Our polity is characterised by a terrible indiscipline which is evident from the indiscriminate posts that are made on my ninety odd groups with scant reflection on the purpose and theme of the groups. These posts, however, are all deleted with a considerable wastage of my time, effort and energy every day. No wonder Netaji had deemed it necessary, provisionally at that, to urge the Congress to rule India for the first twenty years after independence with dictatorial authority. He had witnessed this lack of discipline in the polity then which persists to this day and had arrived at the imposition of a benevolent dictatorship over Indians by way of a quick solution to the problem, for a delay, he knew, would only make matters worse confounded.
That we have refused to comply with any measure of intellectual or social discipline and restraint till date is a pointer to the degenerate state of our polity and all our vaunting by way of a Hindu renaissance of sorts is mere empty talk, a vain assertion of a heritage which we have failed in every sense but which we keep on citing by way of a cover-up of our current inadequacies. Would it were that even a handful of sane men and women were to be in the polity in places of significance to help straighten the national course ! Right now it is a mass of ignoramuses running riot with their ill-digested stock of misinformation mostly, gathered online and strewn wherever they find a garbage can masquerading as a group. Or perhaps, it were better to put it the other way -- the information sprayed is the garbage and it is cast into well-furnished parlours with pernicious persistence to render the atmosphere within toxic. May God grant these devotees of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda-Netaji better sense to restore sanity to the social discourse online !
Written by Sugata Bose
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