Monday, 18 September 2017


1. The masses must be fed, clothed, educated and provided health-care and raised to the level of enlightened humanity, the brahman.

2. A classless society means the creation of an enlightened common humanity where differences cease to be divisive. But such a one has to be the product of spiritual evolution and not mere political revolution.

3. A brahman is a brahman so long as he is devoid of privilege.

4. As the night gives way to the dawn that ushers in the Devi-paksha, let us pledge to fulfil the divine in ourselves and in all.

5. Trust none save the Lord, the Avatar Purush seated in the midst of your heart, ever beating time till you will wake up from your slumber and remember Him, then rush on to His loving arms.

6. What grandeur! What artistic sensibility the poet has brought even unto architecture which, verily, Goethe has called 'frozen music'! (w.r.t. Uttarayan, Shantiniketan)

7. The higher law must work. No amount of cacophony can drown the voice of reason. Further on enlightenment is.

8. The less of me I project, the more of Me I manifest.

9. The only true friend I have got is my Self, for it is the only being that will remain as the final residuum when all will have left me, when all will dissolve into nothingness before the rays of the awakening sun, when even I will be on the horizon of quitting the citadel I so long held in ignorance as my own and will quietly pass into the vast void of my essence. There friends will have met in a final embrace before merging in the oneness of the Being. Then friendless I abide, alone through eternity.

The dream had been woven with magical charm. Now it has simply vaporised. Whither the world? Whither friends and foes? Whither the dual drama of onrushing life? There none was, there none is, there none will ever be. It is an empty house with none in, and then the house disappears too. Just the Witness is, the Self brooding on the Self with no hope of breaking into multiplicity ever.

And, lo! the fragmentation begins again with all its magical multiplicity. Friends come and foes come too, but through it all waits on the One, my Beloved, my Lord, my Self, my Me.

10. Courage of conviction is what can be expected of those that vouch for a cause. Cowards keep off!

11. Silence may be the calling of the illumined but it certainly betrays cowardice in the laity to keep mum over contentious issues.

12. The liberating influence of Bengali literature will deliver Bangladesh, that was founded on the linguistic principle, from sectarianism.

13. The linguistic bond is paramount in Bangladesh. Let none attempt to undermine it in the name of religion.

14. Bangladesh was severed from Bengal. Again the halves must unite, if not politically, culturally for sure.

15. Urdu can scarce dilute the dominance of Bangla, for Bangladesh was founded in rebellion against the imposition of Urdu.

16. Wasteful continuous comments deflect attention from the main issue. The object is to highlight a contentious social point.

17. The written word scarce expresses the unwritten text of Nature. Silence gives its golden testimony in mantra free and fair.

18. Daily tyranny of the spoken word deals death-blow to one's aspirations. It is diabolic to destroy human hope thus.

19. Freedom in the hands of the uninitiated lends itself to tyranny of the savage over the civilised. Thus, must culture temper license masquerading as freedom.

20. In an age of declining culture it is imperative that we strive to preserve at least whatever is best in our heritage.

21. Humanity will rise not merely by the proliferation of education but by the diffusion of culture.

22. Netaji was the leader with the widest experience of international politics and the only one with first-hand experience of the greatest conflict in human history, the Second World War. What a leader he would have made for independent India with such a unique training in the school of life! Alas, we were denied by traitors within that great fortune!

23. Arranging and categorising facts can lead to knowledge of a secondary kind but realisation immediate and unconditioned requires subtle intelligence.

24. Beyond the realm of intellectual cognition lies the infinitude of existence absolute, unfettered by space-time-causality.

25. The path is strewn with vibrant hues
       n radiance streaming in.
       If these be so suffused with life,
       how lovelier the Spirit is!

26. We are fighting an internal battle and see it through extroverted vision in the outer world. Hence, all the conflict in the world.

27. Spirituality is living the inner life. It is the quest for Truth by analysis of mind till it reduces to nought and reveals the Self.

28. Youth is the springtime of both enjoyment and renunciation. He who goes for the former comes to grief but he who casts in his lot for the latter attains to immortality. Enjoy through renunciation.

29. The panoramic spectacle lies ahead but vaster still is the world within. Within this citadel of the body is encased the soul.

30. The Hindu sphere of influence in the world has been ever shrinking down the historical timeline. Time to reverse the trend.

31. The colours disperse to reunite when the optical conditions reverse. So must the stellar beams reunite unto the whiteness of peace.

32. In the transition moment from sleep to wakefulness is an inlet into the divine within. This also is 'sandhikshan'.

33. Subtle are the waves that visit, subtler still their reading is, subtlest the life that lies beyond, ever-free, ever-free.

34. In insulting another you insult yourself for you are in every form that animates existence.

35. I wonder how an atheist may have fullest appreciation of the gamut of Netaji's thinking, especially, if he is a materialist too.

36. Avataarvaad? Guruvaad? Why, these are integral to post-Puranic Hinduism and essential to spiritual practice in many a mode as well.

37. It is better to have experience of the Divine before attempting to criticise our religious practices. Ignorance plays havoc with judgement, confounds reason and leads the critic astray.

38. The path of purity is the path of God. Let privilege cease to be a part of it. Let the doors of knowledge be open to all. Om!

39. This mountainous detour leads to its final destination, the summit of realisations, that of oneness that extinguishes relativity.

40. Dawn breaks out in the eastern horizon and my mind flies to freedom in its early beams. Would it were this dawn had forever stayed!

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