Sunday, 2 July 2017


Slavery is no love; slavery to the senses, slavery to passion, to attachment to the tinsel things of life, this abysmal clinging to the self masquerading as necessity, as requirement, as the imperative of life and living, such dogmatic adherence to pettiness in a world vaster than countless galaxies strung together like beads on the necklace of space-time cannot be the mystic means of escape from its maze but is a sure cause of the annihilation of wisdom, the mode of persistent pain, of blindness to the truth that yet shines, beneath coarse covers of corruption, a flame of undying vigour. This slavery to all that we are not, this bondage to all our so-called bonds, this longing for everything that sets us adrift on the dual dream of delight and despair, such ephemeral experience of little joys and petty pains cannot take us to salvation, to enlightenment, to freedom by the pursuit of principles founded on archaic assumptions and absolutist articulations of faith.

So, how may freedom, pristine and pure, be won in this dusty domain of desire, in this battlefield of barbarous belittlement, in this terrible terrain of totalitarian thrust where fragmentation is the philosophy of freedom and disintegration the delight of the desperate? We shall muse on such momentous questions in due course. Till then let us reflect on our present predicament and self-seek solutions to this seemingly intractable problem.

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