Monday, 18 September 2023



Sugata Bose @Zsuzsi Puruczki : Arrogance of doctors is a universal phenomenon it seems.

Sugata Bose @Khalid Umar : Thank you, Khalid Umar ji, for being such an intrepid crusader for our Sanatan culture at a time when the diabolical forces are yet rife and threatening to destroy our civilisation through their dastardly designs, forging unholy alliance with left-leaning political forces all the while.

The thirteen hundred year old horrendous history which was born out of wedlock in Sindh in 712 CE following the capitulation of Raja Dahir and seemingly ended with the murderous mutilation of our motherland, is breeding fresh seeds of separatism even today as a renascent Bharatvarsha led by Narendra Modiji arises to combat it. Robert Spencer is of the opinion that Hindu resistance will triumph over this deceitful design of desert forces. We shall have to unite our house against these vestiges of erstwhile nomadic hordes and each one of us will have to in smaller or greater measure play a seminal role towards that end. In this regard you are doing a marvellous job, incisive that your insight is into the workings of the antinational forces, intrepid that you are in your articulation of facts and analyses.

I often read your essays and profit from them twofold: 1) in terms of gaining insight into the workings of these agencies of national destruction 2) in terms of feeling invigorated to carry on with my crusade for national self-preservation out of a sense of solidarity that reading your write-ups quickens in my heart.

You are a true Sanatani and my respects to you for that. Your enlightened approach to this diabolical dilemma facing us, your presentation of facts and figures, your offering of combative programmes by way of solutions to these seemingly intractable problems leave every Bharatiya in perennial debt to you. You have a multitude of followers and they are growing by the day, for these mute millions feel the adversarial pressure but know not how to either express them or extricate themselves from the confining situations they find themselves in their own homeland and some exiled from theirs as in the case of the Kashmiri Hindu Pandits.

The Prime Minister, indeed, seems to be a godsend to us but we must all rise in support of him so as to secure the motherland against alien elements which will never integrate into the culture and civilisation of our motherland on account of scriptural mandate.

May Modiji live long and healthy in defence of the Dharma and the Rashtra! May you, Khalid Umarji, ever feel inspired and invigorated to serve the motherland thus! Vande Mataram! 🕉

Sugata Bose @Rohini Jalan : You are eminently qualified. A golden career awaits you. Yes, because wherever I read about great world scholars, I find most of them not having qualified from such great universities consistently as you have with Mother's blessings done. I am so proud of you. Your achievement is my fulfilment, for I had prematurely quit my formal academic career despite a promising start to it. I have endured ridicule, reviling, downright assault on account of that from adversarial forces but today stand vindicated in my assertions then made by way of self-defence. You have fulfilled me like none else.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Arzoo Kazmi] : Arvind Saharanji elaborates any point overmuch which tests the audience's patience truly. Beyond a point such over-elaboration becomes boring.

Sugata Bose @Zsuzsi Puruczki : Money does rule the medical man which is why Sri Ramakrishna had said that he could not eat the food offering of doctors as they were tinged with puss and blood.

Sugata Bose @Henry D'Almeida : No, I did not mean that. I meant that we do not do our duties towards the nation well enough that would bring in even minuscule positive changes in the polity that would in turn usher in a brighter morrow for all.

Sugata Bose @YouTube : It is not easy to become an atheist. A fair bit of rationality is needed to become one. Spirituality is even higher where mere rationality cannot reach. Intuitive wisdom followed by immediate realisation (aparokshanubhuti) of the Atman is the evolutionary end which awaits all sentient beings and comes about when the system is purged of all desires. 🕉

Sugata Bose @Henry D'Almeida : We demand the fulfilment of our fundamental rights, and legitimately so, but fail so often in the execution of our fundamental duties towards the nation.

