Tuesday, 11 July 2017


Suresh Chandra Bose's Dissentient Report gives the lie to the Shah Nawaz Committee Report which concluded that Netaji had died in the alleged air-crash at Taihoku Airport on 18 August, 1945. It is such a revelation that after reading it there can be no doubt about the dubious nature of the findings of the Committee and the sheer betrayal of the nation by the Nehru government. It seems Gandhiji was right when he said that the Congress should be disbanded immediately after independence for it had become corrupt to the core, and may I add that leading that corruption was our second Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru. At his behest the Shah Nawaz Committee conducted an unscrupulous enquiry into Netaji's disappearance and, despite hordes of discrepancies in their findings, arbitrarily came to the predetermined conclusion that Netaji had died in the plane crash which may not at all have taken place. Despite glaring loopholes in the entire argument of the air-crash and opposition from Suresh Chandra Bose who pressed on with his dissentient report, the Chairman of the Committee, Shah Nawaz Khan, and one other member, S. N. Maitra, 'anyhow' arrived at the conclusion that Netaji had died in the air-crash. It seemed a foregone conclusion and the third dissenting member's reverse conclusion was summarily dismissed as inconsequential. Thus, was independent India's biggest political crime committed by the Shah Nawaz Committee under the auspices of the first elected Congress government headed by Jawaharlal Nehru. The Pandora's Box had been opened. What thereafter followed is everyone's knowledge. It has sealed the fate of India and unleashed a million malefic forces which are tearing the country apart. It is crime at the base that has undone the foundation of this entire national edifice and who else to blame but Jawaharlal Nehru?  

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