Saturday, 29 July 2017


1. The call for freedom sounded from Dakshineshwar included the freedom of the motherland from British-bondage as well. Spiritual freedom without political freedom of the masses is meaningless. Then comes economic freedom, social freedom, freedom from exploitation of the powers that be.

2. Such an oblivion of the sacrifices of the revolutionaries who gave their all for freedom does not augur well for the country and it is time that this historical perversion is resisted, thwarted and done away with by conscientious citizens taking up the crusade to restore the true history of the freedom struggle and the correct narrative of the age-old civilisation that is Bharatvarsha.

3. Vivekananda's children must be bold, pure as snow and dedicated to the motherland to the hilt even as Netaji was.

4. The nation shall yet rise in the name of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda and in the name of their spiritual child, Netaji. None can resist the path of this national resurgence, however determined be they in their perfidious designs.

5. Those that belittle Netaji's contribution to the freedom struggle belong to the realm of ignorance.

6. Netaji was the liberator of the motherland from bondage to the British. Alas, were he there to prevent Partition as well!

7. Open-minded inquiry into the disappearance mystery of Netaji is the call of the hour and not closed mind-sets intent on establishing prejudices, pompous and proud.

8. Is Vivekananda remembered by us simply because of the continued good work done by the Ramakrishna Mission? Are we that self-deluded a nation? Then whither hope?

9. Do we love Netaji? Then why do we not renounce for him? Patriotism is fulfilled is renunciation for it demands sacrifice untold.

10. As a nation we bear collective responsibility. Only then will we rise when we realise this reality of our citizenship status.

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