Thursday, 7 September 2017


Sugata Bose The philosopher friend, yet again, in regal bearing redolent of yesteryears when dignity prevailed over external form and the soul of man bespoke through the outer frame that was rendered thus divine. Salutations to this sterling soul, quite a rarity these days of surface dreams and selfish ends seeking sense gratification at any cost. Susanta Mullick remains entrenched in the classical Ramakrishna culture inspirational to all.

Sugata Bose Netaji rued that Gandhiji had personalised the whole affair instead of letting it remain an ideological victory for the left-radical forces within the Congress. Herein you see the birth and sustenance of the personality cult, although, it is here manifest in its contrived negative mode.

Sugata Bose Manikarnika Manu, you did not get my point. I did not mean by the use of the word 'here' your post which is quite in keeping with the associated reality as you put it. My pointer was to Gandhiji's attitude towards the whole Tripuri Congress Presidential election affair which gave a fillip to future flourishing of the personality cult in its negative mode contrived initially by Gandhiji himself here.

Sugata Bose Most importantly, the Bhagavad Geeta expressly advocates armed resistance to occupation of territory which Netaji took up but Gandhiji categorically denounced. His was a very peculiar interpretation of the Geeta, the very denunciation of its enunciated mode of elimination of evil.

Sugata Bose Strange it is but so very true. One needs to seriously introspect on this peculiar psychology of the human mind. Perhaps, the mild nature of Gandhiji and his movement is what cowards resonate to, for mildness is the facade of cowardice too.

Sugata Bose You may attain such love after God-realisation. So, there is no way you can possibly spread such. It is not a matter of propaganda or propagation.

Sugata Bose Even such love is impelled by self-interest seeking satisfaction from sacrifice. Spontaneous love, true and unalloyed by any blemish of self, is possible only in the realised soul, never in the aspirant for aspiration itself is incomplete in itself and seeks completion in realisation. Hence, the aspirant is impelled by necessity of soul as well and not by the free play of the same.

Sugata Bose Right you are. Also realisation rules out body, mind and ego out of the equation, thus, rooting out self. The Self (Brahman) is now all that is.

Sugata Bose Juthika Sarkar, there is no Ram or Shyam or myself then. It is all an undivided, integrated, absolute, unbreakable solidarity of existence-bliss-consciousness.

Sugata Bose Now you are going awry and the discussion, therefore, necessitates a halt from my side. You are not quite abreast with the facts of Self-realisation and, hence, these errors of judgement are creeping in, soon to sound volubly into massive discordance.
Sugata Bose Expediency of the hour to achieve long-term goals, I guess. Politics is the art of the possible. Pragmatism often rules over adoption of absolutist stance, for compromise is ever struck to inch one's way forward towards whatever goal one may have set in one's mind for the common weal. @Manikarnika Manu

Sugata Bose But there are many who would disagree, although, I must plead guilty to the charge of innocence about the whole issue consequent on my stupendous ignorance about the same. But I wonder why even monks of the Mission have paid glowing tributes privately to this illustrious son of the soil. @Manikarnika Manu

Sugata Bose Pakistan, a self-deluded nation, is planning out its own future integration with India. Partition, being an arbitrary contrived effort, will cease to be in the fullness of time and the motherland in all her former glory will unite her split sections to her trunk as rejuvenated she breathes life into the heart of humanity. All these malefic designs of Pakistan in conjunction with China will falter and fail to prevent this settled fact of the future terrestrial evolution and the world will emerge the stronger for it. All these nuclear warheads will seek their dismantling as humanity rises in consciousness through spiritual awakening which needs must come about for the fulfilment of man. Matter may rule the roost for the while but the Spirit, being its causal base, will for sure rule over it in the long run even i the manifested earthly plane as man seeks fulfilment in the life beyond and no more in its miserable alternative. @Bhaswar Das

Sugata Bose Do you not see the obvious connection? It is the same thought expressed in the Mahabharat in a different tongue, Sanskrit. I merely drew your attention to it that in different ages different people think, nonetheless, alike for essentially we are one and our realisations and articulations also resonate. Also, this was in response to the aforementioned comment made by Abhijit Sengupta Mahashay who had asked you as to why you had failed to quote from Swamiji or Netaji. So, this was by way of a friendly rejoinder. Does it not show unity of thinking and expression across ages? Do not take my comments amiss please. I do not serve any malefic interest thereby nor do I have any political point to score over any nor am I affiliated to any political dispensation. It is simply an intellectual off-hand response to a post and a comment thereof. You are a spirited lady and I have only honour in my eyes to your strongly felt emotions and convictions. You are forthright in your writing and I commend you for such courage of conviction whether I always agree with you or not. But at least you are not a hypocrite that hides under the cover of an assumed goodness. Please do not misunderstand my expressions as they often are by friends on facebook. I merely engage to popularise posts of friends when I get the opportunity or occasion to do so. If you have a problem with that and consider it intrusion into your own private space on your profile wall as you very rightly may claim it to be your right, I will desist in future from expressing my opinion or view there with all goodwill and no love lost between friends on social media. I hope I have made myself adequately clear and that you do understand. With regards, Sugata Bose@Manikarnika Manu

Sugata Bose It will take time, Rajyashree Devi. The reason is that Hindus are neither united nor do they follow their religion properly, that is, in essence. Their liberalism on one side is camouflaged atheism and orthodoxy on the other side is blatant ritualism. The real germ of Hinduism lies in its philosophical aspect which is entirely neglected by the multitude on account of massive ignorance and the inertia of ages. Time is it to redress the balance. I am making my efforts to quicken consciousness among the people in my own way. Come ye and join me in this grand venture, nay, austerity of the soul, to awaken Hindus to the glory their motherland is, the grandeur their spiritual culture enshrines.

Sugata Bose In a flash it will come but not within the range of space-time-causality that it can be predicted as coming at a certain point in time. Transcendence follows no timely law but subtle are its workings beyond cognition of our mathematical values. There language fails, thoughts resolve into apparent nothingness and the mind of man dissolves into an infinite unbounded consciousness which is the ever-living Presence enclosing the apparent modes of flowing time. There the thoughts, divergent and disparate, all unite into an integrated solidarity of conscious existence. There the Lord realises the Lord for the Self alone is, ever brooding on the Self. May such a day, from our terrestrial plane of reference, dawn soon on you, Maharaj, that the world may have a Deepavali in you, for illumined is the sage on return to the plane of relative existence, the shadowy world of name and form no more holding him in its shackles! Jai Ramakrishna! Jai Ma! Jai Swamiji! @Swami Ekarthananda

Sugata Bose The hope of future India, monk and future man. @Swami Ekarthananda 

Sugata Bose For the moon lights not up any save by reflected glory of the sun, Shyamolima.

Sugata Bose Men learn when the examination is over, such is the irony of life. It drags one of his own volition to death untimely and uncalled for. But consistent propagation of the idea without negative implications by way of carping criticism will do wonders in the fullness of time. This simple suggestion is a general statement and has no bearing to the post, though. The problem must be highlighted in a positive and illumined manner without rancour or ill-will expressed in any way. People are too ignorant and positively callous to their own well-being, such is the force of habit, the decadence consequent on inertia.

Keep up the good work, Meghnad Bose, knowing all to be the embodiment of the life divine that underlies and animates existence. When the youth awake, the nation awakes, for they represent the hope of the future well-being of the people.

Each one of us has a responsibility towards quickening consciousness in our countrymen to making our motherland habitable for all. In such an endeavour will the celebration of Deepavali (the festival of inner illumination) be a fitting exercise in cultural adherence and in nation-building. Shubha Kali Puja! Shubha Deepavali! Jai Hind!

