Friday, 1 September 2017


Sugata Bose But the Geeta also enjoins righteous war to establish dharma (righteousness).

Sugata Bose No, not at all. The Geeta is an illumined text, the scripture which is the articulated essence of the Vedas. It is universal in scope and is the harmony of all contradictions of life and the spirit whereas the Quran is an absolutist text full of violent verses, completely exclusive in outlook, intolerant and bigoted. There is simply no comparison of it with the Geeta which stands like the Himalaya towering over all molehills. Moreover, the Geeta is not merely articulated by Sri Krishna but is also the revelation flowing through Him when He was yogarurha (seated atop spiritual union). Hence, the Geeta is as valid as a revealed scripture as the Vedas and the Upanishads. But my earlier statement stands in point of fact for the Geeta is the scriptural authorisation for Arjun to go into war against the evil forces of the day to eliminate evil from Aryavarta and to establish dharma.

Sugata Bose Sir, it will be fine if we in our individual capacity start studying the Geeta and propagating the same after living the life enjoined upon the aspirant and the citizen in it by the great Master Sri Krishna.

Sugata Bose The Sanatan Dharma does not lay any emphasis on proselytisation as Christianity and Islam do. Offence comes from expansionist tendency in religion interspersed with politics. Defence comes from the imperative of self-preservation. When defence is rendered entirely impossible through dialogue, deliberation, discussion and mutual adjustment, that is through peaceful means, the Geeta enjoins righteous war to resolve the issue, but ever in the upholding of virtue in human society and never in infringement of others' rights.

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