Tuesday, 4 July 2017


Intellectuals who denigrate Netaji are crooks, heartless creatures who have never sacrificed anything for others, leave alone the motherland. Their dry logic bereft of feeling or humanity is not the stuff of which genuine rationality is made, for a rationality that spares not a thought for the supreme sacrifice and suffering of the revolutionaries for achieving the freedom we enjoy today and is content with erroneous picking of holes only in the logic and fitness of the revolutionary movement is an aberration of all that is glorious in the tradition of pure thought.

These are traitors to the motherland and must be understood to be mere self-seeking individuals with not an iota of patriotism in them and must be ignored as such. The supreme sacrifice of Netaji, the INA officers and soldiers, the revolutionaries of the earlier movements led by Bagha Jatin, Rashbehari Bose, Masterda Surya Sen, Ram Prasad Bismil, Chandrasekhar Azad, Bhagat Singh and others is written in the blood they spilled for the cause of freedom which these Anglophile intellectuals who are the remnants of the decadent colonial past have not the character or the evolved heart to empathise with. Hence, devotees of Netaji must not unduly react to these deliberate detractors and must instead allow them time to grow into full-blown individuals that they may then have the human apparatus of a fully-functioning heart to draw from that which runs in the lifeblood of this nation --- renunciation, service and sacrifice --- whose glowing testimony these living lights of the freedom struggle were. Vande Mataram! Jai Hind!

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