Saturday 30 September 2017


 1. Dr. Jayanta Choudhuri is afire with the inspiration that is Netaji, athirst for justice for his cause and in pain for the martyrs of Neelgunj and Jhikargaccha.

2. Rajyashree Chaudhury is an activist full of the fire of genuine love for Netaji. Valorous, committed to the core, Netaji is her living God.

3. Bijoy Nag, nephew of Leela (Nag) Roy, had met Bhagawanji for a decade and affirms it for certain that he is Netaji.

4. Dr. Jayanta Choudhuri continues to lead the crusade for the disclosure of the whole truth about Netaji and not pleasing parts of it.

5. Blood-relation to Netaji counts for nothing. It is soul-relation that is paramount and character-formation the test of it.

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