1. When millions rise up in rebellion for the establishment of the truth of the freedom movement, then the government of the day will scarce have the temerity to hold in its shelves documents that pertain to essential fact and will bow before popular sovereignty to disclose the truth. Such a gigantic movement we must build up to do justice to our heroes who bled and made the British bleed to free our nation.
2. A nation of nincompoops can scarce appreciate genuine martial valour as exemplified by Netaji and the INA in freeing the nation form the bondage of the barbarous British. It will require stronger blood in the future to assimilate their glorious deeds on the battlefields of Burma and Manipur before this nation awakes to its true heritage, the legacy it has inherited from the blood spilled off its martyrs' veins and the deaths of its revolutionaries from British bullets and at the scaffold.
3. Our women must be the embodiment of purity even as they advance in learning and culture for it is they who are the womb of future India. Unto them is bequeathed the responsibility of mothering future glorious India and unto them I bring forth my prostrations for they are the emblems of the Mother Divine.
4. Service to sentience, beholding living beings as incarnations of the Divine, is Ramakrishna's Seva Yoga.
5. History unfolds as per the resolution of the forces operative in the world consequent on past human action, present imperatives and future aspirations battling against the forces of Nature within the confines of which and in conflict against which the historical narrative rolls out.
6. In the absence of love where are we headed? Is nation-building possible without love for the nation and is love for the nation possible without basic renunciation of the carnal appetites? Love subsists in spirituality and service flows off it.
7. When the senses have been subdued, man works at ease without attachment to material cravings, and then alone is work rendered divine, then alone is work worthwhile and of fullest fruition.
8. How can a nation accept the horrendous lies abounding its greatest hero of the freedom struggle without even bothering to find out the facts through reading, research and investigation into the actual events centring his life and activities? Call we ourselves a virtuous people? No, we are not. We are a nation of debilitated fools fed on fantasy and fiction on all sides. We ought to be ashamed of ourselves and it is high time to turn on a new leaf and change the course of our national vessel towards the polarity of truth. Have we courage or character to do that? I leave it unto you, my sisters, my brothers, to ponder and decide for yourselves. Then act if you can muster strength enough to alter the narrative of our national history from what it through fabrication is to what in truth it ought to have been. Citizens, unto you belongs the stage for this historical course-correction. Act now, else, we perish as a race.
9. The atomic explosions by USA on Japan entail incalculable karmic consequences on the former to sure visit them in the fullness of time. Is there any hope for humanity in this deluded age when the mad race for power seemingly is the aspired end of nation states that can only annihilate the human species for good? Whither wisdom, whither common sense, whither morality, whither enlightenment? All seems dark. Will the man of power now overhaul the system and make technology his slave instead of the other way round? One waits in expectancy to see the man of peace lend his light to the men in power and bring this transformation about.
10. We are no more a martial race; disobedience runs in our veins. The kshatriya valour is lost to most of us and with it subservience to authority. Slaves we are and as slaves we behave, each one trying to dictate over the other by means crooked and corrupt. No wonder Swamiji had emphasised the rebuilding of the virtue of martial obedience in us as a race and Netaji had stressed the necessity of a Congress dictatorship for twenty years on gaining of independence so as to rationalise the race in observance of freedom and its due maintenance. Netaji's statement in this relation must be seen in this light and not unduly distorted to suit malefic ends of maligning him.
2. A nation of nincompoops can scarce appreciate genuine martial valour as exemplified by Netaji and the INA in freeing the nation form the bondage of the barbarous British. It will require stronger blood in the future to assimilate their glorious deeds on the battlefields of Burma and Manipur before this nation awakes to its true heritage, the legacy it has inherited from the blood spilled off its martyrs' veins and the deaths of its revolutionaries from British bullets and at the scaffold.
3. Our women must be the embodiment of purity even as they advance in learning and culture for it is they who are the womb of future India. Unto them is bequeathed the responsibility of mothering future glorious India and unto them I bring forth my prostrations for they are the emblems of the Mother Divine.
4. Service to sentience, beholding living beings as incarnations of the Divine, is Ramakrishna's Seva Yoga.
5. History unfolds as per the resolution of the forces operative in the world consequent on past human action, present imperatives and future aspirations battling against the forces of Nature within the confines of which and in conflict against which the historical narrative rolls out.
6. In the absence of love where are we headed? Is nation-building possible without love for the nation and is love for the nation possible without basic renunciation of the carnal appetites? Love subsists in spirituality and service flows off it.
7. When the senses have been subdued, man works at ease without attachment to material cravings, and then alone is work rendered divine, then alone is work worthwhile and of fullest fruition.
8. How can a nation accept the horrendous lies abounding its greatest hero of the freedom struggle without even bothering to find out the facts through reading, research and investigation into the actual events centring his life and activities? Call we ourselves a virtuous people? No, we are not. We are a nation of debilitated fools fed on fantasy and fiction on all sides. We ought to be ashamed of ourselves and it is high time to turn on a new leaf and change the course of our national vessel towards the polarity of truth. Have we courage or character to do that? I leave it unto you, my sisters, my brothers, to ponder and decide for yourselves. Then act if you can muster strength enough to alter the narrative of our national history from what it through fabrication is to what in truth it ought to have been. Citizens, unto you belongs the stage for this historical course-correction. Act now, else, we perish as a race.
9. The atomic explosions by USA on Japan entail incalculable karmic consequences on the former to sure visit them in the fullness of time. Is there any hope for humanity in this deluded age when the mad race for power seemingly is the aspired end of nation states that can only annihilate the human species for good? Whither wisdom, whither common sense, whither morality, whither enlightenment? All seems dark. Will the man of power now overhaul the system and make technology his slave instead of the other way round? One waits in expectancy to see the man of peace lend his light to the men in power and bring this transformation about.
10. We are no more a martial race; disobedience runs in our veins. The kshatriya valour is lost to most of us and with it subservience to authority. Slaves we are and as slaves we behave, each one trying to dictate over the other by means crooked and corrupt. No wonder Swamiji had emphasised the rebuilding of the virtue of martial obedience in us as a race and Netaji had stressed the necessity of a Congress dictatorship for twenty years on gaining of independence so as to rationalise the race in observance of freedom and its due maintenance. Netaji's statement in this relation must be seen in this light and not unduly distorted to suit malefic ends of maligning him.
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