1. As self proclaims its sovereignty, it is now soul for sale.
2. India is declining. The world is going to ruins. There is increasing chaos everywhere. Thakur will manifest his form again. Soon.
3. Can you understand Thakur?
4. স্বামীজী বাঙালী পুরুষদের মেয়েলী হাবভাব পছন্দ করতেন না | তাই সংগীতে, সাহিত্যে, বাদ্যে, কাব্যে, ব্যবহারে, শরীরচর্চায় পুরুষালী হতে বলেছিলেন বাংলার যুবকদের | দুর্ভাগ্য যে বাঙালীর সেই মেয়েলি হাবভাব আজও বিদ্যমান | এমনকি তাঁর অনুগামীরাও পৌরুষদৃপ্ত নন, এমন অনেকেই আছেন | স্বামীজীর সর্বশেষ শিক্ষা ছিল পৌরুষ | Swamiji said, "Manhood---this is my last gospel."
5. The gist of the Sanatan Dharma is: 'Man, thou art divine!'
6. To make lying legitimate to further the proselytising cause, and that too by divine dictate, is hardly a spiritual exercise.
7. বাংলা নিল কই ঠাকুর-স্বামীজীকে? ভোগাকাঙ্ক্ষায় জর্জ্জরিত বাঙালী নাচতে-গাইতেই ব্যস্ত | আগে ওসব মিটুক, তারপর তো |
8. As population explodes, people's patience is on the decline. The capacity to serve is growing less.
9. Religion [Islam because of its divisive view of humanity as momins (believers) and kafirs (infidels)] has separated India and Pakistan. Were it not so, who knows, perhaps, we would have been siblings still, bound in fraternal love. This medieval tribal instinct of man to group under adversarial religious identity has caused this rift and continues to split siblings apart. The sooner man rejects affiliation to such divisive organised religions, the sooner will humanity manifest in him and humankind integrate into the fabled single family.
10. China and Japan must be reclaimed as fraternal countries by the spread of the Vedanta. Japan already is. China must be. 🕉
11. Spreading the Vedanta worldwide in its pristine form bereft of undue dualistic accretion or aberration is India's best foreign policy.
12. If India is christened Bharat by Parliamentary legislation, will RKM edit Swamiji's works and replace India with Bharat? Hope not. Likewise, will it be soon 'The Discovery of Bharat'?
13. People who attack the Sanatan Dharma need to study Vivekananda well to arrive at a better understanding of what the Sanatan Dharma stands for. Ignorance or partial knowledge cannot be the basis for such virulence. Selective quotations or citations can neither be the basis for it. Study Swamiji whole, then form your opinion. That will be formation and reformation indeed.
14. I say, young men and women, read Vivekananda. It will transform you. It will make real men and women out of you instead of the hybrid hodge podge you right now are on account of undigested, unassimilated western thought, and that, too, interpreting Indian civilisation.
15. Have tremendous faith in yourselves. That will work wonders. Self-confidence is the basis of all achievement, of all renunciation.
16. Give up cultural decadence and turn to the Vedanta. Faith in oneself is its basis. Make Vedanta practical.
17. Read Indian history, especially the history of the freedom movement. It is a shame to discover that Indian post-graduates from eminent western universities are ignorant of even the names of such seminal leaders as Bipin Chandra Pal and thought leaders like Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay.
18. Man has no age, neither woman has. The mind is ageless as the soul and the Self behind. Eternity is our habitat and undated is our rambling. A slice of life comes in between eternal life, the slice continuing for millions of reincarnations which, though, is but an infinitesimal part of the beginningless, endless Presence. Unhurried must be one's living, unwavering the concentrated flow of the mind, steady, rock-steady the soul and brimful the confidence. Knowledge is yours, health is yours, love is yours, power is yours and peace surpassing all is yours. You have but your aspiration to hold on to, your dream to fulfil, right now and in times unborn, your Self stretching till the end of times and beyond. All weakness shed and manifest supreme strength to know that you are all that there is to this magical, mythical, mystical phenomena and the vast reality beyond. Remain focussed on the ideal ever and acquire all the powers that lie locked in your soul. Then in bliss supernal ramble freely, a free soul, a jeevanmukta in the meadows of this beautiful earth, in the shadows of the deep divine and in the light effulgent of the shining Self, the sun of infinite radiance.
19. The effeminate must be sent to the borders to defend the nation. Compulsory military training will drive this effeminacy away.
20. স্বামীজী যা বলে গেলেন তার উল্টো করছ আর কেবল 'লহ প্রণাম স্বামীজী'? নেবেন না প্রণাম স্বামীজী | খালি নিঃসার অভিব্যক্তি !
21. The impersonal ideal is Brahman, the ground of all existence. But the personal ideal for me is Sri Ramakrishna, the greatest soul ever manifest on earth, Ishvar in His highest incarnation.
