Saturday 5 September 2020



Gandhiji spoke a deal of gibberish and expressed ill-meant sentiment when it came to his expressing his unwillingness to put into action Subhas Chandra Bose's proposition of mass struggle prior to and post the beginning of the Second World War. His insincere words then, by way of fending Bose off, even today seems simply nauseating, especially now that we have the hindsight of what a treachery, witting or unwitting, to national interest they eventually turned out to be in terms of the calamitous consequences they precipitated that led to India's permanent debilitation in dismemberment. The machinations behind the scenes that led to the marginalisation of Bose within the Congress before his unceremonious expulsion from the political platform itself were all conducted by the master Machiavellian from his 'holy hermitages' in Sabarmati and Wardha whose outer manifestations made their way in his barbed observations on and pretentious praise of Bose, delivered simultaneously in a deliberate dualism of sorts.

Gandhiji did more damage to India's cause than is understood even today and researchers must highlight the consequences of all he did to destroy the hopes of future India, although, it must be admitted in all fairness that the stumbler from Sabarmati did what he did by way of a sincere adherence to his flawed political philosophy and his feeble understanding of the complexities of international politics.

Gandhiji lived in a world of his own creation which much differed from reality. Consequently, he never could arrive at a clear conception of the ramifications of his idealistic policies which were plain naive and contrarily disposed to the realities of the material world. His intransigence in political method applied against the British despite contrary evidence as to its efficacy and his obstinate adherence to personal predilections even in national application made a disaster of him as a political strategist. The British made short work of him, thus, and so did Jinnah. Where Bose had come to his aid in preempting such precipitation, the Mahatma resorted to all dirty politics at his disposal to dispose the patriot off. Bose, thrown overboard by the Mahatma, the British played their politics with unrestrained roguery. What happened thereafter is the real legacy of Gandhiji, the dismemberment of India's hopes in spirit and in body.

Written by Sugata Bose [Sugata Bose]

 Your understanding of my methods and means are plainly puerile and needs a maturing before your observations are given vent to. You do not quite perceive intellectual positioning in all its multifarious manifestations. This, of course, is the nationwide symptom in an age of proliferating quick response without adequate consideration of a writer's multilayered and prismatic presentations of perceptions in multiple moods and modes in a plethora of poly-chromatic screening. It surely is not a volte-face on my part as your extensive reading of my posts and improved observations thereof will reveal unto you.

 Take my hurried reply in good humour, brother. I was in a haste that time and could not respond better.

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