Tuesday 5 September 2023

9:00 P.M., FRIDAY, 5 SEPTEMBER, 1997

9:00 P.M., FRIDAY, 5 SEPTEMBER, 1997 

At around 9 p.m. on 5 September, 1997 Mother Teresa had left her holy physical form. It was a Friday night, six days after Lady Diana's death in Paris. Mother Teresa had been devastated by Diana's death and had exclaimed, "I can't understand God's will." Her words were reminiscent of Tagore's last poem dictated by him on his death-bed hours before his death, 'Tomar srishtir pawth rekhechho aakeerno kore bichitra chhalanajaaley hey Chhalanamoyee." Tagore, baffled by the barbarous Second World War, could not in a like manner fathom the inscrutable ways of the Lord. Mother Teresa also, a lifelong aspirant to the Christ-Truth but failing to emerge from 'the dark night of the soul', died a nonplussed nun despite her seminal attainments for which the world honoured her.

Written by Sugata Bose


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