Monday 10 May 2021



What is needed now is an utterance of the Eternal Word throbbing in the heart of Man. It will strike like a thunderbolt and quicken men to life and action. The time is ripe, the hour propitious and circumstance crumbling to make for a fresh sowing of the seeds in abeyance. A new movement is in the offing, a fresh affirmation of the Eternal Truth. A new utterance is the crying call of the hour when character is lost everywhere, even in the House of the Holy, when the sinner and the saint in unison suffer the pangs of ignorance. Now the Master and his Messenger must come. Alas ! they may already be among us in disguise and we fail to recognise them. If so, then deliverance is at hand. Rejoice and ready yourselves for the Great Sacrifice ! 

Written by Sugata Bose

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