Sugata Bose @Henry D'Almeida : And the government personnel also are the 'common man'. Therein lies the ethical failure of the individual. Duty towards the nation is not mere doing what is expected but doing more than the expected. Most fail to comply with the minimum requisite thereof, leave aside going beyond to carry the nation along through sacrificing more for it.

Sugata Bose @Arundhoti Shome : সবার ক্ষেত্রে সমান নয় | ব্যতিক্রম তো আছেই | কিন্তু যাঁদের কথা উল্লেখ করলেন, তাঁরা সকলেই কিন্তু গভীরভাবে পাঠ্যক্রমের বাইরের বই পড়তেন | কেউই পড়াশোনায় কস্মিনকালেও খারাপ ছিলেন না |তাছাড়া, বিদ্যাভ্যাস শুধু বিদ্যালয়ের চতুরাঙ্গনেই হয় না, বিরাট বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়েও হয় |

শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণের কথা স্বতন্ত্র | তিনি অবতারপুরষ, সাক্যাৎ ভগবান | কিন্তু তিনি আক্ষরিক অর্থে স্বল্পশিক্ষিত হলেও, তাঁর সজাগ পঞ্চেন্দ্রিয়ের দ্বারা ও মনরূপ বিশুদ্ধ ষষ্ঠ ইন্দ্রিয়ের দ্বারা প্রভূত শিক্ষালাভ করেছিলেন ও আজীবন করেছেন | সত্যজিৎ রায় মাত্র ১১ বছর বয়সে Encyclopedia Brittanica পড়তে শুরু করেন | Einstein বিদ্যালয়ে চিরকাল গণিতশাস্ত্রে ও বিজ্ঞানে প্রথম স্থান অধিকার করতেন |

বক্তব্য হল এই যে যাঁরা স্বভাবের দুর্বলতাবশতঃ ইচ্ছা করে লেখাপড়া করে না, তারা অধিকাংশ ক্ষেত্রেই ভবিষ্যৎ সমাজে নানা সমস্যার কারণ হয়ে থাকে | এর মানে এই নয় যে শিক্ষতজন সমাজে সমস্যা সৃষ্টি করেন না | করেন তো এবং অনেকাংশে অধিকই করেন | এর কারণ শিক্ষার সারভাগ যে ব্রহ্মবিদ্যা, তার চর্চা তাঁরা করেন নি | করলে এই সমস্যা দেখা দিত কম | কিন্তু যারা পড়াশোনা করতেই চায় না বাল্যকালে, তারা তমোগুণী এবং এই তমোগুণ তারা ভবিষ্যৎ জীবনে ছড়িয়েই থাকে | না নিজের পায়ে দাঁড়াতে পারে, না অপরেকে সুখে শান্তিতে কাজ করতে, বাঁচতে দেয় | বিষয়টি এই দিক দিয়ে বলা হয়েছে | শাস্ত্রের বাণী, 'ছাত্রানাম্ অধ্যয়নম্ তপঃ', পালনে তারা পরাঙ্মুখ, অপারক |

Sugata Bose @Amitabha Dutta Majumdar : Einstein was very good in studies. He excelled in Mathematics and science throughout his school life. In class ten he had once failed in Latin. That was all.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Thakurma] : The one who has done the voice-over for Swamiji has messed it up. He is too inharmoniously loud unlike Swamiji who was most musical in his talks, his voice mellow and resonant with a deep organ sound, as Lillian Montgomery and Josephine MacLeod have testified. This gentlemen has rendered it in a rather brusque and uncouth manner.

Sugata Bose @Soma Bhattacharjee : But everybody is appreciating the proposal and yet not participating in the programme. Paradox!

Sugata Bose @Prasanta Kumar Datta : Do not write the same comment for years on end. Have some variation.