Jnanojjwal Saha Mr Sugata Bose's hype with verbal theatrics may lure and entrap the elitist of the country into believing that Netaji had actually died in the crash. But did he know that in his letter addressed to Suresh Chandra Bose , Nehru admitted by saying " I HAVE NO PRECISE AND DIRECT PROOF OF NETAJI'S DEATH". This was dated sometime in 1957 after the publication of his Dissentient Report. I had the opportunity to sit before him to exchange few words with him before receiving two copies of it

Jnanojjwal Saha And so Mr Bose please don't be overwise on this national and global issue as well . When time comes nobody will spare you.

Sugata Bose Jnanojjwal Saha, you have already not spared me under the mistaken notion that I am the Harvard historian, Prof. Sugata Bose, grandnephew to Netaji, which I am patently not, unless, of course, I am myself mistaken in my assumption thus about your assumption. So, before you level verbal diatribe against me, get your research on your to-be victim well executed and then think twice whether you have any divine right over others to proceed with your pronouncing of sentence on fictitious grounds where the case falls through. I hope you now understand that I am quite another Sugata Bose of humbler attainments, in no way blood-related to Netaji and not holding that the air-crash had ever taken place. Where, Monsieur, did you find such eminent elemental lie from my pen in the above write-up that you so proceeded to charge me thus? I feel sorry for your arrogant assumptions about me and hold you culpable to the offence of thus offending me. God bless you for even you are me in another form, outer differences notwithstanding. Shubha Deepavali!

P.S. You should in future be more discerning in your estimation of individuals, should do better background work before rushing into hasty conclusion and be a trifle more circumspect in arousing public emotion against anybody which is, at any rate, an offence in the eye of law. But my prostrations at your feet, nonetheless, on two counts : first, because you are very much senior to me in age as I gathered later, and second, because you are an ardent devotee / follower of Netaji, call it what you will. Hence, I extend my sincerest greetings to you despite initial verbal volleys. Apologies if I have hurt you in any way while I was under the impression that you were much younger in age.

Jnanojjwal Saha Shubha Deepavali . I am extremely sorry for my mistake Mr Bose. I ought to have been more careful about your identity and discerning in my allegations levelled against a gentle man. It's my shame that I mistook you as Prof. Sugata Bose, grandnephew of Netaji. Please excuse me for the grievious mistake I committed . I stand apologetic to you and to your family as well. I wish you all my best if I have any. With regards 
to you and to your seniors.

Sugata Bose Jnanojjwal Babu, thank you for your extremely humble response. I feel beholden to you for that. I will surely extend your greetings and good wishes to my ailing mother who will be delighted to know that you are such an ardent devotee of Netaji, she herself at the age of four having seen Netaji in 1936 in Baharampur. I have also sent you a request for friendship on facebook so that we may continue our deliberations online in a more fruitful and constructive manner toward the fulfilment of our common goal, I suppose, of bringing justice to the cause Netaji and the Indian revolutions for freedom had stood for. With patient expectancy and wishing you health and happiness, I remain ever yours in Ramakrishna-Vivekananda-Netaji, Sugata Bose, your younger brother in love for our common motherland.

Sugata Bose Countries across the world ought to have the correct account of the exploits of Bose with the right interpretation at that in their recorded history but, unfortunately, our own men in power project a different view to suit their political ends and, so, the historical narrative across the world continues to be that Bose was a fascist which eminently he never was. It is time to rectify such historical heresies.@Madhusudan Pal 

Jnanojjwal Saha Quite natural

Sugata Bose Does your 'quite natural' imply that Netaji had married and had progeny or does it mean that you corroborate what I have said and have found my inference to be 'quite natural' in the case of Netaji? I merely seek a clarification.


Jnanojjwal Saha In the book " Hero Of Hindustan " by Anthony Ellizimittam there was a character named Ms Helen Wagner a German spy tried her best with all sorts of tricky eloquence to befriend and entice Subhas to marry. Subhas addressed her as his sister and said " I AM WEDDED TO INDIA'S FREEDOM STRUGGLE" exhorting that Hindu can not marry twice.

Sugata Bose Jnanojjwal Babu, what a reference and what an answer! Commendations from my side.

Sugata Bose Jnanojjwal Babu, could you post this comment of yours in the group NETAJI? It will be a clincher to many a floating soul, as yet undecided about the alleged marriage mystery?

Sugata Bose Bholanath Jhaji, understanding comes from spiritual practice over a long time, deep humility and dependence on Sri Ramakrishna implicitly with faith in his words and the vision of yourself in all. No fractured vision can succeed in the attainment of any spiritual perception.

Swami Shastramayananda হরি ওম্ | জয় রামকৃষ্ণ | সকল পাঠক-পাঠিকা-সুধীবৃন্দ-গুণিজনগণকে আন্তরিক নমস্কার জানাই | সুগতবাবুকে ধন্যবাদ | যদিও নিছক ধন্যবাদ জ্ঞাপন করে উনার ঋণ অপরিশোধ্য | একটি কথা বলার ইচ্ছা | আজ আমরা একটি কথা শুনি–"আমরা Post-Truth যুগে বাস করছি" | এটা যেহেতু আপাত-বাস্তব, সেহেতু আমি আমার সকল post-এর শেষে উৎস-নির্দেশ করি | আমি পড়তে ভালোবাসি এবং সে ভালোবাসা ভাগ করে নিতে আরো বেশী ভালোবাসি | আজ যাঁদের জন্য আমরা বিশ্বের সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ-প্রাচীনতম সভ্যতার অধিবাসী এবং যাঁদের আত্মত্যাগের প্রসাদস্বরূপ স্বাধীন ভারত-ভারতীর নাগরিক আমরা, সেই ঋষিকুল-মনীষীবৃন্দ-স্মরণীয়-বরণীয়গণের প্রতি শ্রদ্ধাঞ্জলি প্রদানেরই প্রয়াস আমি করে থাকি | যাতে কেউ না ভাবেন যে post-গুলি আমার রচনা, তাই সর্বদা source mention করি | ঋষিবাক্য–"সত্যেন পন্থা বিততো দেবযানঃ" | সবাইকে পুনঃপ্রণাম | মঙ্গলমস্তু | জয় ঠাকুর |

Sushen Biswas দ্বিতীয় বিশ্বযুদ্ধের শেষ পর্বে নেতাজী কতটা আধ্যাত্মিক শক্তির অধিকারী ছিলেন তার একটি উদাহরণ এখানে দিই ....এটি সিঙ্গাপুর রামকৃষ্ণ মিশনের অধ্যক্ষ স্বামী ভাস্বরানন্দের প্রত্যক্ষ অভিজ্ঞতা ...........
1943 সালের 9 ই জুলাই পেনাং এ পরিচয় হবার পর সুভাষচন্দ্রের 
সঙ্গে তার ঘনিষ্ঠতা ও যাতায়ত .......স্বমীজী হটাৎ শুনলেন জাপান আত্মসমর্পণ করেছে ...কাজ সেরে তিনি নেতাজী শিবিরে গেলেন বিদায় অভিনন্দন জানাতে .....তখন সন্ধ্যে 6 টা .....প্রতিদিন সন্ধ্যে 6 টা থেকে 8 টা পর্যন্ত নেতাজীর সঙ্গে দেখা করা নিষেধ ছিল .......ঠিক 6 টা বেজে পাঁচ মিনিটে জাপান সামরিক বাহিনীর জিপে এক হিকারি কিকান অফিসার এসে হাজির , ব্যস্ততা ,হাতে জরুরী টেলিগ্রাম .......নেতাজীর এ ডি সি কে দিয়ে বললেন খুবই জরুরী ......কিন্তু রাত আট টার আগে হুকুম তামিল করা যাবে না বলায় অফিসার টি তাকে গালাগাল দেয় .....স্বমীজী অভয় দিয়ে বললেন , চেষ্টা করুন ,প্রয়োজনে আমরা কৈফিয়ৎ দেব ........এ ডি সি কম্পিত হাতে নেতাজীর ভেজানো দরজাটা সমান্য ফাঁক করতেই সংজ্ঞাহীন হয়ে পরে গেলেন ......সকলে তাকে ধরাধরি করে দুটি বেঞ্চি এক করে শুইয়ে দিলেন , শুশ্রূষা করলেন .......কিছুক্ষণ পরে জ্ঞান ফিরলে সকলে তাকে জিজ্ঞাসা করলো ...জ্ঞান হারালেন কেন ..? কি এমন দেখলেন ? সকলের প্রশ্নের উত্তরে তিনি বললেন .." আমি দেখলুম , সর্বাধিনায়ক নেতাজী যোগাসন ছেড়ে মাটি থেকে দের ফুট উঁচুতে ভাসমান ...তাঁর সারা দেহে চোঁখ ধাঁধানো জ্যোতি ..." 
জাপানী অফিসার তাঁর দুর্ব্যবহারের জন্য ক্ষমা চেয়ে জরুরী বার্তার রসিদ লিখিয়ে যাবার আগে বলে গেলেন ..." বোস অতিমানব " 

Sugata Bose Bhaskar, I suspect you have missed the point here. It is man who has been referred to as God in essence and not the one he commonly worships in his helplessness, unless, of course, you mean man who you address as 'He'.

