Spot on. Yet, the linguistic affinity must be continually emphasised to combat Islam in all its malefic mode as prevalent in Bangladesh today. Culture must be spread through literature and this will hopefully pay its dividend one day to root out this malicious malignant growth in the body politic of this benighted nation. Else, force will determine the future course of events whichever way it goes and it is a pity that it should be so at a time when we are supposedly civilised. Education will clarify conception progressively as science hammers home its conclusions against the citadels of medieval monstrosity. It will be a protracted struggle from without but one that will eventually be won by implosion consequent upon the revolt of the suffering masses and the womenfolk who have been bearing the yoke of servitude for ages. The Age of Enlightenment into which we have been ushered, thanks to the phenomenal progress of knowledge, will erode resistance to reason and supplant superstition with spirituality, human and divine, although, the path of such progression may be strewn with the broken bones of the past. The conflict is of alternate civilisations, rooted, ingrained, interpenetrated in culture at every level and assumes a far greater significance as such than a cursory attempt at curing the evil will do. In the final analysis it will have to be the resolution of education, law-enforcement and the diffusion of culture that may successfully combat this growing menace and relegate it to an episode of history that will not dare show its fangs to future humanity.
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