Sugata Bose @Prasanta Kumar Datta : What have your comments thus have relevance to my posts? They are extraneous to them. Be pertinent to the posts please. Let your comments highlight areas that deal with the content of the write-ups.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Swami Nikhileshwarananda's channel] : Are people that much suffering from levity that they have to clap at every bend and turn of the PM's speech? It is most disturbing and spoils the very flavour of the speech. Even such a senior Swami as Gautamanandaji has given in to such a superficial behavioural mode which betrays a lack of understanding of the gravity of the talk which deals with Shri Narendra Modi recounting the impact Ramakrishna Mission has had in moulding his life.

Sugata Bose @Suvasish Ganguly : Yes, of course. Noam Chomsky only has to be read to corroborate that, plus our own general information gleaned from diverse sources.

Sugata Bose @Biswadip Biswas : Yes, you have a point. Terrorists we know who they are the world over and the pseudo-secularists are their leftist illiberal sympathisers whose primary agenda is the destruction of India's Sanatan dharmic culture and civilisation which then is to be supplanted by their own brand of barbaric systems of governance and life.

Sugata Bose @Debaprasad Bhattacharya (with reference to his younger son Arnab Bhattacharya's Bhatiyali rendition) : Listened to it. Fearless, bold voice, full-throated, masculine, addressing the elements in intrepid manner. Good luck for this one and future ventures. Needs a bit of tonal softening, rigorous practice to edge out rough edges that persist in the voice and consequently in the rendition. Needs classical training to fine-tune the musical ear. Overall a good rendition but much harder work needed for a more refined exposition. Thank you.

Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Mukherjee : I feel very inspired to see RKM centres spreading throughout the country but feel that educational work, both secular and spiritual, must be conducted much more. There should be a 24 hour live streaming of the Mission's message, the lives of the Holy Trinity, the history of the Mission etc. with the help of modern technology, a feature which is sadly lacking and about which you may communicate your ideas to the Belur Math authorities. The YouTube videos or daily casts which they do from some centres are woefully short of the expected standards of spiritual-oratorical-presentation excellence. Here work needs to be done. The world is burning. The Mission must douse the fire with the message of Mother. However, your service to Thakur-Ma-Swamiji's cause is commendable.

Sugata Bose @Arunangshu Mandal : Injustice, my Lord, even if you pull me up for contempt of court!

Explanation : Mistakes done by mouth. His Lordship ought to have punished the mouth but instead punished the innocent feet. And for this breach of court conduct in reminding his Lordship of the injustice thus meted out I have possibly committed a courtroom offence for which I plead guilty and am ready to be charged with 'contempt of court'.

Sugata Bose @Debasish Banerjee : Islam scripturally (refer Hadees) mandates prolificity of progeny. How should the government tackle that?

Sugata Bose @Satyanand Bhattacharjee : The word 'tribal' has a different linguistic connotation here as elsewhere in such contexts. It means archaic, unevolved in civilisation terms, barbaric of sorts. This has no bearing on the scheduled tribes as such who are often more human than their city-bred siblings. These are linguistic usages with their specific nuances.

Sugata Bose @Saikat Hajra : But Swamiji has massively urged the widespread dissemination of Sanskrit in evolving India. He had advocated a synthetic academic ideal for modern India which was the combination of Vedanta and western science.

Sugata Bose @Thakurdas Shrestha : Yes, the very democracy of choice of the Ishta and the infinitude of its depth philosophy make Hinduism universal in its scope and character.

Sugata Bose @Shantanu Bhattacharjee : Not at all. Can you think of any greater spiritual figure than Sri Ramakrishna in the history of Islam? After all he practised Islam and attained to Brahman through that path, a branch of Sufi Islam, which none other than some Iranian heretical practitioners had earlier in less propitious circumstances arrived at for which they were brutally executed. Show me one other figure in the entire history of Islam across the globe who had practised Islam and had arrived at the unitary Brahmic consciousness so rapidly or with such clarity of realisation as Sri Ramakrishna. Sri Ramakrishna had practised Islam and transcended its defined boundaries to heretical unlimitedness. I hope you now get my point.