Sugata Bose But I still believe this idea as you put it then brings in dualism which I did not mean in the post as being pertinent.

Sugata Bose Bhaskar, either He is or Man is. Both cannot be, for that would necessarily imply the dualistic standpoint. In non-dualism there is no inside or outside. If He is, then there is no man. If the Real Man is, then the Personal God has vanished with all of phenomena with it. So, you get it, I am sure, what I imply.

Sugata Bose By Man is meant the Real Man. The surface man is but a delusion of the senses with nothing substantial to it save its dreamlike semblance of existence.

Sugata Bose But In 'Is Vedanta the Future Religion' Swamiji contradicts this method and counts it as having been historically unproductive of the intended end of arriving at non-dualism.

Sugata Bose Bhaskar, my reference is to 'Is Vedanta the Future Religion?' Also, most of these enlightened sages did not quite arrive at the ultimate Truth but stopped short at the sixth plane of realisation of the Personal God from where, however, they pronounced their statements of spiritual understanding. So, such pronouncement will not stand the test of validity against the fundamental truth of Advaita Vedanta.

Sugata Bose Whatever you may say, Bhaskar, Swamiji's 'Is Vedanta the Future Religion' answers it all and quite effectively contradicts these arguments in the final analysis of things.
Sugata Bose Bhaskar, it misses the point. Do go through the said lecture of Swami, I request.

Sugata Bose Bhaskar, I say you have missed Swamiji's interpretation of the term 'Mamekang' in the Geeta which he says refers to the Atman and not Krishna as such.
Sugata Bose Bhaskar, there you go into dualism again which Swamiji contradicts and so does Advaita Vedanta as being the highest truth or truth at all, for it is the anthropomorphic conception of God.
Sugata Bose Bhaskar, what a delightful experience it was today to match wits against my peerless friend forever!

Sugata Bose Ah, but that is dualism for sure and not the highest or the Absolute Brahma.

Sugata Bose There is no dualism to forgo as such. The non-dual alone is. And as to the gradual movement to the non-dual, here also Swamiji has raised his objection if you care to read the piece I have mentioned.

Sugata Bose Quoting authority does not prove a point, Bhaskar. Truth is higher than the highest of terrestrially manifested personalities, however divine they may be. I had exhorted you to refer to a certain lecture of Swamiji but evidently you are otherwise preoccupied. So, it is best that we draw curtains on this discussion which is leading nowhere. However, I feel so happy to see your devotion for the greats.

Sugata Bose Well, dear friend, who am to deride these great ones who are the object of my worship in dualistic ignorance? When knowledge dawns, bondage drops, conditions imposed melt into nothingness and the Self stands supreme in self-effulgence, so to say. Then who worships whom for there is but One and even that, one may not say?

Sugata Bose Bhaskar, of course they are divine personalities but they did not speak of Advaita Vedanta of Shankacharya which Vivekananda spoke of in his climactic lecture on non-dual philosophy in America entitled 'Is Vedanta the Furure Religion'.

Sugata Bose But that is being absolutist and arbitrary in a discussion. Moreover, interpretations of the Geeta are diverse. Chaitanya's interpretation is not quite the same as Vivekananda's and Shankaracharya's. Hence, the differences in their approach to the spiritual problem. Dualism, qualified non-dualism and non-dualism all draw their references from the Geeta and widely differ still, for they interpret differently. The last incarnation of the divine, so to say, Sri Ramakrishna had enjoined his protege Swami Vivekananda to expound the highest truth in this Age. And so he did. And in this in his climactic lecture in America he threw all caution to the winds and laid bare the core truth before a receptive and discerning audience, regretting that this truth, much mixed with dualistic superstition, has never come to be the spiritual food for the multitude.

Sugata Bose The arbitrary assumptions of dualism are understandable for they do not have a rational basis to support their philosophy and, hence, have to rely on personality for sustenance. Not so the Vedanta in its Advaita mode for it derives self-annihilation and not self-support to arrive at the Truth of the existent Self.

Diptaroop Saha Please explain

Sugata Bose Why, Diptaroop? Give it your own reflection. Accept if you like, reject else. These are ruminations that flow by the hour and are gone then never to revisit. The truth is beheld for the while and then blurs in original content. Rationalisation thereof robs the beauty of the poem envisioned as the seer drifts and the seen drifts too in this sea of cosmic delusion. I say this not to avert your query but simply to avoid dulling the observation of my spiritual heart in terms of words profane while in defence of the same.

Juthika Sarkar Is poverty mandatory?

Juthika Sarkar Since we know a celibate must own nothing as his personal in respect of treasure or wealth!

Sugata Bose You are somewhat near to the truth of the sentiment.

Sugata Bose You have no idea of what the Self is, nor any clue as to who the individual, the Real Man, is. Hence, your misapprehension of what I have said. I can fully appreciate your difficulty in understanding this abstruse concept for you have veritably converted a lofty principle to a commonplace article of necessity.@Delphine Susan Pillar

Sugata Bose You are not quite getting to understand the import of what this principle in reality means, hence, the suppositions on your part. Appreciate your difficulty. Read Swami Vivekananda's Jnana Yoga and 'Is Vedanta the Future Religion' to resolve your difficulty. I am in no way suggesting that prayers to imaginary Gods must be given up if they so please the person doing it. I am merely drawing your attention to the fact that even such prayer is received only by your own highest Self and not by such imagined divine entities.@Delphine Susan Pillar

Sugata Bose Again the wrong perception. It simply will not go away unless you are well-groomed in Advaita philosophy. @Delphine Susan Pillar 

Anshuman Chatterjee Sir, with due respect, now that you have mentioned Nazi Germany, I feel it is my duty as a human being and a responsible citizen of this world to interfere... Dear Sir, what do you mean by Nazi Germany was blamed for everything and they were in anyway responsible or connected with the previous great war which I am assuming you are talking about world war 1? So how were they connected as Nazis? And what is the Nazi legacy of world war 1? It will be great if you can answer my questions.

Sugata Bose Anshuman, the Versailles Treaty was humiliating and damaging for Germany's interests and this was expressly what Hitler and his Nazi Party utilised to win popular support for coming to power and then unleashing what they did whose culmination was World War II.

Anshuman Chatterjee True sir, but they had not much role to play in World war 1 and yes you are absolutely right if you say that the Treaty Of Versailles was a blunder for them and that did very much contribute to the rise of an evil concept like Nazism.

Sugata Bose Anshuman, I am happy to see that you have finally caught the thread of my thought. You see the problem is that these coloured posts do not leave room for any elaboration in a single go, thereby leaving room, however, and quite ironically, for much misapprehension as to the intent of the post and the position of the author vis-a-vis the content of the post.
Anshuman Chatterjee Yes in addition, they could have been sane beings in the first place ...

