Wednesday 5 July 2017


So are most of us, Mohit Kumar De, and the only way to see the light at the end of the tunnel is to keep reading without subscribing to any theory till conviction comes from rational evidence-based understanding. Patience is the key for conspiracy theories invariably confuse and confound conceptions long held, leading to utter chaos of the mind muddled in misapprehension about historical fact. But then even the facts about Netaji that have been thus far dished out to us by successive Congress governments are steeped in falsities and fabrications and, therefore, worthy of rejection. Now who to believe? Well, I say, believe none save your own judgement after having carefully scrutinised all available data on the disappearance issue and there is plenty to read and explore, especially, in light of the fact that 164 files on Netaji have been declassified by the West Bengal Government and the Government of India. Besides this, there is the published version of the Justice Mukherjee Commission Enquiry Report which one may with patience go through to arrive at an understanding of facts as they stand and, thereby, avoid falling a victim to a host of fiction doing marketing rounds in social media networks.

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