Saturday, 5 September 2020



Netaji 'researchers' must learn to speak fast so that the audience is not bored to death by their presentation of little fact over lengthy periods. Instead of attempting to stir up emotions with abundant adjectives and deflecting discourse with needless digressions, they should concentrate on providing concentrated information inputs which throw genuine light on the manifold mysteries centring Netaji. The diction of these 'researchers' is often atrocious and needs to be improved. Lastly, these researchers are often flawed in their analyses of events, episodes and personalities on account of poor intellectual credentials. Here also work needs to be done if they are serious about unravelling the truth as it is and not as they wish it to be.

Preconceptions, prejudices and personal preferences often sully pure research and inferences thereof. This, of course, is on account of the brightest minds not bothering to delve deep into conspiracy theories with the result that mediocre minds occupy centre-stage in 'research' into Netaji's disappearance. These latter ones are, by compulsions of intellectual inferiority and character deficiency, guided more by wishful thinking and often even by commercial considerations to keep propping up unsubstantiated theories in the public domain which mislead the masses into the blind alleyways of irrational faiths and fancies.

Unfortunately, irresponsible 'researchers' care not to comprehend the damage they do to the historical Netaji by sidelining him in the looming shadows of his 'life' post-disappearance. Netaji's historical contributions and his message to his countrymen and to the whole of humanity are, thus, conveniently eclipsed by the fictitious tales told by these sensation-mongers which are lapped up by the equally sensation-crazy public who revel more in ghost stories than in historical narratives. Hence, the hero dies everyday in the land of his birth at the hands of his bigoted and ignoramus followers. Would it were otherwise ! Would it were that serious research had been done by able historians probing both his life and death !

There are available authentic accounts of Netaji's life prior to his disappearance but of his 'life' beyond his sudden melting into thin air has been cooked up the most bizarre stories that belie reason and induce men to pin faith in impossible accounts of ludicrous imagination redolent of a retrograde bent of mind and an infancy in mental maturity that must surely be deemed hurtful to the very cause for which Netaji lifelong stood. This by no means is to imply that research must not be conducted into his disappearance but such precious activity ought to be in the hands of responsible intellectuals of impeccable character and accomplishments and not in the hands of imbeciles who have made a mockery of truth-telling by failing to sift fact from fiction, often deliberately so. May Netaji survive this constant crucifixion at the hands of these futile fanatics who masquerade as his fantastic followers !

Written by Sugata Bose

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