1. This hankering for fleeting fame, this pursuit of pleasure profane, this attachment to the worldly life, call you this being religious?
2. In a world of declining human culture consequent on it entering the fourth phase of social evolution, the phase of the proletariat, it is binding on us to uphold all that is best in civilisation, to preserve all that is purest in human heritage. The legacy of the past is the hope for the future, aided and added unto by the endeavour of the present. Left to itself, in a world of proliferating mediocrity and increasing sense-satisfaction, continuity of the pristine principles of civilisation is doubtlessly in danger and it needs effective awareness and action thereof to prevent extinction of the sublime attributes handed down to us by our ancestors. Each one of us has, therefore, a duty towards the preservation of culture failing which we shall perish as a people in this age of increasing power and diminishing wisdom. Let us then live up to the hopes and aspirations of the generations gone by and the human requirements of the generations yet unborn.
3. Continuing westernisation is the sign of cultural slavery and a hangover of the colonial past. Ignorance of indigenous culture, one's heritage and civilisational values lends credence to one's credulous clinging to a culture foreign to the soil and unsuited to one's particular requirements for effective evolution. Debasing oneself to imitate others or absorbing all that is worst in contrary cultures of one's erstwhile colonial masters is tantamount to perpetuating one's own degraded state of self-oblivion and its consequent evils. It is time we learn as a nation to take pride in our heritage and cease to identify ourselves as Macaulay's children, for, indeed, we can never succeed in being so, knowing in our secret hearts that we are, after all, children of our beloved motherland with her hoary heritage ever beckoning us on to her bosom where we may seek nourishment.
4. Those that cannot understand the greatness of the revolutionaries who sacrificed their all to free us from bondage to the British are themselves cowards, men of feeble blood to whom virility is an alien entity. These are the ones that are perpetuating the myth of our freedom having been won by non-violent means and are distorting history to the detriment of our nation. it is time to 'shake off this sterile curse' and embark upon rewriting the true narrative of India's freedom movement, nay, the whole of Indian history, so that we find a footing in what truly is India's heritage and culture, the true ethos for which India must render account to the rest of humanity.
5. What is needed is realisation, not frothy talk devoid of character to back it up. Realisation is the soul of religion. He alone penetrates the masses with the word of power who has lived the life. Therefore, my friends, take this spiritual idea up and actuate its potential for life-transformation by living the life.
6. In a false world of fake identity, false relations and futile hopes, the only truth is the Self within that defies all dual distinction.
7. The problem with the super-Gurus of the day is that they pretend to know the answers to almost all the questions that beset man when in reality they know none. They are as ignorant as the rest of us but are smart enough to outsmart us. It is low cunning and not knowledge that characterises their pretentious selves and this nefarious trend in the 'spiritual' market must be strongly combated to save our spiritual traditions from falling into ruin. The masses are gullible, weak and prone to suggestions who are unduly exploited by these mercenaries among men masquerading as messiahs. Deft usage of language, crafty camouflaging of intention and connivance with corrupt politicians who bank on these fake philosophers to garner votes, have virtually reduced the ancient practice of the free giving of spiritual knowledge to the masses to a thriving market so very characteristic of crony capitalism of a variant kind. Resistance there must be to this decadent trend and spirituality, free and pure, unpolluted, pristine, must be rescued from the evil grip of these dangerous debauchees, these goon-like god-men, these perverse practitioners of self-styled spiritualism.
8. Eating, drinking and making merry --- is there no end to this routine foolishness despite the ever-advancing threat of death? Must we wake up when it is time to sleep for good or will we die in utter oblivion of the golden truths of life, masses of ignorance dumped by the cruel hand of eventual fate? Reflect while yet time is, else, the moments will slip away and life will wither into nothingness.
9. Are we a sovereign State? Then why are we member of the British Commonwealth which has the British monarch as its head? How may we even claim to be a Republic when we as a nation subscribe to membership of an entity headed by royalty?
10. There is much of man that lies within the senses, there is much that lies beyond. Hence, the tug and tussle, hence, the victory-defeat.
11. Steer clear of attachment if you wish to be spiritual. The only attachment should be to the One within, free and pure.
12. Desire for progeny, desire for wealth and desire for fame --- these three plague the mind of man. Beyond these lies the longing for God. Then peace is, then wisdom is, then health and beauty and all that are worthwhile in conjunction come and settle on the being in repose, in rest.
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