Monday 25 September 2023



The correct name of Hinduism is 'Sanatan Dharma' and not simply 'Sanatan' as is gaining ground these days. The former means 'the eternal science of the Self/Atman/Brahman' whereas the latter means merely 'eternal' which is an incomplete and, hence, inappropriate description of the Vedic Dharma. We surely may call ourselves Sanatanis but that does not mean that we may leave out the 'dharma' word from 'Sanatan Dharma'. For such a comprehensive spiritual philosophy and righteous way of life it is scant justice to render it fractional thus by divorcing its better half from itself and gleefully rejoicing at that, all the while remaining blissfully ignorant of the partition thus caused. Hope 'Sanatan' will forthwith gain wholeness in 'Sanatan Dharma' in the wholesome minds of its pious practitioners and not be permitted to precipitate into partitioned peril. Ponder please before pronouncing our Dharma as merely Sanatan. Such absence of essential element scarce does the Dharma good.

Written by Sugata Bose

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