Sugata Bose It was a vast collection of crooks that spelled the doom of mankind but it must be understood that historical conditions and rooted barbarism in masses of people distributed throughout the so-called first world that did the deal. Forget not British barbarism during the War and through the centuries preceding. So with the French, the Portuguese and the Dutch. Last of all and the most horrendous destruction of innocence was sanctioned by Truman and the Americans outdid Germany, Italy and Japan in winning the premier spot in the primitive act. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are conveniently sidelined to lay the entire blame of brutality perpetrated during the World War II on Hitler and his Nazis alone. Churchill decimated Bengal in a savage act of man-made famine that sent into oblivion over 4 million Bengalees. The horror tale may continue but suffice unto the hour will be to say that Hitler carried barbarism to its extreme ends when he launched his programme to eliminate an entire human community who he in his conceited ignorance dubbed sub-human. The Holocaust was the ultimate in satanic activity and the death-camps closest to the scriptural depiction of Hell. However, my contention still remains that events are charted out as resolutions of countless earlier episodes, present possibilities, situational exigencies and the will of the individual who symbolises for good or for evil the common will of millions who are gullible enough to believe in him. Thus, dictators arise and carry out their course of malefic action to the horror of the world and, yet, such is human folly that men make the same error again and again in reposing faith in such demoniacal beings. All things said and done, we must draw lessons from history and there is no better way to do so than to keep our minds impartial in judging past events and even personalities and regimes that have done untold damage to evolution and human progress, whose very deeds have sent the world to despair. Still, we must maintain sanity and not be content in dealing with our historical past in emotional irrational terms with scant understanding of the deeper issues that had impelled the world on to such cataclysmic episodes as the two World Wars. We must also remember that the victor ever writes the history of the world and never does he reveal all of his own misdeeds. The blame is laid on the vanquished in war and centuries pass before a semblance of the truth surfaces before an enlightened and dispassionate future citizenry who rewrite history to amend its heresies.@Anshuman Chatterjee 

Sugata Bose Must I have to listen to you or to my conscience that is dictated by Thakur himself? If you truly wish to propagate his name, then live the life he expects of you. Also stop advising me what to do or what not to do. I go by the dictates of my soul, not by arbitrary external counsel. And I am an individual by myself and do not subscribe to any particular political ideology or sociological leaning. My ideal is Thakur-Ma-Swamiji-Raja Maharaj and I will keep propagating their essence in the way I, through their grace, best deem it. @Vimal Kumar Shandilya 

Swapan Kumar Ghosh Should I not seek the refuge of Guru?

Sugata Bose Of course, you should. And you have, thus, preempted my future posts on the Guru. The Guru has been excluded from this, the enlistment of all who are co-pilgrims in this sojourn where the secrets are held in deepest chambers embedded right in the core of the spiritual heart. There the Guru dwells in conjunction with the Divine Beloved, the epitome of grace, the incarnation of mercy for the fallen one who knows not how to rise from this dark depression where duality spells its even charm and destroys all in the fullness of time. Yet, in fullness proper the Guru shows up at the gateway of life with his benign face ushering us on to a higher end where all is peace and all is bliss and all else dwell in heavenly swell. The Guru shows the Way, the disciple follows and unto him is opened up vistas never imagined, realms lying deep within his own self which career him on unto freedom. Om! Shanti! Shanti! Shanti! @Swapan Kumar Ghosh 

Swapan Kumar Ghosh I feel just overwhelmed and I know no words to explain this! 

Samya Roy For your correction Most Revered Srimat Swami Virajananda ji is a direct and one of the favorite disciple of Swami Vivekananda Maharaj

Gahanananda For your information now, let it be reiterated that Swami Virajananda was the mantra disciple of Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi and the sannyasa disciple of Swami Vivekananda. When discipleship as such is mentioned, it is always mantra discipleship that is taken into account and not sannyasa discipleship. Hence, to all intents and purposes, Swami Virajananda was Holy Mother's disciple and not the other way round as implied by you. Thanks for taking interest in these deliberations and may Thakur bless you! @Samya Roy 

Sugata Bose Krishna Neeti would be my choice, for I am a servant of Sri Krishna, the flautist perennial, whose meandering musical melodies keep up this universe in its variegated balance and whose final call, rhapsodic divine, beckons us home unto Him. @Ekartha Maharaj 

Ritwik Goswami Of course not. This is the height of fanaticism. No religious organisation is greater than our country. Ramakrishnas or vivekanandas are no longer to be found in RKM

Sugata Bose I need not answer this fallacious and arrogant comment. Let others do it for the Mission if they care to attend to such disparaging remark as such.

Ritwik Goswami Whether my learning is vain or not that time will tell. I have not called you fanatic. I have called your opinion fanatic because your judgement is based on circumstances, personal adherence & thereby one sided. My life has just started. And with regards to you I'm not biased.

Ritwik Goswami Previously I held a good opinion about you. And now you have shown how badly you react when your ego is hurt. You told me that we are gonna have intellectual deliberation? Is this the way respond to an argument which is not favorable to you? By abusing sadhguru baselessly are you doing a good job? Enough have I seen of you. Good Bye forever! Have a nice day career ahead. Iswar apnake subuddhi din. I shall never ever ever talk to you in my life

Sugata Bose My ego has not been bruised, dear Ritwik. How may it possibly be so when you are palpably such a good young person? You are entirely mistaken in your notion. Neither is there any bad blood between us on account of this slight verbal altercation. This is part of the literary discourse, albeit, a slightly off-beat one. And why will you not talk to me? Of course, I prefer it here in the open comment box so that the idea gains currency among a larger audience, although, you may complain that it thereby robs the twain in deliberation from the privacy of their dialogue. Nonetheless, dear Ritwik, do not have such misgivings about me or imagine that I denigrate any or even look down any as such, although, I prefer to be puritanical when it comes to my appreciation of any in art or culture or spirituality, the judgement being entirely mine and its recipient wholly me and me alone.

Ritwik Goswami Then you should not have made it public all of a sudden you have shifted into. And kindly ask some of your ill educated followers for disturbing me without having an iota of my knowledge behind the motive of my comment. I respect Ramakrishna or vivekananda. But I don't believe that they are hanging on trees.

Sugata Bose Ritwik, I had not made anything public as such. I never mentioned any name, much less yours, to begin with. It is you who took a sudden offence to my post and became vociferous. All my comments are made to a general audience and to none in particular. So, there is no point taking them as personal affront directed at you. I have a tremendous regard for your fervent aspiration for freedom of thinking and expression which is the democratic way ahead and, also, I feel you are an honour to have as a facebook friend and as a real life friend too, for where does one everyday come across such a luminous being as you are who can challenge the heavens, taking truth as his God and freedom as his birthright and paying no reverence to personality or institution when it comes to settling facts and coming to terms with the very truth which precarious stands under vitriolic attack?

Ritwik Goswami I'm sorry. But you should have listened to me completely before posting anything. It might happen. My love for you is increased with it. Good night

Subhas Kumar Sinha Reality underneath the virtuals ?

Sugata Bose The virtual is in essence the Real. The Real appears to be the virtual quite mysteriously, the process classically called Maya, but essentially the appearance being an appearance is by definition and in actuality a myth. There is but One and it appears as manifold reality or, should we put it this way, manifold relativistic phenomena. This universe in reality and in essence is verily Brahman. @Subhas Kumar Sinha 

Subhas Kumar Sinha There may be very many relative feelings /appearances but there should be one absolute truth.

Sugata Bose You are right, Subhas Babu, but when I say relativity, I mean the summation of all that is there to phenomena whose ultimate and substantial essence is Brahman, the one absolute Truth in which there is neither limitation nor attribute, neither condition nor binding, the One which transcends the trinity of space, time and causality and abides ever-free, the Vast Void which is the resolution of multiplicity, the Infinity which is the Zero.

