Saturday 9 September 2017


In a world of declining human culture consequent on it entering the fourth phase of social evolution, the phase of the proletariat, it is binding on us to uphold all that is best in civilisation, to preserve all that is purest in human heritage. The legacy of the past is the hope for the future, aided and added unto by the endeavour of the present. Left to itself, in a world of proliferating mediocrity and increasing sense-satisfaction, continuity of the pristine principles of civilisation is doubtlessly in danger and it needs effective awareness and action thereof to prevent extinction of the sublime attributes handed down to us by our ancestors. Each one of us has, therefore, a duty towards the preservation of culture failing which we shall perish as a people in this age of increasing power and diminishing wisdom. Let us then live up to the hopes and aspirations of the generations gone by and the human requirements of the generations yet unborn.   

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