “ a tender foot”- their derisive term for an inexperienced Easterner newly come to the cattle country of the “wild West”.
Indeed , the Swami had many odd experiences.'
[The Life of Swami Vivekananda - by his Eastern and Western Disciples]
13. Nilanjana Chakraborty : Every parent, school, college and university must practice the ideology of Swamiji through different mode of education and activities right from the grass-root level of a child or student . But for that each human being must read and practice Swamiji's principals as much as possible .Each one will teach one the fiery message of swami Vivekananda at any cost.
14. Sushanta Banerjee : If Swamiji was the architect of. Indian national soul, Netaji was the engineer of. Indian national soul.
15. Utpal Aich : Swami Vivekananda had first restored the pure Sanatan Dharma by dusting off and dumping all the garbage of meaningless superstitions and rituals that had accumulated through the ages to distort the so-called ‘Hinduism’ that was acquired by scores of Vedic Sages and Rishis over centuries by their spiritual pursuits. After that, Smamiji proclaimed the glory of this pure and sublime Sanatan Dharma to the world as per the wishes of his Master. Swamiji had one other major aim, very close to his heart – that was liberating his motherland from British subjugation. But, despite his earnest desire, fulfilling that aspiration was not possible during his lifetime because his countrymen were not ready then for wresting freedom from the British Raj. Therefore, in 1897, when he was back from the West, Swami Vivekananda urged his countrymen to keep aside all other deities and only worship Mother India for the next fifty years. And he dedicated himself to the all-important task of man-making besides accomplishing the other responsibilities entrusted to him by his Master, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa. These included establishing the Ramakrishna Ashram organization and keeping his monastic brothers bonded together, engaging them to serve God all around them living in the guise of poor countrymen, besides joining his nation-building mission. He was destined to die young and therefore left his most coveted task unfinished. And then something wonderful happened. The spirit of Swamiji entered into his protégé and the rest is history.
After his first return from the West, Swami Vivekananda said in one of his public speeches, "If I had a child, I would from its very birth begin to tell it, 'Thou art the Pure One'." He then narrated the famous story of Queen Madalasa from the Markandeya Purana. When she had a child, she put her baby in the cradle and as the cradle rocked to & fro, she sang "त्वमसि निरंजन" - 'Thou art the Pure One, the Stainless, the Sinless, the Mighty One, the Great One". Swami Vivekananda knew that he was destined to die young. Was Swamiji thinking of his would be protégé to entrust his cherished, yet unfinished, dream-task when he had said the aforesaid in his third speech delivered in Madras in the second week of February 1897? This also reminds us what he had said on the day he had breathed his last. He was heard prophesying, “Had there been another Vivekananda, he could have appreciated what this Vivekananda has accomplished. But many a Vivekananda would be born in the course of time.”
16. A Kr Mittra : Swamiji exposed real soul of India to the world...before that no-one have any idea on the great philosophy of Indian soul. His love for everyone was unconditional..the love for everyone was inherited from his guru..he used to say other monks of Ramakrishna order that love people the way he(Ramakrishna) used to love me and the way I love all of you..let's love people all over the world likewise. His motto was to serve humanity irrespective of his caste, creed or status..even he have extended his love to other creatures for example we can site the story of stray dog Bagha..he used to say this 'Shiv gyan e jeev seva' and he had appealed monks of Ramakrishna order to follow this and dedicated them for the service of mankind and stressed that this service is the true essence of servicing God or puja..till date Ramakrishna Mission still following this line of service.
17. Binita Ghosh : Build up your character and manifest your real nature, the effulgent, the Resplendent, the Ever Pure, and call it up in everyone that you see..... Our only work is to arouse this Knowledge in our fellow beings.
We must help them to rouse up their infinite nature.
-- Swami Vivekananda
18. Debankur Mukherjee : Believe in yourself and the world will be at your feet..........Swami Vivekananda....
19. Abhishikta Anuska Mukherjee : Don't look for the inspiration from the mundane world and don't expect true(able) spiritual guidance from the self-declared motivators, read VIVEKANANDA according to 'your need' and you will definitely 'reach to the highest'(goal) fulfilling your dreams and aspirations and help(encourage)others for the same.
20. Utsav Datta : Swami Vivekananda believed in universalism & spiritual brotherhood.He asserts that Vedanta as a religion must be intensely practical.The Vedanta should not only be confined to the sages in the jungles and caves contemplating on God.The teachings of the Vedanta should be applied to the day-to-day life of an householder.Vivekananda finds no fundamental difference between various religions.The difference, if any, is apparent not real and it should be removed. He preached this conviction of universal religion.
21. Sukanta Mukherjee : It's the time to read the life and works of Swamiji again and again
22. Debraj Dey : বর্তমান পরিস্থিতিতে ছাত্রযুব দের স্বামীজীর আদর্শ অনুসরণ করে চলাই এখন জাতীয় কর্তব্য হওয়া উচিত ।
রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর বলেছিলেন ভারতবর্ষকে জানতে গেলে তোমায় বিবেকানন্দকে জানতে হবে ।
তাই দেশের এই অবস্থায় স্বামীজীর চোখ দিয়ে আমাদের ভারতবর্ষকে দেখতে হবে এবং ভারতের সভ্যতা ও সংস্কৃতিকে বাঁচিয়ে রাখতে গেলে আমাদের স্বামীজীর দেখানো পথ অনুসরণ করতে হবে ।
সনাতন হিন্দু ধর্ম কে বিশ্বের সামনে তুলে ধরেছিলেন স্বামীজী। তিনি চেয়েছিলেন ধর্মের মধ্যে ঐক্য । আমাদের সেই পথেই চলতে হবে । সর্বপ্রথম আমাদের স্বামীজীর দেখানো পথে নিজেদের চরিত্র গঠন করতে হবে ।
প্রত্যেক যুবকের উচিত স্বামীজীর আদর্শ এ দেশ গঠনের জন্য এগিয়ে আসা ।
23. Debraj Ryan Das : Ditiyo silpobiplab er hat dhore takhon paschatto sobohota tar apon mahimai birajoman. Punorutthito samrajobad africa k grass koreche.german-francekutno
24. Swami Sampurnananda : Can't think of anything other than : 1. Telling newcomers to start reading Vivekananda & become blessed. 2. Telling those stuck up with Vivekananda quotes to get going and understand Ramakrishna with Vivekananda light & 3. Telling everyone to read RkV & Vedanta side by side.
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