Saturday 30 September 2023



Within this world there are bright avenues and dark corridors. One frees, the other binds. Rebirth resolves direction unto the divine end. Eventually we behold, destination is here and now, and not there and then. Free we are and have forever been so even as life, relife, births, deaths, time, space and causality all zero in to the witnessing unitary consciousness, thoughts adding up to a nought which is not a void but a substance without break, a solidarity of self-conscious existence that has neither boundary nor limit, nor dimension nor phases, but is a reflexive state of being beyond description. Spherical consciousness, you could say, that is self-contained and absolute, and, hence, without relativistic relations or comparisons. Yes, there are bright avenues which we must tread and dark corridors which we must avoid if we are to arrive at our own Self which is the God we have thus far in partial knowledge worshipped. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose

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