Subhas Kumar Sinha What I feel that absolute is which we can not feel/experience but when manifested in Maya(like energy transfomed in to various activities ie light,sound,velocity etc) we feel it we live with it. I am just sharing my feelings.

Sugata Bose Here you are falling into the Vedantic pitfall of attributing reality to your phenomenal self which the Vedanta totally denies, holding it as an ever-shifting simmering appearance with nothing substantial to it except the Absolute Brahman which is the Witness to all of phenomena and partakes not in it. This shadowy world of feelings, perceptions and sensations the Vedanta categorically denies as being but an appearance with no subjectivity to it in so far as such perceptions are concerned and merely having baseless shifting objectivity to it in the world of multiplicity. Hence, the perceiver being not admitted as being existentially real, such relative perceptions by it are not given any credence to in Advaita Vedanta. Its verdict on the whole affair is but this : When one realises Brahman, phenomena disappear for good and all that remains is the existential residuum that is 'Tat' (That) or Brahman, to attribute the nameless one with a name for linguistic convenience. All doubts are dispelled in realisation and all knots of the heart, so to say, as the Bhagavad Geeta puts it, are cut asunder, and the Self (Atman) shines in uninhibited splendour. न तत्र सूर्यो भाति न चन्द्रतारकं
नेमा विद्युतो भान्ति कुतोऽयमग्निः।
तमेव भान्तमनुभाति सर्वं
तस्य भासा सर्वमिदं विभाति॥१५॥ @Subhas Kumar Sinha 

Debaprasad Bhattacharya Isn't the situation prevailing His Will? How much freedom does one have to turn one's mind to Him?

Sugata Bose Well, that is the standpoint of dualism, Debaprasad Babu. There the Omnipotence governs human destiny and charts out each action. But from the standpoint of non-dualism such assumptions are entirely irrelevant for it categorically denies the existence of phenomena and all that it entails as so much myth or a mysterious dream of ignorance, inexplicable on account of it being insubstantial. In the absence of an absolute reference frame within the realm of relativity, there is no valid explanation as to anything in phenomena and all attempted explanations are assumptions for human convenience that lack credible rational basis in the ultimate sense of the term. Thus, renunciation of relativity is the only way out in one's attempt to transcend, if at all possible, the dual frame and arrive at an understanding of life and reality from beyond the featured plane. But the problem cannot thus be solved as well for, the moment space-time-causality disappear in the Absolute which is the Vast Void in relative terms or the fullness of the Whole, to put it the other way round, the Will disappears too and so does divine dispensation. Hence, the dynamics of Maya lose meaning entirely and there is no more any need to establish or substantiate that which is essentially hollow. The Vedantist, thus, is appreciative of the dualist's belaboured attempts to establish over phenomena the suzerainty of his Personal God which he sees as a handy tool to deal with everyday reality but cannot quite subscribe to it from his comprehension of core consciousness as being transcendent and non-participant in this mythical phenomena. Advaita Vedanta is, thus, indulgent towards all forms of dualism and qualified non-dualism which still remains dualism of sorts, without compromising on its essential stand that all these systems are fundamentally flawed in their assumptions, hypotheses and rationalisation thereof. The Advaitist maintains that there is no way by which phenomena may be explained and its causal relations established in law as governed by a Cosmic Deity and he quits the discussion calling Maya 'anirvachaniya' (indefinable). To him the universe and its divine dispenser are non-real and, therefore, he does not feel the compulsion to explain phenomena the dualist's way. @Debaprasad Bhattacharya 

Debaprasad Bhattacharya While I fully accept your beautiful explanation, I also recall Thakur's words like 'even a leaf doesn't move without His Will', 'practice of Jnana Yoga is difficult', 'on the one hand you say So'ham and on the other, you scream when a thorn pricks' and so on. These words seem to be very practical in our day to day life, in the relative universe, one may say. Isn't it extremely difficult to transcend this relativity? But you are right, one must endeavour, otherwise one remains where he/she is. Thanks a lot. Best wishes.

Sugata Bose Yes, so it is that the great Master who we behold as the Lord and final arbiter of our terrestrial destiny decrees and we may humbly bow down to His Will, as you initially put it. There is a great joy in such submission, too, for, the dual trappings notwithstanding, the Lord's infinite compassion and, in the final analysis, boundless love make even great sages forgo dissolution into Brahman and retain ever-so-slight a distinction with the Supreme Soul to savour the divine ambrosia, yet, holding onto Self-awareness, nonetheless. For love of God at the highest level, sages say, is consonant with Self-realisation and ever so sweetening an experience for the soul that its sheer bliss the devotee cannot forsake even unto repose in the Absolute Self. The relative reality of such bliss-savouring notwithstanding, the Real remains, nonetheless, transcendent and is unaffected by all such interplay of the forces of the Divine within the realm of relativity. Interestingly, though, M had questioned the Master once as to the possibility of absolute uninterrupted blissfulness within Maya and the Master had negated such possibility, for within Maya everything is eventually fractured by the trinity of space-time-causality and is, therefore, not eternal or uninterrupted at that. The Vaishnav schools of dualism hold the eternal Krishna and His eternal devotee sporting in Golak Vrindavan eternally and, although, it is a very intoxicating and even temporarily uplifting idea for the aspirant, it, however, is fundamentally flawed in its assumptions of an arbitrary Personal God and his eternal personal associates sporting in an eternal transcendental realm. So far as the Divine Will is concerned, it cannot be expressed except through the realm of the senses which is fraught with primal error of dual perception with no base to stand on. Hence, even this Divine Will cannot be accepted as the ultimate nor can the Personal God, despite our conditioned preference for it, be deemed the supreme. Words confound but deep thought tending to realisation gets an inkling of the Real which is ultimately comprehended in what is termed 'Aparokshaanubhuti' or the immediate realisation, that is, unconditioned comprehension devoid of relative reference frame. For practical purposes, though, it is fruitful for the while to ascend the ladder of relativity through the use of dualistic props and supports but then such a process will be long and winding and with no certitude of eventual resolution unto the Absolute. However, we are commoners by hypnotic constant assertion and, so, choose to repose faith in a make-believe-theology with no rational basis or philosophical basis at that. Our humdrum terrestrial existence requires the fulfilment of a plethora of desires whose fulfilment if truly attempted would lead to social chaos which would be the very antithesis of what society is structured for, order and collective well-being. Hence, out of this social necessity, human ingenuity has manufactured religion, rituals, laws, modes, mores and manners and even what one may term 'social religion' with its ethics and morality and justice and righteousness. Sharp divisions have arisen between good and evil, right and wrong, fairness and foulness, with divisions sharpening and blurring in alternate bands in the spectrum of time and terrestrial evolution. These have been attributed to the Divine Will by sages and thinkers and debunked too by other scholars and savants who have reposed no faith in theological assumptions. The protagonists of duality have averred that the Personal God may be apprehended by the clarified vision bereft of all material contamination and have affirmed that their faith in their God is not an assumption but a verified and verifiable fact of spiritual experience. One such supernal soul was Ramakrishna Paramahamsa who soul the veritable laboratory for the testing of all the affirmations of all the religions of the world down the ages and whose realisations thereof we cannot disregard simply as so much gibberish fr his life testifies to a higher order of spiritual enlightenment where all the streams of spiritual thinking have met and coalesced into a vast confluence of the soul. Still, we must be rationally sound and cannot throw caution to the winds in our reasonableness when comprehending that which is supposedly the essence of all, the Absolute, if at all there be such an ultimate reality, the sceptic would quip in. Realisation then, Debaprasad Babu, is at the heart of the matter and the only resolver of such an enigma as the sensory universe is and we may choose to play schoolboy games at interpretation of phenomena without realising that this truth eludes language, formulation, reason and all the 'dual throng'. The Real laughs as Relativity plots its downfall and Relativity clings to the Real even though they are parallels that never meet, and such is Maya, Debaprasad Babu.