22. বাঙালীদের মধ্যে আজ এত অশ্রদ্ধা কেন? কারণ তারা স্বামীজীর বক্তৃতা, লেখা, পত্রাবলী পড়ে না | তাই এত লঘুচিত্ততা, এত কাপুরুষতা |
Effeminacy being rationalised these days by way of raising gender issues. Simple question: Will these cowardly, unmanly mere semblance of men keep singing, dancing and writing sentimental poetry while the valorous jawans in the bloom of their youth die to defend the territorial integrity of our nation? Let these effeminate men instead go and defend the borders. That is what will make men out of them.
Written by Sugata Bose
Photo: Mr. Effeminate, learn manliness from this lion of a man, the last Sikh Guru, the great Guru Gobind Singhji.
24. UCC poses a major problem. It will stop polygamy.
25. I am who I am. But who am I?
26. সমাজ যেমন হালকা, ফেসবুকে মানুষের প্রতিবেদন ও মন্তব্যও তেমনই হালকা |
27. We worship God without realising that we ourselves in our inmost Self are God.
28. The more the Ramakrishna Movement spreads, the more will peace and harmony prevail in the world. But will it? What do you say?
29. ছোটবেলায় যারা পড়াশোনা ঠিকভাবে করে না, তারা বড় হয়ে সমস্যা তৈরি করে সমাজে |
30. Apology on behalf of weakness, apology to justify weakness is baneful. Better be bold and admit weakness, then conquer it.
31. No woman in the history of the world could match the matchless Sita till she herself came along as Sarada Devi to match her.
32. জনসংখ্যা যত বৃদ্ধি পাবে, সমাজে অসভ্যতাও সেই অনুপাতে বৃদ্ধি পাবে | এখন কথায় কথায় সংঘাতই নিয়ম |
33. সাংবাদিকতা নিরপেক্ষ নয় | সবই ধনতন্ত্রের বশ |
34. বুদ্ধি থাকা ভাল, সুবুদ্ধি আরো ভাল |
35. ভগবান আছেন | সদাজাগ্রত তিনি | অন্তরালে অন্তর্যামীরূপে নিয়ন্ত্রণ করছেন বিবর্তনের গতিপথ | দুর্জ্ঞেয় তিনি | তাই এত বিতর্ক তাঁকে নিয়ে, এত দ্বন্দ্ব, এত সংঘাত, এত ভয়ঙ্কর হত্যালীলা |
The vanishing forest cover. Augurs not well for mankind. Global warming will kill us all. Act before it is too late. Alter lifestyle. Plant trees. Yo oshadheshu yo vanaspateshu ... Vishwacharaacharam Brahman.
ফুল ফুটেছে, ফুটছে, ফুটবে, কিন্তু কতদিন?
38. আপনারা যদি এতই স্বামীজীর ভক্ত অথবা এতই হিন্দুত্ববাদী হন তো তাঁর 'বাণী ও রচনা' তন্ন তন্ন করে পড়েন না কেন? হিন্দুত্বের বীজ তো নিহিত স্বামীজীর বাণীতেই | পড়ে দেখুন | পরিস্কার হয়ে যাবে যে স্বামীজীর বাণীর বিরাট ব্যাপ্তিতে হিন্দুত্বও পূর্ণমাত্রায় বিদ্যমান, যদিও কোনরূপ সংকীর্ণতা ব্যতীত | হিন্দুত্ব না এলে কি হিন্দু রক্ষা পাবে নাকি হিন্দুধর্ম থাকবে? দেশ ভাগ করল ওরা কাফিরের সাথে সহাবস্থান অসম্ভব জ্ঞান করে, তথাপি আপনাদের বোধদয় হল না? কবে হবে? আর স্বামীজীর বিরাট হিন্দুত্বের স্বরূপও যদি তথাকথিত সংকীর্ণ হিন্দুত্বের কবল থেকে বের করে আনতে হয়, তাহলেও তো তাঁর 'বাণী ও রচনা' পাঠ করা কর্তব্য | শুধু এখানে একটু অংশ, ওখানে একটু অংশ পাঠ করলে তো চলে না | যথাযথ অধ্যয়ন প্রয়োজন |
39. স্বামীজীকে খুব কম লোকই পড়েন | এটা দুর্ভাগ্যজনক ! তাই 'স্বামী বিবেকানন্দের বাণী ও রচনা' পাঠের জন্য পাঠচক্র করলে কেমন হয় ?
40. We can only inspire a few people. And the circle broadens till it engulfs the whole of humanity. If this be the sphere of our influence, let it be filled with Vivekananda.
