Friday, 4 September 2020



Happy Teacher's Day, Sharmistha !

It is teachers of excellence like you who bring up the culture of a country and pass on whatever is best in our heritage to the coming generations. Unfortunately, such teachers are becoming rarer by the day but so long as even a single flame of excellence abides in one such as you are, there is hope of a massive rekindling of the dying embers into a conflagration that will consume proliferating ignorance among the polity and help usher in a renewal of all that we hold dear in our heritage with much more to be added unto it hereon. May God guide your steps even as you guide the ones in your care, for the task is onerous and involving a great deal of personal preparation at every step of this mountainous detour to the summit of academic and cultural realisation !

Your pupils are privileged to be in the leading of such a preceptor who holds her vocation as a pathway to the purest nurturing of their faculties to the fullest despite the limitations imposed by an unthinking structuring of the academic order that hardly allows the free play of either teacher-student interaction or the freedom to pursue interests as per aptitude, owing to national educational bulk agenda. However, if through all these hindrances that are but natural in a country so populous, your students but once reflect on what they are receiving from you and those like you who are talented teachers of leading and light, they will be inspired to make the best use of their learning-life and come out triumphant in the tide of times, and, so, pull out the country from the mire of misinformation, materialism and molestation of every precept and principle that make for a glorious culture.

Much have I said but much more needs to be done, and it is with this hope that I shall caution you and your ilk from unwarranted exuberance for a brief day of the academic calendar before every enthusiasm is allowed to subside by way of careering the course for the rest of the year, not that I thereby imply that you are culpable to doing so. But words are one and deeds quite another. A poet paints delightful dreams on paper but the mother who has conceived has to care for the evolving baby in her womb till it sees the light of day, and thereafter has to with infinite patience and love and a diligence in delight bring it up till the babe has matured unto the sunshine of youth to take on the challenges of life. So must a teacher be, even as the mother, in rearing the child to achieve the rarest of laurels that life has to offer. And in this, do not fail to remind your students that success entirely depends on hard work unselfishly performed and pursued lifelong to be dispensed by way of sacrificial service for the good of all.

May God bless you and all of your conscious community so that the teachers of the day may transform to becoming nation-builders of the morrow !

Written by Sugata Bose

Each word, every line is a gem and I pledge to follow all that you have so affectionately selected to form this amazing bouquet. This came as a delightful surprise to me and I am but too poor to sufficiently appreciate this wonderful chaplet.
Again and again I remain thankful to you, the ACHARYA.

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