Nilanjana Chakraborty Consciousness works like a torch , supreme self operates the switch , god himself remains inside like the cell, karma determines the journey.

Sugata Bose Brilliant! What profundity of thinking, what articulation of thought! This single comment, Nilanjana Chakraborty, encapsulates the gamut of dualistic spiritual thinking.

Sugata Bose Very well-written. Gives us a greater insight into the mind of Nehru. Thanks for your labour in producing this piece and looking forward to more. P.S. The style is lucid, the matter very well-organised and the thought so clear that one could get the palpable sense of the whole episode of Nehru's dalliance with his ladies. @Utpal Aich

Sugata Bose Brilliant. A masterful account. Your writing grows better by the day and we keep getting enriched by a feast of fresh insights into the happenings of those turbulent days when our nation was in the ferment of new-founded formation. @Utpal Aich

Sugata Bose It is not Yoga, it is Yog and must be pronounced as such. It is time to rectify these aberrations.

Susan Baker I believe my soul was joined In Marriage,,,,marriage is a sacrament.

Sugata Bose That is the ideal and you are the lucky one to have been thus blessed in marriage. But the body still comes in the way and spirituality must eschew temporal relations beyond a point. Post God-realisation, a marriage, only spiritually consummated, may lead to what is termed Madhur Bhava or the sweetened mode of divine love where distinction between the souls in love almost disappears save what must be for the savouring of love, but that is a very high ideal which few ever attain and is quite beyond the reach of unrealised lay souls. Thus, it is enjoined in the scriptures that marriage must be kept progressively within the bounds of chastity for it to fructify in mutual advance to the spiritual goal of transcendence of body-consciousness and the realisation of the Self which is beyond all duality. @Susan Baker 

Debaprasad Bhattacharya I wholeheartedly support your proposal. I also wish the Universities reintroduced in the graduate courses the highly inspirational life stories of eminent scientists and other great men.

Sugata Bose Yes, the history of science in India may be introduced as a supplementary course (unless, of course, it is already there) where these biographical studies of our great scientists may find place in the curriculum and that, as you have rightly pointed out, will serve as inspiration and as a beacon for future seminal work in science in India. @Debaprasad Bhattacharya 

Jay Saha Accidentally i found this page one day. I have gone through only a few pieces of you. But I feel like blown away each time I read you.

Sugata Bose I feel humbled by your appreciation and touched by the thought that there are kindred souls who feel alike as I do. And herein lies the great hope for our motherland as she struggles to shake off the inertia of the past and seeking nourishment from all that is glorious in her heritage and all that she can absorb of the best in all traditions in the wide world, she will rise yet to her pristine heights of civilisational excellence and go beyond to touch higher heights of perfection. Thank you for being a perceptive reader and hope to hear from you in the future as well for in the hands of the youth of this nation lies her destiny and her hope of a renascent return to her spiritual well-being. @ Jay Saha 

Jay Saha I feel thankful and honoured by your gesture of replying me and that too with such kind words. Your profound understanding of our motherland and the way of humanity as a whole, your concern about things that really matter specially in a time when rehtoric has taken over genuine questions and ornamental designs of intellect garner more accolades than deeper Inquisition, above all you style and command over language make you a perfect ambassador of the future way of human kind that Swamiji has envisaged. I am so happy to see someone saying things which need to be spoken and the way they need to be spoken. You hit a thinking mind but with gentle strokes ! More power to you. 

Debaprasad Bhattacharya Isn't it unfortunate that while every sane person agrees to this theory, very few works out to actualize it in life?

Sugata Bose Absolutely so. Words, words, words galore, frothy flimsy articulate gibberish that do not change a bit of the actual state of things but, yet, Debaprasad Babu, we keep at it in the hope that some kindred soul may respond to the plea and bring about some worthwhile change in his or her life that may help society in a tangible way, however mean the measure it may be though. I keep on writing as I burn within to see the plight of people, in the hope that a few will gather round this nucleus of the idea and garner resources to help the needy and so advance the cause of evolving humanity wherever it be. Most of my pleas may fall of deaf ears as each one, trapped in Maya, that is, the exigencies of life, may but glance through my written word casually without a real bother as to the intent therein, but there are conscientious souls like you, Debaprasad Babu, as well and they may also be a considerable number even if in the minority in relation to the vast populace of unconcerned humanity, who will start at least a verbal conversation among kith and kin in their bid to start a movement that may only grow in momentum if persistence at it there be. I must say that I do feel immensely hopeful that in today's world of internet communication there are ample ways of reaching out to people and so gathering a band of unselfish workers across the globe who will take up my ideas which are the resolution of all that humanity has thought already, the seminal ideas of saints and savants of bygone eras, and work them out in the field of their life's work. Do help me in this cause Debaprasad Babu in whatever manner you can and exhort your known ones who may be sharing the same spirit as you to do likewise. I remain ever indebted to you, Sugata Bose

Sugata Bose Conversion invariably leads to spiritual degradation when done to increase numbers which proselytisation fundamentally aims at.

Ekartha Maharaj Absolutely correct

Ekartha Maharaj This is the reason why the Christian tradition has not produced even one spiritual giant in their history of more than two thousand years in India, a land of spirituality; where as Ramakrishna Math and Mission has produced more than a hundred spiritual giants in their history of just a hundred years.

Sugata Bose You, Pradipa Mukherjee, have been true to the cause in your single-minded unobtrusive way, ever giving a 'like' hither, thither a comment but never quitting the scene altogether citing calls of current compulsion. Such steadiness of effort without blazoning oneself is the fruit of inner discipline and a modicum of renunciation that is the salt of whatever worthwhile we undertake in life. Your support for and adherence to the cause for which I strive by the hour is a priceless gift for which I ardently offer you my thanksgiving. May God grant you a healthy and blessed life culminating in His vision! God bless you, Pradipa Mukherjee!

Pradipa Mukherjee Thank you, so much sir! In fact, you've left me speeches by already mentioning the word 'thanksgiving'. Actually, I feel it's. my duty to be by your side and dedicate more of my time, education , energy and other potentials if I have so. Please don't thank me for actions which I am bound to be committed to. I pray to god to give you a long, healthy and blessed life to continue to serve the nation unconditionally as you are doing now! Thank you for making me proud and honored.

Sugata Bose Brilliant stuff, Jnanojjwal Babu.

Jnanojjwal Saha Mine is brilliant? Please don't blesh me. Your write up is far far better on many counts. Your one track mind that you put in is most unwavering with well balanced agressiveness that it demands is more worth reading. Secondly your erudition. I am nowhere on this count. Thirdly your composition invokes others to join the league which I cannot. Mine is just babbling. Still I find mysef obsessed to scribble and that prompts me to tread. And that's all. Khub bhalo thakben.

Sugata Bose Gad Saad, you must interview the Indian politician and erstwhile Harvard professor, Dr. Subramanian Swamy, once. He is very articulate about the issues you talk about and has strong convictions and views on the subject. His views will be interesting to know on the gamut of issues that you discuss, especially, when an erudite like you converses with him. You will get a perspective on the Indian angle to this contentious issue which has already cost India so much, never forgetting the Partition of the country and the horrors attending it.

Parvathi Sutha Nanjunda Kumar Its not in the name of religious its in the name of human development & naturalism. You people without knowledge don't put messages.