41. Please read the posts on Swamiji. Do not insult his message by neglecting it and merely paying pious pranams to him.
42. "I am proud to be a Hindu." -- Swami Vivekananda
"I am a proud Hindu." -- Rishi Sunak
43. পাঠ প্রয়োজন, প্রণাম নয় | পাঠের মধ্যেই প্রণাম হোক | প্রণাম অভ্যন্তরীণ অনুভূতি হোক, প্রকাশিত শব্দব্যঞ্জন নয় |
44. Today, society is full of hollow men, superficial to the core. A contradiction in terms, perhaps, but true, nonetheless. Now the crust has not collapsed to the core. Rather, the core has been buoyed up owing to levity in thought and personality, and stretched to become the crust.
45. Be deep. Never be superficial. Depth-living is spirituality.
46. The literature of a race is symptomatic of its morality.
47. When I pass out of this body, what a shame it'll be that I'll not have left behind even a ripple for progressive social change!
48. অন্যকে সে সম্মান করবে যার নিজের মধ্যে মান আছে |
49. Be animal-lovers. Do not brutally kill them to please your tribal religious instincts. There is no spirituality in it but barbarism.
50. Early birds chirp when the world sleeps.
51. The heroic resistance of Hindu rulers to Arab invaders and their complete rout over and over again must be studied in order to understand that the Gandhian narrative of non-violence as the dominant credo of historical India is completely false.
52. Caught up in the whirl of work, we forget our dear ones. And then it is too late. Alas!
53. The problem with preaching is that the preacher preaches with words that are scripturally valid but have not yet found validation in terms of Self-realisation in him/her.
54. Quality × Quantity = Constant
This equation was revealed to me in a divine vision in a dream at night some time after my spiritual initiation. I had in the dream felt it to be Gurudev's grace (kripa).
55. সংস্কৃতের বহুল চর্চা দেশগঠনে সহায়ক হবে বলে বিশ্বাস করি |
56. Caught in the cross-current of contemporary realities great men are prone to making volatile statements which in altered setting in subsequent centuries suffer from unsympathetic critical scrutiny as future generations sit in judgement over predecessors who were the architects of the present. Those that emerge least scathed from such post-mortem of their life's utterances and deeds enter the pantheon of the immortals cherished by humanity everafter.
Doubtless the Rishi is, I am but a fallible human uttering scriptural quotes learnt by rote with no clue to source-connection by dint of immediate realisation.
Written by Sugata Bose
Photo: Here stands upright the Rishi.
58. Hinduism is democracy of the Spirit.
59. If school is school, home is university.
60. One thing I can tell you for certain that READING SWAMIJI WILL LEAD TO LOVE FOR INDIA.
61. Business is theft, robbery, plundering of the people, silent sucking of the life-blood of the masses. Capitalism! A necessary evil of the day, perhaps, but a deathly disease that sends hundreds of millions careering to the concentration camp of cash while its perpetrators pride in their perverse pursuit of profit earned at the expense of easy blood.
62. What a leader Atal Behari Vajpayee was! What Parliamentary oratory! What poise! What high dignity! What a transparent sincerity!
63. স্বামীজী এমনি মরে গেলেন ? অনেক দুঃখে মরে গেলেন |
1. CHINA 90 51 26 167
2. South Korea 24 23 39 86
3. Japan 18 30 30 78
4. Uzbekistan 6 10 15 31
5. INDIA 6 8 11 25
6. Thailand 6 3 9 18
7. Hong Kong (China) 5 12 15 32
8. Chinese Taipei 4 3 6 13
9. Iran 3 9 10 22
10. North Korea 3 5 4 12
Above is the Asian Games Medals Tally till September 28, 2023. A question arises. Why is India so far below China in sports if she is such an emerging world power as is so eloquently claimed by so many? Is not excellence in sports in the international arena one of the major indices of the development of a nation?
65. Fraud Gurus are ruining the popular discourse in Hinduism. We need to visit Swami Vivekananda to seek the truth about our Dharma.
66. The progress of women is the index of the progress of a nation.
67. The progressive elements of society are going to destroy the regressive elements of religion. The time of the latter is up. But in doing so they must not fall victim to the regressive elements of politics. Human evolution takes place but terribly slowly, for the complexities of societal functioning and human psychology are hard to simplify and straighten. Rectitude is a spiritual and ethical attribute that is not easily acquired by large masses of men who compose human society. Revolutions transform the outer crust of society, albeit through 180°, but the inner core remains untouched. There organic evolution must make slow adaptations and wholesome changes which take time, a very long time. Fast-forwarding the process is not possible as one fancies but surely education does expedite things. The combative work is on as reason battles it out against superstition and man slowly sees light. Regressive religion has held humanity in its clutches for ages but it must now bid adieu.
68. The whole of cosmic manifestation is but a fraction of Brahman.
69. Progressive atheists are combating Islamic fundamentalism in Bangladesh and getting persistently persecuted as well.
70. If doctrine be toxic, indoctrination of such will invariably produce mass toxicity in its adherents.
71. Fight the ideology, not the instance thrown up as its consequence. Sincerity and courage in this regard must be deemed spiritual.
