The privileged prefer to be conformists to ruling dispensations. After all Lenin wasn't wrong when he said, 'The State is the organ of class rule.' Point to ponder, please, before hastening to comment.
There are deep present-day implications as well in this pertinent observation. The rich and the privileged who gain from an exploitative socioeconomic order may not agree with this affirmation, and understandably so, but the truth remains all the same, nonetheless. And Swami Vivekananda boldly affirms in somewhat a sublimated though realistic understanding of the problem that in the third epoch of social evolution the business class will become a silent blood-sucking brutal order who will eat into the vitals of the masses till, as Marx says, 'the masses revolve round themselves' to redress the inhuman imbalance of socioeconomic forces and usher in the socialist age. Whatever the merits of these systems (the capitalist and the socialist) may be, the point being stressed here is that the 'haves' are always in favour of the status quo that allows them to maintain their picnic on earth at the expense of the teeming millions, the 'have nots', who must subsist on the 'merciful charity' of these dole-givers.
Written by Sugata Bose
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