Saturday, 12 September 2020



Unless you solve the doctrinaire intolerant positions of Islam and Christianity, inter-faith dialogues will continue to be a farce. And the scriptures of these two Semitic religions being supposedly divinely inspired, such an amendment to bring them to modern standards of universal acceptance will not be possible. Hence, it is futile to pretend that holding harmony meetings and cross-cultural conferences of religions will add any value to the social discourse on them. What they will do will be to camouflage the real intent of these religions of global conversion further under the fabricated talk of fraternity.
What Hindu organisations like the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission ought to do instead is to boldly declare that the Hindu not only accepts all religions as true -- as Swami Vivekananda had famously said in his opening Chicago address -- but categorically rejects those doctrines of other religions that hold only their particular faiths to be the absolute truth. Also, that the Hindu repudiates the idea of consistent conversion from its fold engineered by Christian and Muslim organisations and clerics. These assertions must be strongly made with enough force to awaken the slumbering Hindu masses. Moreover, there must be consistent counter-conversion propaganda made by these Hindu organisations of repute, citing reasons how Hinduism is in no way inferior and is infinitely superior to these converting cults in both philosophical terms and in practical terms of a richer variation that affords devotees an infinite array of ideals to choose from while pursuing piety. There must be a consolidated anti-conversion programme and active re-conversion of people perverted from Hinduism to Islam and Christianity. Only then will this nefarious business of progressive destruction of our religion and culture be possible to stop.
I leave here for you to further contemplate on this corrosive anti-Hindu consequence that has been for two thousand years engineered by foreign faiths having no clue as to the grandeur of all that is Hindu and all that Hinduism [Sanatan Dharma] is.

Written by Sugata Bose

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