Wednesday, 6 September 2023



1. If God casts non-believers into eternal Hellfire, I would say human beings are far more compassionate than Him.

2. Believers and non-believers. What sort of caste division is this?

3. The Blasphemy Law has reduced citizens to living a life of fear in Pakistan.

4. Humanists are not quite so full of humanity despite their eloquent pretensions to it. Humanity lies not in mere tall talk.

5. What is this business of 'dusro ke jhutey Khuda aur hamara sachchaa Khuda'?

6. Ignorance is the mother of intolerance and spiritual ignorance is the seed of the growing sapling of global religious intolerance.

7. Thank God we are in India.

8. Humanity seems to be in the clutches of the written word going about as divine revelation. Scripture holds humanity still. Man is subservient to an imaginary God whose prophetic dictates allow neither progress nor peace.

9. Depth-consciousness is spirituality.

10. There is no God but Man. And every Man (Self-realised Soul) is a Prophet.

11. There is an idea behind the idol, a vast significance which must not be lost in routine ritual.

12. What is 'sachchaa Khuda' and what is 'jhutaa Khuda'? This doctrine baffles me.

13. We must not make a mockery of our Dharma by preaching pompously high principles without practising them.

14. Shraddhaa is necessary for both academic and spiritual well-being. Shraddhaavaanam labhatey jnaanam. It is difficult to maintain reverence for long as self-interest crops up. Which is why the ancient system of brahmacharya was so insisted upon by Swamiji. Anyhow, every action has its equal and opposite reaction and one has to carry one's cross, as they say. But reverence is a delicate thing which must be carefully preserved. It is vital for academic and spiritual excellence. 'Acharya devo bhava'. Read Swamiji more and manifest spirituality. Haste before elders and the Guru is improper. Swamiji says so.

15. Do not depend on any and you will be happy.

16. Study science deep if you are a true Sanatani. 'Chhaatraanaam adhyayanam tapah'.

17. Happy Chicago Day! On this day 130 years ago Swamiji appeared on the world stage like a shooting star of dazzling brilliance. (11 September, 2023)

18. The Sanatan Dharma has been the glorious past of our motherland and it shall be her glorious future too. 🕉

19. India had once supported China's induction as permanent member of the UN Security Council. But China now opposes India's induction into the same. Chinese pragmatism, you see. They do not return a favour by way of gratitude at the cost of national interest. India ought to learn her lessons too. But, will she? Will India ever stop being foolishly idealistic, being gullible to a fault? Does not seem so.

20. There is no compulsion in religion. 'Your religion is your religion and my religion is my religion.' Apostasy is welcome, is it?

21. Uniform Civil Code must be implemented for the effective integration of the polity.

22. Deception, lying and fraudulence are a part of proselytisation. Beware!

23. 130 years have passed since Chicago, 11 September, 1893. And yet Swamiji remains largely unread by the world. Alas!

24. If you are a follower of Swamiji, be a thinker. He had exhorted us to be so in his San Francisco address of 1900, 'Is Vedanta the Future Religion?'

25. যে দেশে যত সংখ্যক চিন্তাশীল মানুষের উদ্ভব হয়, সেই দেশ সেই পরিমাণে সভ্য ও সংস্কৃতিসম্পন্ন হয় |

26. Reject religious roguery wherever you find them and assert your inherent freedom of the Atman. No God can throw you into Hellfire.

27. I reject the God that threatens me with Hell. Let's see which God is audacious enough, potent enough to cast me there. 🕉

28. Arrogance of patriarchy is intolerable. And it so often comes in the guise of supposed religious righteousness. Obnoxious!

29. There are too many anti-Hindu forces working within the country that threaten its very existence. And they have alien alliances.

30. Heaven with hoor and honey and hol (alcohol) has nothing to do with spirituality but wholly to do with desire unfulfilled here on hurdlesome earth. A hoax of a hope hauled on hyper-(h)imagination to be hindered hereafter when the healing touch of reality sends souls careering back to earth to start the dream afresh till reason knocks such hankering out of the system. Life will follow life here till the hereafter is no more. Have you heard it?

31. Is it possible to have fraternal relations with people who implicitly obey scriptures that castigate non-believers as food for infernal fire? Must not modern man reject such roguish concepts and emerge enlightened in reason and light?

32. Must you patronise wickedness in the name of fostering Inter-faith harmony? Must you call dark falsehood truth simply because of demographic enormity? Is this spirituality? Is this adherence to truth? Is not such perpetuation of religious perversion patently political, such association which you seemingly so assiduously avoid?