Sugata Bose Parvathi Sutha Nanjunda Kumar, do not attempt to be so peremptory in your denunciation without knowing me or people like me. Hence, keep your counsel to yourself and stick to your own timeline. Anyone with eyes open may see what is going on all around and why. Religions profoundly influence human action and behaviour for they are a huge cultural influence and cannot be so separated as you do by high sounding other words thereby in no way managing to disprove what I said. At any rate learn to pick the grain from the chaff and see the bigger picture and empathise with the afflicted instead of embarking on your high-sounding proselytising of men like me who speak up for the ones that are suffering. Also, do some research on a person and his motivations and aims before passing facile judgement on him for in doing so you will verily prove your credentials as a man of knowledge which evidently has been your aim here and not to empathise with the poor victims of honour-killing nor to condemn such barbaric practice. I rest my case here hoping that you will see sanity soon and stop making callous remarks like you have made against me and my ilk. May God bless you with reasonableness and civility to address in future unknown human beings better and not to break off outright into a tirade against them, assuming the self-anointed status of their teacher and, hence, rightful and righteous critic. Jai Hind!

Parvathi Sutha Nanjunda Kumar Sorry for my comment & I know people are using religious for their greediness & prestige.

Sugata Bose Thank you so much, Parvathi Sutha Nanjunda Kumar. I feel humbled by your humility and remain indebted to you for your expression thereof. God bless you with health, happiness and eventually His blessed vision!

Maj Gen Gagandeep Bakshi Just visited startford on avon - it was a lyrical experience especially the brilliant colours of the town.

Sugata Bose Glad to hear that you visited the birthplace of the Bard and gathered so much from your exposure to the vibrations the place may be having of this genius of geniuses. And what a wonderful work you are doing for defending the rights of India in the rightful manner! With the defence of India will come in future the greatness of the nation in every field, even literature.

We have had a long historical experience of excellence in the fields of the arts and the sciences and we must revive that tradition in its truest spirit to enhance the civilisation of our motherland yet.

Maj Gen Gagandeep Bakshi, you are a stupendous soul, for even at this advanced age you are firing your salvos in the interests of our nation and you do so not merely from patriotic zeal born out of natural commitment to one's country of birth or habitat but from a deep understanding of its essential ethos that has sustained it through millenia. God bless you with health and happiness and continued vigour at the service of the motherland!

Maj Gen Gagandeep Bakshi Thank you so much indeed - that is fulsome praise. are you an indian?

The Bard of Avon I am Sugata BoseMaj Gen Gagandeep Bakshiji.

Etherkana Saha You are youself, that's fine for me.

Alok Sarkar Fabulous write-up. Calumny is a vice of curious constitution, trying to kill it keeps it alive; leave it to itself and it will die a natural death.

Indrajit Dutt Please do not get disturbed on this point as it has happened with few famous persons too where the other gentleman who was not so famous wanted to gain reputation at the cost of the other.. The incident that I have in mind is our own Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay, whose book sale not only decreased but close fans were questioning on the qualitative degradation of his story writing because of the other writer having same name. This led to Saratbabu's photograph pasted in all his further editions.

Sugata Bose What is your implication? Who do you think I am?

Indrajit Dutt Sugata Bose No implication please- just to assuage your agonies.

Sugata Bose Indrajit Babu, I hope you at least realise that I am not the TMC MP historian Sugata Bose, that I am quite another Sugata Bose of humbler attainments. By the way, in case you have any misapprehension as well as to my identity, I have posted several photographs of mine to dispel illusions and reiterate that my cover photograph and profile photograph are both mine and mine alone.

Indrajit Dutt Sugata Bose I do not have any such apprehensions. I met you at Gadadhar Ashram and know you well.
Sugata Bose Oh, I did not quite recall it because of countless fb friends, but now I well recall once you have set my memory along the right channel. I hope you are doing well for I have not been able to visit the Math since a long time. @Indrajit Dutt 

Nilanjana Roy Ki joralo bhasa..apurbo
Nilanjana Roy Ki apurbo kotha GURUDEB..apurbo lekhoni..sommohito kore rakhe.

Vivekajat Shatru Sugata Da I volunteer with few NGOS working for school children and during discussions I ask them to name one freedom fighter each with out repeating already mentioned name by each student...I am very dejected to know that only Mahatama Gandhi, Pt Nehru, Bhagat Singh Rajguru and Sukhdev comes to their minds and process stops there by me telling them to read about few more like... Irony is there a scracity of quality biographical books.

Sugata Bose True indeed as to the paucity of knowledge children have about these seminal revolutionaries. But books there are, only they are not so much in public circulation. What indeed you can do is to buy a few of these books, make synoptic notes from there and present such in lucid language before the school children. This, I feel, will bear fruit. Jai Hind! @Vivekajat Shatru

Etherkana Saha You are a much followed personality. Can you not help us come together in this endeavour. A small request.

Sugata Bose Of course, I can and I will if you kindly consent to it. @Etherkana Saha

Etherkana Saha Yes. Mr Bose.

Etherkana Saha Hope I too can be a part of this secular movement.

Sugata Bose You already are doing supportive work and you can intensify your effort if you stay in active communication with me in this regard. Moreover, a word of clarification from my side. Ours is by no means a secular movement, for the word 'secular' implies a materialistic non-spiritual entity while ours is a pronouncedly spiritual movement. @Etherkana Saha

Etherkana Saha I stand corrected.

Sugata Bose Modern messiahs may make spiritual attainment appear easy for they are commercially inclined but it remains as difficult as ever.

Ritwik Goswami Absolutely true

Ritwik Goswami You should take shelter of Srimati Radhe Maa!

Sugata Bose Who is she? Is the Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi not shelter sufficient? Other than the great divine incarnations, I prefer to take refuge with none. My Atman is refuge enough.

Ritwik Goswami Radhe ma is our contemporary and very much friendly.

Sugata Bose Would she consider taking refuge with me instead?

Ritwik Goswami No no Sir. Don't take her as refuge. She can be dangerous! !

Sugata Bose No, I have no faith in any of the so-called Gurus of treacherous eminence operating in the field of what once used to be called dharmakshetra, not even the ones perfectly camouflaged behind verbosity and sacrilege under cover.

Sugata Bose Good work, Deepanwita. This spirit of mutual help and service rendered at the right time to the right person is what will be the future element of glorious nation-building.

Sugata Bose Beautifully put it, Wordsmith! Expecting more of these illumined lines from you.

Sugata Bose What a vast and subtle perception, Wordsmith! Even the expression here is so lyrical. You have struck the right chord in so very few words. Carry on please and delight us with more of your articulate artistry.

Sugata Bose Few can alliterate so well, Wordsmith. You are quite a master of this art. However, balance and lyricism remain the key to the overall effect the artist would love to produce in the musical mind of his audience.

Wordsmith Rana It's really an honour to cherish with love and gratification, to elicit feedback from an enormously erudite scholar like u, whose writing can't but enthral and enthuse all sensitive souls by it's mellowed music and lyrical limpidity. Thanks so much Mr. Sugata Bose.

Sugata Bose You are such a wonderful writer, so full of sincere feel for every word you say. @Etherkana Saha

Etherkana Saha I feel more than I can write.

Sugata Bose Ah! How beautifully you put it, precise, apt, true! @Etherkana Saha

Etherkana Saha Thanks Mr.Bose

Sugata Bose Perfect. Hit the hammer right on the head of the nail. @Etherkana Saha

Etherkana Saha Your inspiration Sir.

Sugata Bose How sympathetic the words are, so full of living light and inspiration that will encourage all to rise up into loving action for others in which shall true self-success constitute! @Etherkana Saha

Etherkana Saha Your comments are blessing for me, sir.

Sugata Bose Not only that. I am it seems the first and the only one thus far even to give a 'like' and a 'comment' to the shared post here. Let me see how many follow suit. Thank you, Debaprasad Babu, for sporting the courage and honesty to share this revealing post.

Sugata Bose A very happy birthday to you, Satyendra Singhji! You are such an honour to have as friend, philosopher, well-wisher and guide when the senses are clouded and reason seems to desert one. May God fulfil you in life and shower His graces on you for you truly deserve no less!

Satyendra Singh Thanks a lot Sugata Ji.... I'm blessed to have a learned person like you as my friend.