Sugata Bose @Sanjeev Shrivastava : So long as death stalks man, God in His outer dimension will remain a mental reality for him. And God as Absolute Existence-Consciousness-Bliss will forever remain the Supreme Reality as it is the transcendental Truth testified by the immediate spiritual realisations of countless Rishis, sages, saints and Avatars down the ages in this our eternal Aryavarta, the blessed geographical realm where the Spirit has revealed Itself unnumbered times and continues to do so. If you are pure enough, young and energetic, and if you duly follow the prescriptions of yoga, even you may attain to that transcendental state of unitary consciousness and come face to face with your inmost reality, the Atman which is God in His highest and deepest essence.

Sugata Bose @Sujoy Mukherjee : You have not shared but have copy-pasted the post and edited it at that. Ought not to have done so without the author's prior permission. Declaration of the act post execution devoid of allowance from author does not absolve one of the responsibility thus shirked. Sharing is welcome, not copy-pasting, that too without due acknowledgement of the actual authorship of the post, however insignificant it may be in terms of content or literary and academic excellence. Kindly do the needful as propriety decrees. I understand that you have unwittingly infringed upon the author's rights and will forthwith mend matters. Kindly do not misunderstand me or take me amiss. This is by way of setting things right in the domain of intellectual property rights. This has been my consistent stand for years and I stand by it. Kindly comply. 🕉 

Sugata Bose @Sujoy Mukherjee : Kindly share. You have copy-pasted instead and edited the post at that. Sharing the post intact by means of the 'share' button is welcome.

Sugata Bose @Parnika Bubna : I feel insulted these days that you consistently fail to communicate. Earlier it was more of an affront in this regard that I felt when you failed to keep in touch but it never felt like a casual disregard thus. Now that it has become so, it injures. I can well appreciate the ephemeral nature of human affection, platitudes in piety of no lasting endurance or any significant consequence. Nonetheless, human that I am still in vestiges of it that remaincin me, I feel a trifle neglected which to save self-respect I shall have to guard against from now on. Stay well in peace and happiness knowing that I will never return neglect in equal coin. But the detachment that has been forced on me will remain as a permanent legacy of this impermanent affection and shall keep us connected at a lower keel. May humanity quicken to greater sensitivity about human feelings and men learn to value relations more! May I never allow myself to be taken for granted anymore! Blessings endless on you!

Sugata Bose @Arundhoti Shome : You are a thinker and that is great. Only be not influenced by others unduly but keep creatively appreciating life and understanding its complexities which surface as historical episodes and continuing narratives. Be deep and unbiased in your study and understanding thereof. Let not ideology collude with your comprehension and confound you. We need thinkers, unbiased and free, what would in European parlance be termed 'free thinkers' who have thrown off allegiance to this or that stifling system of thought, have broken free of the trappings tradition and are yet in search of newer and more effective ways of humanistic living. All said and done, it would be puerile to imagine though---true though it may be---that humans are fighting humans when ideology, religious and political, colours up the personality to make demons out of men. Human? It is a grand term to utter and in limited perspective even feel its essence but it is selling man short of his transhuman spiritual dimension without which this very human has historically been rendered into a murderous beast. Here the Vedanta comes into play and must be studied to comprehend the deeper connotation of the term 'human' and to then activate its deepest import in sociopolitical life. Humanism is grand and breaks sectarian boundaries apparently but falls woefully short of man's divine dimension which is the support of all that apparent is. Perhaps, I have been a little abstruse in my delineation of this deeper dimension of man as must necessarily be the case when I am prompted to sum up a vast subject succinctly within the compass of a counter-comment but I will recommend you to study Swami Vivekananda's works to be able to arrive at a clearer understanding of the subject which incidentally will address your deepest reality as well as mine. God bless you for your spirited observation and keep commenting more often thus with fairness and a non-partisan, unbiased attitude to complement your comments!

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