The heart beats right,

The soul strikes off fright,

It is a deep dark night.

Dawn waits on its wings

To flood us with limpid light.

Composed by Sugata Bose 

34. There is a steady stream of Muslim youths who are becoming ex-Muslims. The movement is progressive and progressing.

35. We have to tighten our grip on our civilisation in order to free ourselves from alien cultural slavery for good. 🕉

36. How can human freedom obtain en masse in a democratic country if intolerant ideologies are allowed to proliferate using constitutional rights?


Here's the leonine monk contemplating the future of the world. Are we thinking about our fate too and resolving intractable problems that hinder its fulfilment or are we only lying prostrate at the Swami's feet and uttering inconsequential words of passive piety while reserving our best efforts to the pursuit of selfish interests, masquerading as devotees nonetheless?

38. Why respect someone out of fear? Why revere such a one who threatens out of you devotion?

39. The condition of Hindus in Pakistan is terrible. Everyday they face persecution of all sorts making life unbearable. 🕉

40. It is not two nations fighting each other but two ideologies doing so, one vouching universal acceptance and the other absolute intolerance of all else.

41. Kafirs are under brutal persecution in Pakistan. What are our harmonic spiritual organisations doing about it? Inter-faith meet?



Bhor aayaa,

Ab raat se bhaago.

Jaago! Jaago! Jaago!

43. What are we doing here in India to save the persecuted Hindus in Pakistan? Shame on us when we send away fleeing persecuted Pakistani Hindus seeking asylum in India back to Pakistan to be forcefully converted there! Old news (March 30, 2018, Jaipur News, Times of India) but a recurring phenomenon that knows no end. After all the kafir must be persecuted till he converts, and if he resists, then fanatical population sees to his/her forcible conversion. Must we watch all this mutely or expend our energy to the utmost to save our Hindu brethren?

44. What is the point in calling oneself the Atman if one remains in practice a cowardly body and no more? That much for pompous preaching of the Vedanta from one's secure habitat and avoiding battle against the dastardly forces that criminally convert Hindus to Islam and Christianity. Swamiji ponders deep even today on how to inspire Hindus with the necessary martial spirit to combat criminals and save the Hindus from now more than a millenium old persecution. Are you listening or are you all turned to dead wood that was once alive ages ago?

45. Proselytising Abrahamic religions must be ideologically countered and defeated. Make-believe harmonic theories are counterproductive.

46. For Swamiji's sake shed cowardice and stop your passive proclamations in his name. Exhibit a bit of manhood and fight for Hindus.

47. I wield my pen day in and day out against the enemies of humanity. My readers alone can say if it is mightier than the sword. 🕉

48. Daily toxic ideological indoctrination makes criminals out of men. Resist indoctrination. Be human. 🕉

49. Hindus need the martial spirit urgently. Else, civilisational extinction is unavoidable. 🕉

50. A general cowardice is killing Hindus as a community. Like Guru Gobind Singh had generated the Khalsa, some such Hindu leader we need today to organise a large section of us into a martial class. Then alone will we survive the proselytising challenges of Islam and Christianity.

51. How can you expect Hindu resistance to atrocities on them when Hindus do not have the courage to even speak up online fearlessly?

52. We must strive for 100% national literacy and achieve it fast. Right now we are far off it at 78% literacy rate.

53. Our population boom will soon nullify all our economic progress. Population is increasing at almost 20 million a year. Alarming!

54. মানুষ বলে বেশী, করে কম । আত্মপ্রচারের যুগ । খুব ঢাক পেটায় নিজের । ফাঁকা বুলি শুধু । কালে শূণ্য কলস শূণ্যই থাকে । এটাই ট্র্যাজেডি ।

55. We have to reduce our population. We must. Else, the country will be undone by the sheer bulk of it. The environment deserves it.

56. Each one of us must labour hard for building our country irrespective of what personal returns we get. Upon our labour of love will be built the edifice of future India.

57. সৌন্দর্যবোধ যাদের নেই তাদের আত্মজ্ঞানলাভ দুরূহ |

58. 'Azad Kashmir' is 'Pakistan Occupied Kashmir' and suffering the worst tyranny of bondage. Not free at all. So, how Azad after all?

59. Pakistan has almost liquidated itself in fruitlessly fighting India. Price of Partition they are paying now.

60. Takht, tact and taqqiyah.

61. At the end of it all it is profit and loss. Right?


আমার সাথে আমার হল দেখা |

সিন্ধুর এপারেও আমি,

সিন্ধুর ওপারেও আমি |

63. Make Ramakrishna Mission centres in Pakistan to preach religious harmony there.

64. Islam claims that is the best religion. How is it to be established? Islam has no idea of Atman, Brahman and mukti. Then how?