Sugata Bose Thank you so much for making your selection. The 254 scored by Sobers at Melbourne for the Rest of the World Eleven against Australia stands out in epic memory. @Mohit Kumar De 

Dipyaman Chakrabarti যে পেজের লিঙ্ক শেয়ার করেছেন, সে পেজের কভারে লেখা “হিন্দুস্তান শুধু হিন্দুদের”। তা এই ধরণের কথা বার্তা স্বামীজী কবে বলেছেন শুনি যে আপনি বেমালুল এই গ্রুপে পোস্ট করে দিলেন।

Sugata BoseGroup AdminI found nothing unconstitutional or objectionable articulated in the video I have shared. So, your questioning me falls flat due to lack of rational basis. Instead of questioning me you ought to be more concerned about your Kashmiri Pandit brethren's plight at the hands of the perpetrators of the terrible perfidy that was enacted in such a gruesome manner which has left them homeless for three decades thence. So far as Swamiji is concerned, I think I have studied him well enough not to require your assumed wisdom about the great man's ideas and philosophy and work thereof in practice. So, henceforth, keep your wisdom to yourself, lest you transgress limits of propriety. @ Dipyaman Chakrabarti 

Dipyaman Chakrabarti ওসামা বিন লাদেন ও বিশ্ব উষ্ণায়ন নিয়ে প্রবন্ধ লিখেছেন। কাল আপনি তার লেখা শেয়ার করে বলুন যে “আমি তো প্রবন্ধ টায় অসাংবিধানিক কিছু পাইনি”

Dipyaman Chakrabarti ও আর “জশ্ন এ আজাদী” বলে একটা তথ্যচিত্র দেখবেন। পরিচালনা সঞ্জয় কাক-এর। উনি কাশ্মীরি পণ্ডিত। শ্রীনগরে আজন্ম আছেন। আপনার অনুপম খের কদিন নিজে কাশ্মীরে থেকেছেন শুনি যে এই ভিডিওতে নিজের নাম করে চালিয়ে দিল। ১৯৮৭ সালে উনি তখন বম্বের বি গ্রেড ছবিতে নায়িকার সাথে কমর দুলিয়ে মোচ্ছব করছেন। পন্ডিতদের বর কর্তা কবে থেকে হলেন।

Sugata Bose What is your problem with the video, can you tell me, Dipyaman Chakrabarti? Are you not making extraneous assertions? I am concerned only with the content of the video and not to anything else that you seem to suggest.

Tapan Kumar Chatterjee Pranam Maharaj
Ashis Acharjee Pronam maharaj

Sugata Bose I find it utterly strange that no one says a word about the great cricketer, India's jewel, Sunil Gavaskar, except Swami Nikhileswarananda himself who is evidently expressing his delight at meeting the maestro. This post is not about the Swami, the central character here is Sunil Gavaskar. Is this proper appreciation of a post, quite out of context to what its import is?

Ashis Acharjee সুনীল গভসকর কিংবদন্তি কিকেটার তাকে জানাই আন্তরিক ধন্যবাদ ।মহারাজ কে আমার ভক্তি পূর্ণ প্রনাম

Sugata Bose Ei ti thik thik hoyechhe. Dhanyabaad apnake.

Etherkana Saha Sunil Gavaskar, a jewel on India's crown.

Sugata Bose Alas, if all understood this and stopped doing their inevitable rounds of routine devotion! How opposed to all this Swamiji would have been that men of eminence and rare genius should so get shadowed by superficial devotion of so-called devotees, articulated in terms of the routine rigmarole of ineffectual words! @Etherkana Saha

Etherkana Saha Thanks Sir for being so explicit.

Sourav Mishra The litmus test does not lies in dispelling delusions but how many are capable of getting the yoga of atma parmatma and getting the disciple meet the Param Brahm.

Sugata Bose You have, perhaps, misapprehended the meaning of the word 'delusion' and not quite apprehended its phenomenal sweep and import. Hence, your disagreement with my lines, although, I very much think your own thoughts are in the right line. @Sourav Mishra 

Sourav Mishra Thanks for acknowledging my point of view.

Wordsmith Rana A spiritually subversive stance is manifestly explicit in such thunderous voice. Hope it would help to regenerate the spiritually sterile souls.

Sugata Bose This is in reference to the scripture of a religion that warns damnation if anyone dares to self-interpret its verses which thereby runs in contradiction to or variance of any sort with the conventional interpretation of the same by scholars hallowed through tradition. Fearless and individual liberty are the essential features that ought to adorn the character of the spiritual or intellectual seeker irrespective of the hurdles that hinder one's advancement unto the truth. @ Wordsmith Rana 

Wordsmith Rana Thanks for your elucidation. According to my assumption, obsessively obstinate bigots, sans spiritual perceptivity can, only be intolerant of the liberal, dissenting voice in terms of scriptural interpretation. As this group of men wallow in spiritual darkness and sterility, as opposed to true spiritual experiences, which you have so stirringly stressed on your writing.

Swapan Kumar Ghosh Only Truthfullness is the way to Heaven.

Wordsmith Rana Such lofty social vision appears harmonised appropriately with the the brilliance of your diction. You are simply incomparable, Mr.Sugata Bose!

Wordsmith Rana Such supreme spiritual suffusion, as envisaged by the brilliant writer, Mr.Sugata Bose, stands in sharp opposition to a ruthlessly materialistic society of the contemporary time. Hope his spiritually-surcharged vision can help reconstitute the socio-cultural matrix in an idealised way by dissolving the dross from within.
Sugata Bose Who says all this but one who himself is an adept in the art of writing? We all know how well you write, Wordsmith, a literal craftsman with words as your name eminently suggests as well.
Mohit Kumar De I fully agree.Thank. goodness now I have someone whose views are in unison with those of mine. Yes Sir Frank Worrell is the cricketer of all cricketers. Once you have seen him you cannot forget him.Sugata Bose My humanitarian views are not at variance with yours. Only when the composition of a team is concerned, where skill and positional expertise are of prime consideration, do they differ at times from yours, for you veritably care not so much for team composition as you care for some other character traits which cannot for sure be considered during team selection. @ Mohit Kumar De 

Mohit Kumar De Your humanitarian views are may be different but he was very popular with Calcutta Crowd. I always try to judge a person from the point of humanity. How humane is he? That is my first question. Then comes his professional conduct. There was an incidentand Sur Worrrl had to ask for an apology where the gateman could not allow him to go in as the entry it was not meant for the cricketers. We all remember the day as we were is queue to buy a ticket.. it speaks volumes for his character. Mohit Kumar De Were in a queueMohit Kumar De The difficilty is that I cannot edit any moreSugata Bose I said my humanitarian views are not at variance with yours. However, team selection does not look at humanitarian attributes but on the skill of the player concerned at the position he has to function in. If this simple thing I have not yet been able to impress upon you, I give up the attempt thereof. This conversation began with your suggestion of the replacement of Gavaskar by Kapil Dev and Malcolm Marshall by Richie Benaud, both of which were dubious ideas in view of the fact that the World XI needed two specialist openers and did not need three specialist leg-spinners as Warne and O'Reilly were already there in the team. Now, Worell I have mentioned in a different context altogether but you have drawn the present discussion from our supposed agreement or disagreement on the earlier issue of selection of the World XI. There being no connection between these two entirely separate cases, I tried to bring a semblance of sanity to my points but seeing that you are unaware of my selection predicament and the imperatives thereof which do not brook humanity as prime concern but rather skill and expertise at the desired level, I find it an exercise in futility to continue verbal deliberation anymore regarding this issue and beat an honourable retreat for civility's sake.@ Mohit Kumar De
Sugata Bose Superb, Ashraful Islam! This is the way. Now let the two nations unite in fraternal bond in the name of Netaji and his overwhelmingly humanitarian ideal. You have, Ashraful, done us all so very proud. God bless you and your glorious endeavour! May it see the luminous morrow which awaits us all on the 23rd of January in the coming year!

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