72. There is darkness on the surface but there is depth-divinity. Material dross obscures the divine light.
73. It is best to be progressive. Being dated in antiquity and fast-forwarding medieval conceptions unto modernity takes us backward.
74. Are atheists and ex-Muslims who criticise Islam secure in Bangladesh?
75. We are too loud and weak in our journalistic discourse, too inharmonious, too unmusical, so to say. What we need to be is gentle and firm in our dialogic discourse with raucousness replaced by clear rationality.
76. Sri Ramakrishna is the greatest sage in the history of Islam, being a Brahmajnani and a validator of its essential truth, even beyond its scriptural pronouncements which stand in stark opposition to all that Sri Ramakrishna said.
77. জাতীয় শিক্ষার প্রথম সূত্র সহযোগিতা |
78. Critically scrutinise religious doctrines and rationally reject absurd propositions. This is the way to progress.
Furut kore asey,
Furut kore jaye.
Eto kaajer majhe
Somoy kothay paye?
Hai hai hai re,
Hai hai hai!
80. Swamiji was of the view that for a thousand years we, Hindus, had been slaves in our own land. The Islamic invaders had begun this enslavement and the Europeans had carried on from there. The civilisational recovery is now on and there is a lot to do before we can truly claim to have purged our polity of toxic alien elements, ideologies inimical to our indigenous Sanatan culture.
81. ধর্মসমন্বয় ধর্মের সাথে ধর্মের হতে পারে, ধর্মের সাথে অধর্মের নয় | অধর্মের বিনাশই ধর্ম | তার সাথে সমন্বয়ের প্রচেষ্টা ঘোরতর অধর্ম |
82. We must not be effeminate in our manner and modes, in our ways and means, but must exhibit manliness in our bearing, in our dealings and deeds. That must be the way of nation-building.
83. Reject all irrational impositions of religion. A God who punishes infidels with eternal torment in hell must be rejected as well.
84. Hindus, unite! Learn from history what happened to your forefathers because of this disastrous disunity? Partition should prove a point. Look at Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. What is your fate there? Want such a fate here in India as well? Well, that is the looming fate for you unless you unite in defence of the Dharma.
Q. Who is the greatest spiritual figure in the history of Islam?
A. Sri Ramakrishna.
86. Sri Ramakrishna practised a version of Sufi Islam and then apparently apotasised, for he went back to Kali-worship which is forbidden in Islam. So, Sri Ramakrishna had done Islam the dual offence of apostasy and 'Shirk' (partnering Allah) which is punishable under the Sharia. Thank God, the British were ruling then. Otherwise, who knows in Islamic Bengal what might have happened? The Avatar knows how to time it well.
Q. Who is the greatest spiritual figure in the history of Christianity?
A. Sri Ramakrishna.
Muhammad Bin Tughlaq shifted his capital from Delhi to Devagiri and renamed it Daulatabad. The name 'Devagiri' (mountainous resort of the gods) is divine whereas 'Daulatabad' (where wealth is flourishing) is purely material, a point of relative reference when pondering Sanatan and Islamic culture. The contrasting names and their equally opposed meaning highlight the contrasting character of the Sanatan and the Islamic civilisations, the former founded on deepest spirituality while the latter on gross materialism.
89. Indoctrinated from birth, how can you see reason? Irrationality and inhumanity abounds in your faith and, yet, you adhere to it.
90. In the impressionable early years indoctrination day in and day out creates fanatics who cannot 'shake off the sterile curse'.
91. Sharing a post is welcome, copy-pasting without author's prior permission and without due accreditation an unwholesome practice.
92. What is the future of India?
93. If demography is going to define democratic politics in India, democracy itself will die at the hands of proliferating Islam.
Institutions which need money for their cultural upkeep are bereft of it and organisations which are overflowing with money are further flooded by it. This is the economic dynamic that needs to be addressed. I urge all Brahmos to come forward and help maintain the Bhawanipur Sammilan Samaj which is woefully short of money and can scarce maintain its building. Financial support needed urgently.
95. Where are the Hindus headed?
96. Want to spread Hindutva in the name of Swami Vivekananda? Then at least know this much that Swamiji had said, 'Sisters and brothers of America' and not 'Brothers and Sisters of America'. Ignorance and inaccuracy are siblings alright but not attributes that can attain much in the way of advancing the Hindu cause. So, study!
97. Ambedkar like Savarkar was absolutely honest about Islam, something which our other leaders including Netaji and Gandhiji weren't.
2 OCTOBER, 2023:
147 81 42 270
13 24 23 60
99. If source be toxic, can course be any better?
100. Swamiji is the integrating force for India. Study Swamiji and help strengthen India.
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