65. The stronger the Ramakrishna Movement grows in Bangladesh the better. Hindus will find a refuge there.

66. Ramakrishna Mission centres must be established in every European country. The movement must rapidly spread.

67. Every city and town of India deserves a Ramakrishna Mission centre. The movement must rapidly spread.

68. Exactly 13 years from now Sri Ramakrishna's bicentenary will be observed. We need to open many many more full-fledged Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission centres to observe the occasion. Devotees, galvanise yourselves for the grand mission.

69. Sri Ramakrishna is the ideal of humanity in today's ideologically fractured world. His life itself is the message of eternal India. 

70. Sri Ramakrishna is the hope of humanity.

71. আমাদের যে একটা মাথাও আছে তার কোনো প্রমাণই কি রাখব না? শুধুই প্রণামপত্র পেশ করব প্রমাণপত্ররূপে?

72. We have to zealously spread the Sanatan Dharma. Jai Shree Ram!

73. We must develop a scientific temper and stop being guided by fanciful faith stories.

74. Romance is the free play of the spirit.

75. Remain secular so long you are in minority. Assert dictatorial theology when in majority. This is the divine game plan.

76. Spread the Ramakrishna Mission to every city of the world. This will save the world from spiritual discord.

77. Vain religious leaders are low in the eyes of God. Their trusting followers who are simple at heart, they are high in God's eyes.

78. Heaven and hell are cases of higher hypnosis. The earth being the middling ground offers scope for dehypnotisation of the soul. 🕉

79. The literate are largely illiterate. The ones with brains hardly ever use them to good effect. The superficial rules most.

80. You are already free. Just affirm it ever till you veritably feel it, till the realisation becomes palpable in your nerves, your flowing bloodstream, your every pulse and breath.

81. Hindus must all read Vivekananda daily. This will save our civilisation from proselytising perversion and crass commercialism. 🕉

82. Swami Vivekananda is the armour of the youth.

83. Population boom is going to neutralise all economic gains. We must reverse the population growth. Else, the sheer weight of it will crush us.

84. Man, Thou art my God.

85. A sizeable section of educated, left-leaning Hindus, especially the upper caste renegades, are patently anti-Hindu. They are in unholy alliance with the proselytising Abrahamic cults that threaten the destruction of Hinduism. It is the uneducated masses who hold the bastion of Hindu society today, the poor farmers by the hundreds of millions. Herein lies the source that the Hindu polity can draw strength from. Upon their rapid uplift along Vedantic lines depends the survival of Hinduism. Let us educate these poor brethren of ours and strengthen the body politic of the Hindus.

86. Why does India give so much importance to Pakistan? Does such an insignificant failed state deserve so much attention?

87. What is this engineering gone inward business? Is it engineering or business?

88. We are too loud, too unmusical in our television debates and even in our priestly worship. This goes against the 'sundaram' principle (aesthetics). One of the signs of civilisation is beauteous harmony.

89. We must never justify our failings by lowering the ideal and, so, making it match with our present state of imperfection. We must rather raise ourselves to that ideal state slowly but surely through persistent effort and the affirmation of our inherent freedom. Apologists for our worldly degradation must be assiduously avoided and the company of the holy sought who have renounced the vanities of worldly life and striven to attain to perfection or have approximated it. Raise the practical to reach the ideal, never lower the ideal to match the practical. The higher harmony is to be aspired for, not the lower crude matching of sorts. (Idea borrowed from Swami Vivekananda's Practical Vedanta II)

90. Honest must be the dealing of doctors.

91. Stop calling doctors gods. They aren't so. Call them so only when they treat patients as gods, otherwise never.

92. Self-advertisement has become rampant these days as people revel in living in others' estimation.

93. Beneath the crust that is human lies the core that is divine.

94. Blindness is not devotion. Devotion that is discriminating is worth it. Else, it is the sibling of superstition.

95. Sri Ramakrishna I worship as God. But I reserve the right to be discriminating in my adoration. Blindness must never cloud my judgement.

96. The Vedantist holds himself to the progenitor of the external God.

97. If basic honesty in monetary matters be not there, of what use is religiosity?

98. Memory of the past need not mean slavery to it.

99. The dualistic form of worship has its diabolical defects when it goes wrong, when fanaticism fans the flames of hatred.

100. It is impossible to contain Me for I am the infinite.

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